The Book of Psalms
The authors according fo Jewish tradition, David wrote seventy-three Psalms; Asaph wrote twelve; the sons of Korah wrote 9; Solomon wrote two; Heman (with the sons of Korah), Ethan, and Moses each wrote one; and fifty-one psalms are anonymous. The New Testament, ascribes two of the anonymous psalms (Psalms 2 and 95) to David(see Acts 4:25; Hebrews 4:7). The Psalms were written between the time of Moses (about 1440 B.C.) and the Babylonian captivity (586 B.C.)
Throughout our life, we all experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy, anger, peacefulness, frustration, despair, happiness, and anxiety. These feelings don't typically obey carefully scripted creeds. Music and poetry often seem to be the only way to express them fully. The book of Psalms speaks to this part of human experience through the poetic words of people who offered their feelings to God. Are you angry about something? The book of Psalms includes several prayers that express this same emotion (see Psalm 35). Are you afraid? So was David when he wrote Psalm 2. Are you frustrated by injustice? Psalm 79 laments this same situation. Likewise, Psalm 19 and Psalm 104 celebrate the incredible power of God as it is revealed in his creation. This collection of hyms and prayers seems to touch every corner of the human soul. As with the psalm writers themselves, these honest expressions of feeling will draw you closer to the God who made you.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Psalms
The authors according fo Jewish tradition, David wrote seventy-three Psalms; Asaph wrote twelve; the sons of Korah wrote 9; Solomon wrote two; Heman (with the sons of Korah), Ethan, and Moses each wrote one; and fifty-one psalms are anonymous. The New Testament, ascribes two of the anonymous psalms (Psalms 2 and 95) to David(see Acts 4:25; Hebrews 4:7). The Psalms were written between the time of Moses (about 1440 B.C.) and the Babylonian captivity (586 B.C.)
Throughout our life, we all experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy, anger, peacefulness, frustration, despair, happiness, and anxiety. These feelings don't typically obey carefully scripted creeds. Music and poetry often seem to be the only way to express them fully. The book of Psalms speaks to this part of human experience through the poetic words of people who offered their feelings to God. Are you angry about something? The book of Psalms includes several prayers that express this same emotion (see Psalm 35). Are you afraid? So was David when he wrote Psalm 2. Are you frustrated by injustice? Psalm 79 laments this same situation. Likewise, Psalm 19 and Psalm 104 celebrate the incredible power of God as it is revealed in his creation. This collection of hyms and prayers seems to touch every corner of the human soul. As with the psalm writers themselves, these honest expressions of feeling will draw you closer to the God who made you.
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
1. Again you're wrong as usual. The theory of evolution is indeed debatable. But hey, if you want to believe biased atheist scientists that your ancestors are ape-like animal creatures it's your prerogative...huhuhaha!...huhuhaha!...huhuhaha!...lol
Again don't mind me, having a little laugh at times is all for good.
Theory is defined as: a looking at, contemplation, speculation, a mere conjecture, or guess.
Conjecture is defined as: an inferring, theorizing, or predicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence; guesswork.
So theories are not facts and that is a 100% factual statement. I wish you and crrecords would look into a dictionary to see the definitions of specific words before you open your mouths with false statements! Lastly please read my part 12 of 23 series of Why You Were Born, which I will post later. Believe me you will learn something!
4. God didn't reveal where Cain's wife came from so one can only speculate, the most logical explanation is that he created another woman, with no blood-line ties to either Adam or Eve. Remember now we all talking about the Creator Lord Almighty God! Anything is possible with God!
5. I am not blindly accepting my belief in God, because I have the Holy Bible that took centuries to complete that has prophecies come to be, which is the word of God.
I have the Gospels by the Apostles in the New Testament who are witnesses to the divinity of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ. They followed him, they lived with him, they listened and followed his teachings, they saw all the miraculous miracles he performed like healing the sick, making the blind see again, making the demon possessed sane again, making the cripples walk again, bringing back the dead to life again and lastly saw him reappear to them after being ressurected from the dead in which he told them he would do prior to his crucifixion and that he would rise again after the third day!
6. Well that's just your opinion, but IMHO the ones with faith in God are wise...wise indeed!
7. You forgot to mention that Job got everything back in the end, so his story ends in happiness...Praise the Lord Almighty!!
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. ---Psalm 92:1
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
1. Again you're wrong as usual. The theory of evolution is indeed debatable. But hey, if you want to believe biased atheist scientists that your ancestors are ape-like animal creatures it's your prerogative...huhuhaha!...huhuhaha!...huhuhaha!...lol
Again don't mind me, having a little laugh at times is all for good.
Theory is defined as: a looking at, contemplation, speculation, a mere conjecture, or guess.
Conjecture is defined as: an inferring, theorizing, or predicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence; guesswork.
So theories are not facts and that is a 100% factual statement. I wish you and crrecords would look into a dictionary to see the definitions of specific words before you open your mouths with false statements! Lastly please read my part 12 of 23 series of Why You Were Born, which I will post later. Believe me you will learn something!
4. God didn't reveal where Cain's wife came from so one can only speculate, the most logical explanation is that he created another woman, with no blood-line ties to either Adam or Eve. Remember now we all talking about the Creator Lord Almighty God! Anything is possible with God!
5. I am not blindly accepting my belief in God, because I have the Holy Bible that took centuries to complete that has prophecies come to be, which is the word of God.
I have the Gospels by the Apostles in the New Testament who are witnesses to the divinity of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ. They followed him, they lived with him, they listened and followed his teachings, they saw all the miraculous miracles he performed like healing the sick, making the blind see again, making the demon possessed sane again, making the cripples walk again, bringing back the dead to life again and lastly saw him reappear to them after being ressurected from the dead in which he told them he would do prior to his crucifixion and that he would rise again after the third day!
6. Well that's just your opinion, but IMHO the ones with faith in God are wise...wise indeed!
7. You forgot to mention that Job got everything back in the end, so his story ends in happiness...Praise the Lord Almighty!!
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. ---Psalm 92:1
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 12 of 23. Much Beyond Human Power to Discover
There is much vital, basic and important knowledge beyond the powers of man to discover! Such important knowledge as what man is, why man is--- why he was put on earth and for what purpose. And if there is purpose, what is that purpose? And how may we attain it? What is the way to peace? Most nations seek and strive for peace---yet none finds it---they have war! What are the true values in life? This world pursues the false values!
Those are the most basic and important things man needs to know. Yet he may search for the answers in vain. He can know them only through revelation.
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
In taking to themselves the forbidden fruit, the first humans took to themselves the determination of what is good and what is evil. In doing so, they rejected the fact that God's living, inexorable spiritual law is the way of good---the cause of all good---and its transgression the way of evil---the cause of all evil. Since they and humanity in general after them have taken to themselves the determination of what is good, they of necessity have followed the way contrary to God's Law. They have followed the way that has produced all the vast mountain of evils that has formed in this sick, sick world!
They made themselves competitors of the living God. That is why it is written in Romans 8:7: "The carnal mind (the natural mind we all have) is enmity (hostile) against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 12 of 23. Much Beyond Human Power to Discover
There is much vital, basic and important knowledge beyond the powers of man to discover! Such important knowledge as what man is, why man is--- why he was put on earth and for what purpose. And if there is purpose, what is that purpose? And how may we attain it? What is the way to peace? Most nations seek and strive for peace---yet none finds it---they have war! What are the true values in life? This world pursues the false values!
Those are the most basic and important things man needs to know. Yet he may search for the answers in vain. He can know them only through revelation.
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
In taking to themselves the forbidden fruit, the first humans took to themselves the determination of what is good and what is evil. In doing so, they rejected the fact that God's living, inexorable spiritual law is the way of good---the cause of all good---and its transgression the way of evil---the cause of all evil. Since they and humanity in general after them have taken to themselves the determination of what is good, they of necessity have followed the way contrary to God's Law. They have followed the way that has produced all the vast mountain of evils that has formed in this sick, sick world!
They made themselves competitors of the living God. That is why it is written in Romans 8:7: "The carnal mind (the natural mind we all have) is enmity (hostile) against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 12 of 23. Much Beyond Human Power to Discover
There is much vital, basic and important knowledge beyond the powers of man to discover! Such important knowledge as what man is, why man is--- why he was put on earth and for what purpose. And if there is purpose, what is that purpose? And how may we attain it? What is the way to peace? Most nations seek and strive for peace---yet none finds it---they have war! What are the true values in life? This world pursues the false values!
Those are the most basic and important things man needs to know. Yet he may search for the answers in vain. He can know them only through revelation.
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
In taking to themselves the forbidden fruit, the first humans took to themselves the determination of what is good and what is evil. In doing so, they rejected the fact that God's living, inexorable spiritual law is the way of good---the cause of all good---and its transgression the way of evil---the cause of all evil. Since they and humanity in general after them have taken to themselves the determination of what is good, they of necessity have followed the way contrary to God's Law. They have followed the way that has produced all the vast mountain of evils that has formed in this sick, sick world!
They made themselves competitors of the living God. That is why it is written in Romans 8:7: "The carnal mind (the natural mind we all have) is enmity (hostile) against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 12 of 23. Much Beyond Human Power to Discover
There is much vital, basic and important knowledge beyond the powers of man to discover! Such important knowledge as what man is, why man is--- why he was put on earth and for what purpose. And if there is purpose, what is that purpose? And how may we attain it? What is the way to peace? Most nations seek and strive for peace---yet none finds it---they have war! What are the true values in life? This world pursues the false values!
Those are the most basic and important things man needs to know. Yet he may search for the answers in vain. He can know them only through revelation.
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
In taking to themselves the forbidden fruit, the first humans took to themselves the determination of what is good and what is evil. In doing so, they rejected the fact that God's living, inexorable spiritual law is the way of good---the cause of all good---and its transgression the way of evil---the cause of all evil. Since they and humanity in general after them have taken to themselves the determination of what is good, they of necessity have followed the way contrary to God's Law. They have followed the way that has produced all the vast mountain of evils that has formed in this sick, sick world!
They made themselves competitors of the living God. That is why it is written in Romans 8:7: "The carnal mind (the natural mind we all have) is enmity (hostile) against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
Observe that I have 23 parts and I'm only at part 12 and so be patient for the ending part is getting near.
Once all 23 parts are completed and if one would like to compile it all and read it entirely in one sitting, you will understand why you were born. You just need to go back to the beginning part which was started 12 days ago.
To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. ---Proverbs 19:8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Observe that I have 23 parts and I'm only at part 12 and so be patient for the ending part is getting near.
Once all 23 parts are completed and if one would like to compile it all and read it entirely in one sitting, you will understand why you were born. You just need to go back to the beginning part which was started 12 days ago.
To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. ---Proverbs 19:8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Didn't it tell you that you were wrong in thinking theories are facts and proof?...when you read this paragraph below:
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
And can you be so kind as to acknowledge to me that you were wrong again in your thinking? As you can see guesses, hypotheses and theories are not proof.
Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. ---Proverbs 4:7
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Didn't it tell you that you were wrong in thinking theories are facts and proof?...when you read this paragraph below:
Then such knowledge as: how the earth came to be, when it came to be, how old is human life upon it---the mystery of origins. These questions absorb the time, thought, research and thinking of scientists, philosophers, historians, ---yet these learned individuals can come up only with guesses, hypotheses, theories, but no proof---the definite knowledge they coud know only by revelation.
And can you be so kind as to acknowledge to me that you were wrong again in your thinking? As you can see guesses, hypotheses and theories are not proof.
Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. ---Proverbs 4:7
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Observe that I have 23 parts and I'm only at part 12 and so be patient for the ending part is getting near.
Once all 23 parts are completed and if one would like to compile it all and read it entirely in one sitting, you will understand why you were born. You just need to go back to the beginning part which was started 12 days ago.
To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. ---Proverbs 19:8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Oh the agony of having to wait for parts 13 through 23!! I cant wait, and I know my fellow debators cant wait - so I am going to ruin the surprise and post your moronic CUT AND PASTE early!!!!!
It is from this website, and is as mindless and moronic as one might imagine!
Larry - No need to cut and paste 13-24, we can all read it right here!
Observe that I have 23 parts and I'm only at part 12 and so be patient for the ending part is getting near.
Once all 23 parts are completed and if one would like to compile it all and read it entirely in one sitting, you will understand why you were born. You just need to go back to the beginning part which was started 12 days ago.
To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. ---Proverbs 19:8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Oh the agony of having to wait for parts 13 through 23!! I cant wait, and I know my fellow debators cant wait - so I am going to ruin the surprise and post your moronic CUT AND PASTE early!!!!!
It is from this website, and is as mindless and moronic as one might imagine!
Larry - No need to cut and paste 13-24, we can all read it right here!
Part 13 of 23:
What IS the Missing Dimension?
Part 13 of 23:
What IS the Missing Dimension?
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
Excellently said! Very powerful philosophic rationale expressed beautifully and wisely.
You br. Rostos, are a very wise man indeed!
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. ---Proverbs 2:2-8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
Excellently said! Very powerful philosophic rationale expressed beautifully and wisely.
You br. Rostos, are a very wise man indeed!
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. ---Proverbs 2:2-8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Excellently said! Very powerful philosophic rationale expressed beautifully and wisely.
You br. Rostos, are a very wise man indeed!
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. ---Proverbs 2:2-8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Excellently said! Very powerful philosophic rationale expressed beautifully and wisely.
You br. Rostos, are a very wise man indeed!
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. ---Proverbs 2:2-8
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Um, aren't we being bullied if we don't choose her What happens if we don't choose your god
If we are given free will, why do we have to choose her
Why would she even care
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
At the end of the day, this is the problem. The Atheist has no baseline or model to say there is no God.
They cant look at another world where there was a God there and say, if we did have a God, this is what should be happening.
There is no instruction booklet for the atheist to look at and say, this is what should be happening if there was a God.
All Atheists thoughts are subjective and based around emotion. For example, many atheists have said there cant be a God because there is evil, pain and suffering in this world.
Where is the golden rule that says if there was pain, suffering and evil there cant be a God? Did they look at another world where there was a God and because there was a God there was no evil? Therefore because there is evil in our world there is no God?
Is there a golden rule in an instruction manual that says if there was a God he would be visible to the naked eye? Or he would reveal himself every week or second day etc etc?
The atheist is basically making up there own rules. They make there rules based on emotions. How could there possibly be a God if there are dying kids with aids in Africa? That is there own RULES in which they are creating standards and applying them.
The atheist when determing if there is a God, is putting there feet in God's shoes and saying, well if i was God there wouldnt be this or that, or this or that.
At the end of the day, the atheist has no basis or arguments not to believe in God as they have no guidelines NOT to believe in God. There is no instruction booklet titled, believe in God only if these guideleines are met.
Who are you or i to say how God should be? He is what he is and has done what he has done. If it doesnt suit the way you want the world to be, then that is your problem, but dont go around trying to rip others off there faith cause the world and how God revealed himself doesnt suit you or fall within your guidelelines.
If God wants belief in him to be faith based, then thats it. You either adjust to it or dont, it is your choice. That is why God gave us free will, so we CHOOSE him as opposed to being bullied to him.
Um, aren't we being bullied if we don't choose her What happens if we don't choose your god
If we are given free will, why do we have to choose her
Why would she even care
Wouldnt you feel better if your partner chose you for who you are out of her free will rather than being forced to you?
But dont go around saying God doesnt exist because the guidelines dont meet yours. In fact, you dont even have guidelines.
Because you can choose to follow Jesus who said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. " or you can go another way.
You choose.
No one is being bullied.
Because you can choose to follow Jesus who said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. " or you can go another way.
You choose.
No one is being bullied.
Just google "Theory of evolution - fact or fiction?" and see just how many individuals and organizations ; secular,scientific, and faith-based, aren't buying into Darwinism at all.
One especially memorable quote from Nobel winning physicist Louis Neel, "The progress of science, no matter how marvelous it appears to be, leads to dead ends and shows our final ineptitude at producing a rational explanation for the universe and it's inhabitants."
Just google "Theory of evolution - fact or fiction?" and see just how many individuals and organizations ; secular,scientific, and faith-based, aren't buying into Darwinism at all.
One especially memorable quote from Nobel winning physicist Louis Neel, "The progress of science, no matter how marvelous it appears to be, leads to dead ends and shows our final ineptitude at producing a rational explanation for the universe and it's inhabitants."
I believe in micro evolution, but macro evolution is a religion itself.
Here is leading atheist and leading evolutionary bioligist Professor Richard Dawkins on the ultimate centre piece on evolution
I believe in micro evolution, but macro evolution is a religion itself.
Here is leading atheist and leading evolutionary bioligist Professor Richard Dawkins on the ultimate centre piece on evolution
5. Circular Logic. You fail fundamentally.
Me: "How do you know God doesn't exist?"
You: "Because I can't see Him."
Me: "Why is Harry Potter any more reliable that the Bible?"
You: "Because I seen a Harry Potter movie but I haven't seen God"
Me: "How do you know the Bible isn't the word of God?"
You: "Because God doesn't exist."
Me: "How do you know God doesn't exist?"
You: "Because I can't see Him."
Me: "You can't see gravity and inertia but they exist.
You: "Duh!"...lol
Again just a little laugh which it's all in good nature.
The wise don't make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness. ---Proverbs 12:23
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
5. Circular Logic. You fail fundamentally.
Me: "How do you know God doesn't exist?"
You: "Because I can't see Him."
Me: "Why is Harry Potter any more reliable that the Bible?"
You: "Because I seen a Harry Potter movie but I haven't seen God"
Me: "How do you know the Bible isn't the word of God?"
You: "Because God doesn't exist."
Me: "How do you know God doesn't exist?"
You: "Because I can't see Him."
Me: "You can't see gravity and inertia but they exist.
You: "Duh!"...lol
Again just a little laugh which it's all in good nature.
The wise don't make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness. ---Proverbs 12:23
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Because you can choose to follow Jesus who said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. " or you can go another way.
You choose.
No one is being bullied.
Because you can choose to follow Jesus who said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. " or you can go another way.
You choose.
No one is being bullied.
How is it bullying? You dotn even believe in God, how can you believe in hell?
How is it bullying? You dotn even believe in God, how can you believe in hell?
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