Quote Originally Posted by SwishSwish1234:
Boy oh boy, You would struggle being a waiter in England mate, Over here we dont believe in tipping UNLESS the waiter is truly a nice host and does not have the words 'Tip me please Tip me please' written all over his face which you seem to have. Remember this, You're a waiter, You get paid by the hour, That's your money, It was your fault you were smoking weed during maths class in school not the people who dont believe in tipping. So instead of constantly having the thought of tips floating through your mind, How about you actually concentrate on being a waiter or whatever you are and then maybe one day when you genuinely care about your customers someone might tip you a 20 or 50 instead of the customary rate.
Good thing you don't live in America buddy. Here in America, waiters make $2.13 an hour and rely on tips to make a living. Like I previously stated, I am not too worried about, I fucking live with my parents lmao...I just graduated from college and on the cusp of going to teach in Beijing or Seoul for a year.
Am I begging for money? NO.
Do I realistically "need it" per say? NO.
The point is, these people are constant offenders.....regardless of the service. So if they really didn't like the service or had a problem, they would NOT keep coming back.
To say they are "good customers" is a stretch...
I am baffled at the people in this thread that have the clout to say "you don't necessarily deserve a tip", do you people own slaves or something? Jesus Christ. I made this thread not because it was directly killing me financially as some would suggest, lmao.
The point is, the servers work for the restaurant, and if the managers are aware of a customer that NEVER tips....have the balls to stand up for your staff and say something to these people, seriously. But I guess that's part of the corporate box world.
Also, to those that believe I am "whining"....I basically despise you. I mean, go to work 40 hours a week or whatever you work and don't get a paycheck, how would you react? You put in all that time but aren't seeing ANY fruits of your labor? And God forbid you have a wife and children to feed...what would you say? "Sorry kids, boss man just didn't want to pay me this week". Get that shit outta here.
Also, yes, I probably do need a different profession (mind you, this is very temporary and I was originally posting on behalf of my coworkers where this is their absolute livelihood). But regardless, anyone with any class, dignity, understanding would agree I believe.
I don't know, maybe its a bit much to ask employers to take care of their employees and not be a box.

Also, I am AMAZED at the number of people in this thread that don't realize servers/waiters make a standard $2.13 an hour....