Oh no, I said Paterno announced it when it was his spokesperson son who announced it. Well, that completely changes everything.
As I recall you started shooting your mouth off, but when challenged to back up your bullshit you claimed you had better things to do and limped off with your tail between your legs.
I guess you’re still bitter.
Judging from the posts you’ve made in these Penn State threads one would think you would be use to making an ass of yourself by now.
Keep at it, kid.
Are you this angry of a person in real life, or just an internet forum warrior?
Haha, once again, I am making an ass out of myself because we don't see eye to eye on a topic,. Please re-post the supposed quotes of me "making an ass out of myself." I am waiting for this with bated breath.
From memory, I don't think I've made more than 12-15 posts, if even that many, on the topic, so it really shouldn't be too lengthy of a process for you to find all of these posts.
Get over yourself, kid. Starting at least 4-5 threads on the topic of Paterno, and posting dozens (don't have the time or desire to really look into how many, but I wouldn't be shocked if we are talking well over 100 at this point) doesn't make your opinion the only one that is relevant and doesn't speak too highly to your ability to generate ethos and credibility in a discussion if you feel the only way you can hammer your point home is to focus on quantity over quality.
A sign of maturation is seeing an issue from multiple perspectives but ultimately coming to your own conclusions based on what you believe and what makes sense to you. You obviously don't have to agree with alternative opinions, but having the ability to realize that an opinion is an opinion, and others may disagree with yours, is something that puts someone on a higher plane in my mind.
But you know what, keep living in that little, narrow minded, Straight Shooter bubble, it must be nice and cozy in there