Fair and Balanced.
That's what you get when you open a thread like this.
And are these riots really that remarkable? That depends on your point of view. To me they are not of course. To others here, it is 'shocking' when it is presented like it is below.
While the nation was on pins and needles for now nearly over five weeks, intensely worried that there might be a 'mob uprising' in the Black community in Sanford and elsewhere, the first nationally reported riots came after, wait for it, the NCAA championship basketball game.
These fears were disseminated and stoked daily on conservative news outlets and websites, and were meant to degrade the Black community as one that couldn't control itself, and one that just wouldn't let justice 'run its course.'
Of course, that spin is complete hogwash. Without the peaceable protest from Blacks and Whites and others in the Sanford community and elsewhere, and the disgust from virtually all races and ethnicities because of the initial outcome of the case (no arrest), which included anger and outrage as a smoking gun was blown out over a dead black teen's body, (the Sanford police fully compliant in letting Zimmerman walk based on his word in the face of massive amounts of evidence both collected and uncollected), this case would have simply faded away like the windblown seeds of an early spring dandelion.
Earlier last month, I had a thread addressing these 'race riots' which I identified in the OP as protest (with the unfortunate result of posters even failing to read that, that is, the OP...yes the OP wasn't even read before replying).
So on April 2, 2012, did we see a single riot of national news interest from the Trayvon murder, that is, one where the police need to be out in force in riot gear? No. Did we see one before that date up to the date of the murder? No.
That is important. Why?
Because the riots we did see occurred in Kentucky. Play the video for yourself. We see massive amounts of White Americans jumping on overturned car and then at :42 seconds you can clearly see white males assisting each other to set the car on fire. Notice the black male interspersed in the ruckus. Of course Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and other non-whites celebrated on this day but we know for certain the majority of rioters were White. These White Americans, normal everyday college students, don't appear too orderly and studiously gearing up for a shrinking job market now do they?
How do we know they are mostly White? The entire student body of Kentucky University is a staggering 87.2% White. Even with the most conservative of estimates, the rioters could be classified as overwhelmingly white.
But just like the protestors themselves, and any feared 'race riot' in Sandford, such an occurrence wouldn't be exclusively Black. No matter, we'll stick with the majority and we know what the majority is here.
It wasn't limited to one overturned car. Police were in riot gear. There were arrests, gunshots, EMT calls, massive crowd-wide public drunkenness and 39+ random fires in the streets (which carries a hefty prison penalty if fully prosecuted). The adversary will say, "Hey what's a riot without an overturned car!!
" I say, a riot is a riot, just as many feared it in Sanford. You hear this all the time from hockey fans on here and elsewhere who dismiss it all with a handwave and 'Fans will be fans!" (Many of those riots have resulted in more than one death by the way.)
Why is pointing this out necessary?
Because of the indoctrination of the white TV/internet viewer/user. Fox News, and other outlets, cannot wait for that first car window to break to dispatch a reporter and make it national news headline of "The 'Race Riot' is Now in Full Force!" Many whites will go into "ShakeMyHead" mode and say "There they go! Ya knew it was coming!"
All the while they completely ignore the riots in Kentucky which will be costly, due to damages, closed businesses, police overtime, arrests, and riot squads on the scene.
That is because in the typical Caucasian mindset, this is completely normal and is ignored or accepted due to group-identification, when, more importantly, it can be just as destructive. A car being overturned and set on fire is never quantified financially by one with prejudice against Blacks (with a potential value of $20k to $40k depending on it's use and year) when it is overturned and set on fire by White rioters. But when a White person sees a single Black individual with a Nike shoebox ($50/$100/$200) or a flat-screen TV($500/$1000/$2000) , the 'Black looter' is forever imprinted in their minds, till death does that memory depart.
In conclusion, this post is for balance, and the same grotesque covers characters will always make their appearance with some reference to me as scum, and a woefully misguided retort concerning crime rates in the Black community.
Unfortunately, they would be used to wipe the floor with as those are irrelevant to this debate. This is a recognition of a White-based riot for something as frivolous as a sporting event occurring before any kind of Black 'race riot' after the Trayvon murder (an occurrence which has major implications of what it means to be Black in America and to live with prejudice), which is still a legitimate fear in the White community in Sanford and elsewhere, which is why you have hordes of people on this site trying to mute any talk of Zimmerman being guilty and/or just 'letting the police do their job.'
Three familiar words for the GD forum to close out:
Fair and Balanced....