Sorry Dave - wish I could feel worse for asking McShady a question, but in my experience when someone is so defensive over a simple answer, there is some reason behind it.
When WE experience a loss on an over 3.5 1st 5 play one night and the loss moves on the spreadsheet without explanation in the thread, it seems McShady. You want to create some "reason" for this move, that's your perogitive. But to over react to this level raises suspicions.
Members at Covers have seen this creative record keeping one too many times.
The obvious reason he might have been defensive is because he lost quite a bit on the Dodgers play, AS WE ALL DID!!! It went over a 3 game chase and there were only 3 columns on his sheet so he moved it to another sheet! I saw that, everyone else apparently saw that and only YOU questioned it! Then, when you found that he moved it and questioned his MOTIVE for moving it as to suggest that he was covering up or being deceptive of his record, YOU SHOWED YOUR ASS!!! Thanks a lot man. I hope you faded all his plays and lost your ass! Can't you at least be a man and apologize considering all the hard work he has put in on this? What have you contributed? Geez, give us a break, what do you say or are you a hater trying to rain on someone else's parade?
Based on what your actions are, I would say that you are in bed with the sportsbooks to get rid of people like McShady who have a WINNING strategy that they can't stand!. There you go, how do you like being accused!!!