This is going to really piss some people off and I am sorry, I really am. I just cannot get this off my chest anywhere else so you suckers at covers who happened to open this up are now stuck with my twisted warped mind.
I recently received an e-mail from a dear friend who has a very bad form of cancer, suffice it to say it is terminal. They were trying to get a prayer chain going to help this person "defeat this terrible problem". They are quite religious, practice their faith each day and although I am not the judge would look to be heaven type people.
Here is my problem, if you are really are religious and this world ends in heaven where all your fellow followers will meet up, why are we not praying this cancer takes this person out. What could be so important on this planet to cause someone to forsake heaven, which I would have to add is God's will if he is truly omnipotent. Are we not rooting or praying for the wrong side?
I almost typed back-
In view of your strong religious views and puritan life and the almost near certainty of attaining the greatest gift of heaven that this world has to offer, I am abstaining from praying for you. At this point you seem like a sure thing to go upstairs and meet the big guy and I would hate to see you have more years on this planet to mess this thing up, heck you could even turn into a degenerate gambler like myself. So I am happy and even overjoyed to root for the cancer and see you leave this terrible world behind. Go Heaven-travel in peace.
So there you go- that is my honest dilemma written as non judging and forthright as I can bring it. I really would like some direction from people who can comment in a nice manner and give good reasons why we should not root for death for believers? I feel like we should pray for the other side, I really do.
All haters that believe they are "Christians" will be ignored.