Quote Originally Posted by TRAIN69:
So now murder rate are
You asked for stats and quotes, I gave you stats and quotes. Actually, I gave you charts and graphs and the whole 9 yards. I backed up what I said. What else do you want?
Its not all blacks. Its a very tiny % that ruin it for the rest. You are much more likely to be killed by a black person than a white person, mass shooting or not. That is just reality. Is it not?
Those stats simply mean that blacks make up 13% of the population, but commit 52% of the murders. Those are facts. They cant be racist.
Are those numbers accurate? Is the link I posted accurate? 
No first you grossly exaggerated stats off the top of your head. And
murder rates are not 'ZZZ' as evidenced by the massacres carried out by your own race to rip this country apart at its core.
So tell me why the 'tiny %' of black murders ruin it for the rest as though all black males are suspect, but when it's a white person who is going in a school and blowing holes in 20 children, or shooting up a movie theater, or collapsing federal buildings onto day care centers, or blowing the legs off of fans of a race, or mailing ricin to senators and the president and on and on and on (that's just in the past year save OKC!):
Why is it when whites, who are by far more active then blacks at inflicting mass terror on their own country, which changes laws, which reigns in on civil rights, which shuts down cities, which drains budgets in a single day, why is it that when we quote dozens and dozens of instances of white terror in this country, it is not white terror at all, it is jihad or mental disorders or just a 'senseless' crime, but when black murder rates are on the table it is ALL about blacks.
The good thing is that 100 years from now, people like you will no longer walk this earth because you do not want equality. You want to degrade, deride and destroy just as the history of this country has taught you to do and you willingly oblige.
Have a nice life. I'm glad ill never meet you or the other dopes who leech off your crap.
Like a mother bird feeding its chicks, you up chuck the same. old. arguments. ignoring debates in a larger context.
Do you really believe black murder rates have not been used in such a debate before?
Wake up child. For me to even extensively broach such a topic is a waste because you simply can't even get past the above argument, nevermind a more sophisticated one.