Wow, you must be my neighbor to know that shit

My friend you probably mistake me for your god, since I am pretty compassionate, but I also have no problem sending you to hell for your incorrect/incompetent hypothesis....I admit I took Narcotics, but part of my issue was helping out certain lady friends, beyond most/any addiction, which I know any addiction/love must be brought on by the Devil....You sound like 1 of my best friends trying to be a smart ass knowing they r wrong, but hell my best friend is top of his law class and he sure as fuck wouldn't sound as dumb as you (he's jewish and knows the shit is made-up)....I love getting High and I hate morons who believe in a imaginary figures in the sky, JESUS CHRIST KILL ME NOW

Please go on since you MUST KNOW WHAT I AM and WHAT I THINK, c'mon man seriously your stupid antics sure as fuck can't confuse me in thinking God is a made up mindset for fools much less intelligent than I/Others...If you read my diatribes you'd realize I have so little faith in foolish belief that any1 who comments on me yet thinks god exists sure as fuck cannot phaze me in the slightest...Did you read the post I made about fucking Indian chicks??? Guess not....whatever bro I'm not into my dick is bigger than yours BS on the computer, I just like to express my religious opinions so I can hope 1 person may understand what I'm saying.... I guess trying to attack people who have NO UNDERSTANDING is GOD's way, which is why you follow that ignorant path and I'm riding much higher

U idiot.....u really r one branless twit......U start a thread asking people here if u r an alcoholic.......u mention u took some of the hardest narcotics.......then then u say to me tell me how i know everything ......
WOW, have u already downed half your bottle of jack daniels??? Already forgotten what u wrote the other day?
u must be down to your last few brain cells. thats what the alco and drugs do over time.......
Took narcotics to help a friend, interesting.......Ïts always someone elses problem isnt it.....1st response of an addict.....
Again, u have no hope, a depressent, u must live one miserable life hence your outlook on religion......
U represent the devil on this forum.....he has taken control of your mind.......Keep drinking that posion, it will only aid him in controling your mind......
LOSER......... , Alcoholic no life is what u r ......
U love getting high.mmmm i wonder u lives a false sense of reality?
What a contradictory moron u r. I never knew there were such people.....
U say people on here are deluded, yet u r the one in a constatnt state of highness through narcotics and alcohol almost all day.......
Just go back to your alco and drugs anonymous friends where u can join your other buddies u also have no hope can talk