Niagara Falls
- agreed Fallsview Casino 100%
- eat across the road at I believe it's call Copa Cobana or some Spanish name. It's a flat price, but they bring the meat on skewers to your table and slice off the meat. Amazing, by far. They'll have dancers and the salad bar/dessert is included.
- See what the hotel can do for indoor waterparks, they are fun for a few hours.
- Lundy's lane is cool for a few hours, games, rides, haunted houses that are fucking scary your first time, they scare the shit out of you, go to Screamers, they'll have list of people who have chickened out that day.
Side note - if you have some cash to spend, 30min away from Niagara Falls is Niagara on the lake, there are 3 hotels there, Pillar & post, queenslanding and one other. I believe a room is 250/night, but they have an amazing spa there (voted top 10 in Canada), hot springs and the food is incredible.
In Toronto
- fuck the 360 restaurant, it's lame. Was just there a month ago.
- go early to the Jays game as the CN Tower is next to the Rogers Centre (Skydome).
- Canada's Wonderland - One of the best parks for rides & waterpark
- Walking on Queen street has great shops. Queen street west at night is great for lounges, people your age.
- if you want to club it up TDotCapper is correct.
- Center Island by Ferry is decent.
- The beaches on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon on a nice day will be packed with people playing volleyball. You're talking 30-40 games being played at one time.
- Kensignton Market is cool on Sunday/Saturday.
- Look up the subway system, lots of stores underground and great way to get around the city without being dinged.
- Strip clubs are great, I like'em here, but whatever if you miss'em.
- Visits King Street West (area) & Queen Street West (area), both parrallel for clubs, lounges at night. The boom boom clubs, 19-23yr old's won't be there. Pre-drink as Toronto is expensive for drinks.
- Have lunch in Yorkville (area), little snooty area, but worth the experience during the day.
- Orfus road has a lot of outlet stores for discounts, but it's a good hour away during rush hour.
Ask around...if you'd like, pm me, I live and work downtown and know the area very well. I'll even give you my digits if you have questions.
Be warned, or not, but it's Gay Pride Week this week & this weekend is Gay Pride Weekend.
Have a great time, Toronto is an awesome city, TONS of hot girls, tons of things to do.