I currently have 5 puts. All 5 under water. 3 of the 5 expire Friday.
Three quick things here. 1) Don’t forget about the wash rule with these. I don’t know if you care about the taxes here with small positions — but you should. 2) Keep in mind with day-trading that understanding time premium and intrinsic value are very crucial. There should be a calculator to help you with this. If there is not one on Robinhood, you can find them online. 3) Start making sure you have a stop-loss sale and a limit-order sale OCO. This is where so many day-traders lose big. I think in the back of their minds they don’t see it as big money so they think they can just ‘watch’ it and sell when it is best. I guarantee they would not do this with a trade involving multiple thousands of dollars.
This is a very volatile type of trading and you are trading very-short term options that are out-of-the-money options with low volume and low open interest. These trades can absolutely go against you in a hurry. This is when you need a backstop in place. Otherwise, these little things can eat away at your bankroll. You absolutely have to have a plan going into these trades; these are not buy and hold trades.