Quote Originally Posted by Jr315:
Sorry DJ, but I still don't get it then.
Growing up I was always taught right from wrong and IMO you are wrong. If I owe $$$ on a credit card, then I owe them $$$ so how is this different? Roused paid NO ONE and I didn't even win a thing! I'm 100% confused that you can defend his actions.
What's right is right, period. It's like Covers condones his BS.
Bending the rules may be ok to you but not to me! Sometimes a gut call is the best call for the good of the forum, perhaps?
DJ, this not personal in any way but I still can't see how the site allows this to happen to other posters.
I guess the bottom line is that posters can lie and cheat others as long as Covers isn't involved directly?
With all due respect DJ, I obviously agree with Jr315. A moderator's should be a referee for the site but also protect the integrity of the site and make it the best forum possible. You have a poster here, who not only obviously defrauded me but also deceived numerous members who post in this horse forum by running an illegitimate contest promising prizes that were never paid. I can and have provided you information that is readily available on the internet about this person and how people have publicly claimed elsewhere he has defrauded them on the internet. One women has gone to painstaking efforts to let the world know about this criminal when she explained how Roused sold her theater tickets online for her and her cancer-stricken daughter and accepted their money and never sent them the tickets. We are doing an injustice to the phrase "P.O.S." when applying it to Roused, as he is far worse than that. He deserves to be in jail and to get his behind kicked.
Standing behind the "what rule" did he break in the Manifesto is ludicrous. A poster can get punished for having too many emoticons in a thread but if he deceives good standing members of the forum that's ok. The bottom line is he used Covers to befriend people like me to steal (I'm not the only one he did this to) and also tried to gain support by running an illegitimate contest offering prizes. How is that not 100 times worse than posting too many emoticons in a thread? What you are saying is, "Everyone it's ok to use Covers to steal and deceive people, but God forbid you post too many emoticons in a thread, you are out of here!"
As previously stated, common sense comes into play more so than standing behind "what rule did he break".
I don't mean this in a narcissistic way but at one time I was a very valued member of the Covers' community. I provided insight, information and built up a good following. My daily threads would often easily get 5,000-10,000 reads a day. That's good for Covers' business. The reason I left is because of people like Roused. combined with other juvenile behavior that was allowed by moderators.
Covers is a business. Allowing predators like Roused to roam your site looking to prey on good people and to lie and deceive is not good for business. As a moderator, not one person would have a problem with you making a judgment to ban a poster who has used Covers to steal and deceive people here. That is a moderator's job; to protect the innocent people who want to use the site for the purpose it was intended.
I with due respect, have to agree with what was previously said,. You sound like Roused's defense lawyer and the defense arguments are not even reasonable when you take a look at the big picture of Covers and what we are all talking about.
Again DJ, I don't mean anything disrespectfully towards you but I think you are allowing your judgment to be a bit clouded here just because the Manifesto doesn't explicitly say, "if you steal from and/or deceive other members, we will ban you." Question: Hypothetically, if one day, a poster befriends someone on Covers, meets him in person, murders him and goes to jail and it comes out that he used Covers to facilitate the murder, will he still be allowed to post on Covers from prison since there is no specific rule about it in the Manifesto?