This is How The US Dollar Dies –
Lots of talk of the USD losing reserve status, and an entire global currency collapse
Few realize we are in the middle of it right now, watching it happen, but most fail to realize because they don’t understand the signs.
First, we have to understand why currencies die and yes, all currencies, either devalue or die. Since the 1700's we've seen 750 different currencies and only 20% remain, and all of them have been devalued. This means they buy less today than they did originally
This is always because the country racks up too much debt. To pay it back, their options are limited to only 4 options.
1. Austerity, 2. Debt Default, 3. Raise Taxes, or... 4. Printing Money and Devaluation...
#1 is too hard, 2 and 3 have limitations, so 4 is always chosen
Reserve currencies never last, and the transition takes time and is rough, to understand this, let's get some historical perspective. Let's quickly look at 2 transitions for the clarity we need to know where we are in the cycle and where things are going, stick with me here
First, The Transition To USD - during WWI European countries abandoned gold to print money for the war The US became the lender, allowing the US to amass 2/3rds of the world's gold and the position of power.
The US took the lead and a global gold standard in 1944 @ Bretton Woods
This was a 30yr transition, so when people want to know when the next transition happens, I say, "We are watching it happen right now” the world is de-dollarizing, and events happening over the last 12 months and ongoing are spreading this up, but... just wait, it gets better.
It’s not “when” it’s now, per the IMF, the USD dominance is declining, falling from 64% in 2017 to 59% in 2020, but it's about to accelerate. Also, per the DXY index, we can also see the USD is down 10% this year, but... these are very misleading indicators, stick with me...
Everyone's looking at wrong metrics because they are comparing prices to fiat currencies. Instead of looking at these in comparison to what money is used for = purchasing goods and services. So, we must compare the money to the purchasing power, let me show you a few examples...