and just to clarify my stance on all this nonsense,,,,,,,,,,
I'm would actually consider myself more close to agnostic as well--because i'm not insane enough to believe that I truly know 100% what happens when one dies -- but I don't like to be lumped into a group, but I have no problem when people classify me with the atheists - because their logic seems more,,,,,uh,,,,,LOGICAL 
but you monkeys that actually believe there is this magical land called "heaven" where people just sit on clouds and strum harps and hug each other bow down to Team J-Man 24/7 are just insane---clinically insane...........
and my stance, more than anything, is being Anti-Organized-Religion -- that which was created to manipulate the masses and brainwash the young and old alike since the beginning of time. There is nothing more amusing to me than to think back to my childhood, when we used to never miss a sunday "mass" where we'd sing crazy songs and "worship" invisible fairies on some "alter", drink J-Mans "blood" and eat J-Man's body --- I mean think about this crazy shit people --- DRINK SOME DUDES BLOOD ---WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT??????
......... I mean, at the very least, for those of you that do believe in the invisible sorcerer J-Man---don't you think he is one conceited and pompous fuckstick, to make people come and worship his feet every Sunday, with his invisible arms extended saying "More, More!!!! Worship Me!!!! Worship Me!!!!
Wake Up People.
----- Caca the Below Average