Originally Posted by CRRECORDS:
embrace science it is the best friend you have and denounce the bible as a great source of hatred and delusional mental illness.
How are you CR, always good to hear from you. Humans have intuited God and have searched. What we have found has inspired us to be good, nonviolent, and loving. What we have mostly failed to live up to is our intuitions of how to be good, and how to love. In our frustrations, we have become defensive, we have become believers of God who have to defend the idea of God as an excuse for the inability to live up to that idea. In many ways, science provided a road from God as the explanation of the origin of life. Truth, of course, is truth, so it is inevitable that science now has rediscovered God. Unfortunately, I doubt if this alone will make the difficulties of living the ideals of God much easier. So, we are in danger of once again serving a dogma that we have to defend out of guilt of not being able to live up to its demands. Einstein once said; "I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details." A saying of his was; "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." As our knowledge of the physics of the universe increases, scientists can ask "what if" questions, change the fundamental constants of the universe, and determine what effect these changes would have on our universe. The results of these changes are nothing less than astounding. CR, if you view a table showing the maximum deviation allowable in the fundamental constants in order to get a universe capable of supporting life. In some instances, changing the constants more than the amount indicated results in a universe that doesn't even contain matter. In many other instances, only hydrogen or light elements would exist, making life impossible. Changing just two parameters changes the longevity of the universe. Many of these perturbations would result in the universe that would have ended billions of years ago. That the universe seems to be designed specifically for human life has been called the anthropic principle. Depending upon their philosophical outlook, scientists hold to either the weak or strong anthropic principle. The weak anthropic principle states that the apparent design of the universe is an illusion, and that there must be some undiscovered underlying principle that explains why the universe seems to be designed. The strong anthropic principle states that the underlying reason that the universe appears to be designed is because it has been designed by the ultimate Intelligent Designer, aka: God. So far, the strong anthropic principle fits the data better of the two. Galaxy size and location are important for life to exist and in order to gain enough heavy elements to form planets, our system must have formed close to a recent supernova. If the solar nebula was too far from the supernova event, insufficient heavy elements would have been present for life chemistry. If the supernova event occurred too early, then the heavy elements would have been dispersed before the Solar System would have formed. If the supernova event occurred too late, then the nebula would not contain enough heavy elements for life chemistry. In addition, it is possible that the supernova event itself could destroy all life.
The cosmos just puts you in you place when you try to understand it. Though, Jesus lamented that the kingdom of God is everywhere, but people just don't see it. Well, the evidence is subtle: it is easy for ordinary people to miss it. But scientists are special people: they are experts in deciphering subtleties of evidence. Why have they been missing the signatures of the divine. In my view, because like any atheist who declares; "no God required" becomes spiritually blind. For yourself, inviting something supernatural, God into your hypothesis, it can never become scientific. Because science by definition looks for natural explanations. And by "nature" if you mean the space-time-matter world, then your science cannot even accommodate quantum physics. In my opinion, you don't find God, He finds you. Though, the concept of a higher power, popularly called God, made his sun shine for the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the just and on the unjust. He finds the brightest minds who can better understand His creation, and He finds those who are bound to the straightjacket of materialism. CR, in my heart, in the begining there was God. For myself, the parables of Jesus didn't teach. They just reminded myself what was already written on my heart.
You mention deism, an observation of the natural world, without the need for organised religion. Where the higher power does not intervene in our affairs, and set in place the clockwork universe theory, building the universe, though, take Himself out of the picture to allow it operate on its own. Always thought that it was an interesting concept that the choice of God the creator would want to remain faceless and without a message during its timeline. Will take a look at your links.Though, will go on record and state; "no angel sightings to date".