Dont be mad UPS is always hiring
I would never go back to that place You know why they are always hiring? because its one of the worst jobs but people on the outside respect that job like its royalty.
And after my recent lay off I have realized Im not happy working in the business of warehouse distribution centers. Its what I am experienced in the most jobwise but I hate everyday even though money has been good at times, that shit is for the birds.
Im currently not having to work right now but am planning on getting a gaming license and dealing cards in the spring. Or at least starting where I can and going from there
I have an opportunity developing as we speak to have a place to live in Vegas after the first of the year.
I got to quit work in 2004 through 2007 and travel and play golf tournaments. I learned alot and realized there is more to life than a damn job. I also learned that I am a better gambler in the local gambling groups than a professional traveling player Had a nice 74 scoring averge overall but the box on the road was good.