You are miring yourself in the present, this kind of thinking is flawed and is why the market is smarter than most of us.
The market will not keep pushing commodities higher and higher just because we are currently in an easing cycle. This is probably the largest ammt of easing in our history, but I disagree that it continues forever..this cycle will take longer to reverse itself, but unless you think the end of the world is upon us (which I do not) then this economic condition will change, it will and that is why I think the bubble will pop..I dont know when it will pop but it will.
I sat for multiple years during the Bush reign of terror wondering when the cycle would turn and we would stop the artificial economic boom we experienced..we should have turned down about the start of his second term, but with the scamming and lack of regulation to the markets, plus the FED keeping rates low, we extended the cycle probably 3 yrs longer than it should have, so I would expect the current cycle to take that long or longer to start reversing..
Dont fall in love with commodities, dont fall in love with any stock or financial instrument, that will be the quickest way you lose money, and before you know what happened it could all be gone.
A few of us have seen bubbles, been part of bubbles and know the damage they cause and how fast it happens.
Just keep a price in mind that you bail, take profits and dont look back.