Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
I have been lucky…and I have had good fortune….and I’ve worked hard. When those three things come together, it can make you feel bullet proof. For lack of a better way of putting it, I took advantage of that. I let down my wife, I let down my family, and I let down my fans. For that I am truly sorry.
I can sit here and tell you what I expect to do, but the proof will be in how I act going forward. I ask that you give me a second chance to let my behavior do the talking. For all of those that I have let down, I apologize. You have, for the large part, made me what I am today. My plan is to compete like crazy on the golf course and to make amends to my family. I hope that is enough.
you should have been his speech writer....... more genuine than his speech, and would probably "buy back" those fans that need buying back......
but then again, he really shouldn't have to say anything at all....... pretty sure nobody in these forums would have to publicly humiliate themselves by giving a press conference if they had some sort of personal indiscretion.......
i am someone who has never cheated on anyone i have dated....... i think cheating is something low-life's do....... but the fact remains, there is no reason superstar athletes should be held to some "different" standard, just because the media has built them up to be something ridiculous and inhuman.......
it happens every time........ we build them up to be untouchable, then find out (surprise!) that they are just like everyone else....... and then when that happens, we demand an apology for our investment.......
so who is wrong? in my opinion, it is the person who made the unrealistic investment....... Tiger has his issues, and like any of us, will have to apologize to those in his life and repair his life in that way....... but unlike us, he is also, for some fucked up reason, obligated to apologize to his adoring fans......
good speech though......