Alright, this is by far the most disturbing and fu**ed up movie I've ever seen.
I threw it on in the AM one night and I can't stress how much I regret doing so.
Yes, it is only a movie, but the brutality and sadism it exhibits is far beyond anything I've seen in any film.
There is something to be said about the old-school production of this film that makes it far worse than anything made in the modern day in terms of generating fear. No CGI. No sudden loud sounds or faces jutting in from the screen's side for cheap thrills. This one, made in 1974, seems to be filmed with cheapest of all video cameras, making the surroundings that appear much more real. And this movie goes to great lengths to invoke true horror within the viewer, and the camera seems like it never cuts away (and when it does, your mind fills in blanks).
And worse, it is all done by a demented family of psychos, who, we can only guess, exists to an extent in our society (as is all too common in grisly murder stories we are all to unfortunate to hear about or click on).
I can't believe a production company produced this movie and that theaters nonchalantly distributed it.
Truly, you will be a different person after seeing this movie, in that, you will view the world through a more wary and cynical way. And that is clearly not a good thing or healthy for the normal human psyche.
There were some parts so utterly vile I had to turn ESPN for several minutes just to jolt me back into reality.
Yes, it's only a movie but unfortunately, there are some real-life events this movie is 'inspired' by which I don't care to document here.
Anyhow, I guess my one of my questions for the posters here is for those who were actually old enough to see it in the theater.
Was there palpable terror in the theater? Did the crowds leave silent (I recall this happening several times during other horror movies I've seen in my life that left me speechless)?
Anyhow, I'm eliminating horror movies from my general movie viewing. This was too disgusting to bear and I need not see another movie even attempting to duplicate it (as did the 2003 remake of this one did, another ghastly film).
Anyone else see this one? Your opinions?
Good lord, there are some sick people in this world with sick, sick minds to make a film like this. Just grotesque.
Overreacting? Just a film? This is a film that Roger Ebert says is,
"without any apparent purpose, unless the creation of disgust and fright is a purpose." Add the creation of disgusting torture to that list (that seems to go on for nearly an hour). It need not ever been made and again, I am baffled it was ever put to film for mass distribution.
My advice? Do NOT see this movie....ever.