Quote Originally Posted by scalabrine:
Dont you find it the least bit disturbing that you are the only one on your side? Everybody else CANT be wrong. That means you are having delusions of grandeur.
The very same day you made this post, someone was agreeing with me about balance in these forums in another thread. Looks like I'm not the only one. Now what? Is two good? Jay agrees with me. Is three sufficient? OGMike has called out the posters advocating racism too. Four good? Should I go on? No. If I came up with 400 you'd say there were 40,000 members who disagree and that pales in comparison. No use really arguing this. Proving you wrong on the 'only' bit was though.
How to you know Trayvon wasnt into drugs or robbery? Its IMPOSSIBLE for you to be 100% certain. Please admit that it is at least a possibility. Can you at least do that?
No. Because it will have no outcome on this case and justifies nothing, especially not a murder. It also feeds into the mass racial stereotype that all blacks are drug dealers and 'thugs' as you willfully embrace along with the idiot OP. It also gives whites a reason to 'suspect' Trayvon of wrongdoing on a walk home just like Zimmerman did WHICH LEAD TO THE SHOOTING. Watch who you are siding with before you type.
And also, where does this 100% certain requirement come in? Court cases are NEVER decided by 100% certainty. That is why I would find it very dangerous that you are a potential jury member for any case in your county.
Then you put words in Apaches mouth. He never said the media shouldnt focus on Trayvons case, he merely pointed out that a black man killed and raped an 85 year old white woman but it never made national attention because the whites in Tulsa didnt threaten to riot.

I did? He said a lot more about Trayvon Martin including all the slurs promoted by Neo-Nazi groups (all of which were false). He also said the rape 'never got much attention' which was referring to the MEDIA in relation to the Trayvon case (which was 'stirring up shit'), which was his lead in in his post. He wasn't referring to the 'attention' at his local fucking cafe where he has a cup of joe among the other dopes he rubs shoulders with.
READ a POST AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN before typing something that makes little sense and wastes my time.
Apache is a good dude, he was simply trying to state that this case has been retardedly magnified when there are much more heinous crimes being committed out there, including the 2 white snipers. See, its not just about race with me, it the crime as a whole.
Well I think he's an idiot, along with yourself.
Would you not agree, if you read both stories and didnt know races, that 2 elderly people being raped and killed would be worse than a 17 year old being shot on the street?
No, I wouldn't and neither would anyone else who was reasonable because the ONLY REASON this case made national news was because THERE WAS NO ARREST and it called into question a 'Stand Your Ground' which allows one person to kill another when they feel threatened (which is lunacy in itself).
The combination of the two caused the national controversy coupled with a non-black/black murder (originally reported in the police report, also botched, as a white on black crime) coupled with a botched police case as whole. That goes far beyond a 'rape' which happens thousands of times every year in this country no matter how heinous you think it is.
You are literally wasting your life. That was the dumbest shit Ive ever read. You avoided answering EVERY question and turned it around to being racist drivel/propoganda.
I asked if it was possible if Trayvon was a druggie and a robber, not having anything to do with the case or courts or trials. Nothing. Simple question. Is it
possible that is true? You said it was 100% false. How can you possibly know that?
Whos "advocating racism"? We are talking about 3rd party events of which the details are also coming 2nd hand. You yourself found out what happens when you rush to judgement when you claimed Zimmerman was white, simply because you read it. Pot....meet kettle.
Trayvons case is nationwide, the elderly rape/murder is local or state only. That was his point. Reading is fundamental Scal. Try harder.
"That goes far beyond a 'rape' which happens thousands of times every year in this country no matter how heinous you think it is."
..........Are you fucking serious? Now you are lumping all rape into the same category? 1,000s of times a year two senior citizens are murdered and 1 of the ones is an 85 year old lady that gets raped beforehand? Never read about all those cases. 1 black teen shot.....happens all the time, usually by other blacks (90% of the time which is a FACT). How come those arent on CNN?
I asked you to take race out of each equation to tell me which was worse and you wouldnt because you cant because you are a racist. I didnt ask about what happened after the crimes were committed. You think 2 people being murdered and one of them raped as well is the same or less than 1 person being killed simply because they didnt arrest anyone? How fucked up is that logic? Say Zimmerman and the guy that killed and raped the 2 elderly people both committed suicide afterwards. Still equal crimes?
Open those eyes Scal. The world isnt all black and white, theres a whole rainbow you're missing.