Quote Originally Posted by smdio:
Drizle, I can see you don't post a lot, so I appreciate you chiming in. Even if you think I'm getting owned 
I'm just looking for a couple answers, here. I lost a very close friend of mine (my dad) that day, and it's really just a mission of mine to let everyone know what I believe to be the truth. I'm completely aware that I won't convince even 1/4 of the people I talk to. But even if I could open the eyes of 1 out of 100 people, that would be enough for me.
I believe this country is a jaugernaut of force, capable of doing just about anything they wish, at any time they wish. loss of innocent life is not important to them, so long as their goals of financial prosperity and world dominance is achieved. I believe 9/11 served as a catastrophic event which furthered the need to rely on our government for protection, and gave certain groups a reason to go to war and make this country even stronger than we were before.
Al Quadia, a terrorist organization known not only for their total disregard for life, but also for complete chaos in terms of leadership and organization, would be the equivilant of and NBA Basketball team (the U.S. government, CIA, etc) taking on one of your local High School teams. But yet this High School team not only won the game, they pulled off one of the largest margin of victories ever seen in the NBA.
Our government is lying to us:
1.) Not a single video of Flight 77 hitting the pentagon, although 150+ cameras are focused on this builing at all times.
2.) Donald Rumsfeld saying in a press conferance that Flight 93 was shot down
3.) President Bush claiming that he saw on TV the South Tower struck by an aircraft
4.) The government standing in the way of NIST researching the actual collapse of WTC1 and WTC2, and only letting them research "the events leading up to the attacks", not the actual attacks themselves.
5.) 80% of the steel from the WTC collapse buildings was immediately shipped overseas and melted in Asia. This would be like conducting an autopsy without a body.
Too many things are misleading. It absolutely REEKS of a coverup. Yet people don't care! Even if you slapped them in the face with proof of a coverup, they wouldn't want it to be true. Certain people make a very good living and are comfortable with their lifestyle. They don't want to live in fear that the government or other group of global elite are capable of disrupting their lifestyle.
And that's fine. I didn't really think I would get too far in this thread. But at least I tried 
Easily the best post you've had here smdio. Not because you answered me, but because it made the most sense. I can only hope to try to understand your hurt and pain in this instance. What kind of answers are you looking for though? If I was in your shoes I'd be looking for the same answers. There are no answers though. You're going up against the govt of this country. No one ever wins. Your father died a senseless death, and its utter bullshit. The only question is what are you prepared to do about it?