1pk-only 1-1 -70
20-Diamond 3-7 -513
21picks 1-4 -397
44Dimes 37-39-2 -500 Please post your line on
over & unders. I have been marking them as -110 and you may be
getting better lines. Thanks.
53percent 6-3 +152 Please post your amount. Thanks.
3rdpig 3-6 -320
Abnormality 19-22 -433
Absintheminded 0-1 -118
Admirals05 2-0 +218
Aesegraves 1-0 +100
Accumart 0-1 -100
AgainstAllOddz 1-1 +0
Aim1essly 2-2 -71
Airdownie 2-1 +40
Ajgtroops 5-5 -135
Alecboyh 6-5 +50
Alektra 6-2-1 +395
Alexwwrong 0-1 -120
AllAboutMoney 4-4 -10
AlwaysHigh 3-1 +180
Andrew730 7-6 +43
Andy88c 1-7 -653
Angels1380 5-4 -81 I also forgot to post TB yesterday. I also forgot it was an early game & did not put any money on them.
Anya 0-1-1 -100
ApacheM 1-4 -554
ApexPredator 2-4 -285
Arda 0-1 -190
Arsenal588 0-2 -200
Ashdogs 1-0 +100
Atlheatholder 0-1 -138
Atxcojo 1-0 +100
Babu47 1-1 -40
Backdoor Cover 1-1-1 +0
Bailout 1-0 +100
Baltaza 0-1 -100
Banger32 1-0 +100
BangerBoy 2-1 +90
Bangin 0-2 -277
Barracuda 13-20 -1257
Bartman 1-1 +5
Baseball007 0-2 -220
Baseball Capper 0-1-110
Bbondslf25 0-1 -136
Beachballer 4-0 +400
BegeBro 1-0 +100
Beningo88 1-0 +100
BennyTheJet 3-3 -110
BermudaIsland 9-3 +460
Berniemike 0-1 -123
BetCityOG 5-6 +23
Big Val85 3-6 -374
BigB44 0-2 -226
BigBadJim007 12-7 +511
BigPapa21 15-7 +706
BigRed td3 1-0 +100
BigUnit 33-30 -495
Billy Baller 15-14 +199
Billyc201 5-5 -167
Billhill 1-0 +113
Birdman11 0-2 -232
BlackAce23 1-0 +100
Bj22 0-2 -235
Bloody Sunday 2-2 -10
Bobup 0-1 -137
Bonfire69 2-4 -585
Booshasta 3-4-1 -190
Boston1980 0-1 -121
Botak 22-31 -906
Boycali01 1-0 +100
Btribe 0-1 -100
Bubblegum 0-1 -116
Bucci020 13-12 -19
Bugzduzit 32-31 -751
Bunny651 16-10 +720
Buzzmann66 1-0 +100
Byrd430 2-0 +200
Calicappin 1-0 +100
Calinreddog 0-2 -200
Canadaguy 25 0-2 -247
Canes86 5-5 +124
Capri5421 1-1 -180
Cardinals19 1-1 -198
Carlo8169 0-1-1 -120
Carnzey 0-2 -225
Carsmo 1-0 1-0
Cashaholic 16-13-1 +95 Please post your lines! Thanks.
CatchNrun 6-4 +98
Cee Money 1-1 +0
Centralflaguy 1-3 -310
Cfbaseball54 10-7+110
Charlie111 4-4 +40
Chelios 21-23 -489
Chip2929 0-1 -120
Chkchkboom 4-6 -360
Chugalugs 0-1 -175
Chump 10-10 -630
Cjf85 1-0 +100
Cmccolligan 1-0 +130
CMJohnson 5-6 -212
Cmobama 1-0 +100
Coley 0-1 -173
CollectNow 0-1 -115
Contemplate 0-1 -140 I do not have you posting before.
Coolslaw1 1-0 +132
Cougarenegade 5-2 +299
Countryhog 1-1 +0
Cowboy Capper 2-0 +220
Coxbryar 1-1 -64 Please post your record & line or I will not record it. Thanks.
Ctdirt 18-24 -1009
CtownLetDown 0-1 -100
Curt1260 8-13 -1120
Czar11 1-0 +100
D-Gen 0-1 -100
Daddydbol 1-1 +0
Damonte 5-4 +228
DannyBoonaduce 1-3-1 -243
DannyMaster 16-13 +80
DaRaiders 6-12 -745
DavidWhite 18-13 +229
Daviz 0-5 -583
Davybaby4949 7-4 +168
Dbell69 0-1 -141
DeathProof 0-1 -100
Dennishopson 0-1 -130
Dhtakemoto 19-12 +454
Dica6664 1-1 -31
DixonBets 15-16 -96
Djeffrey 1-3 -341
Djmarks 16-17-1 +161
Djwill30 1-0 +100
Dmac33084 8-3 +332
Docphil7 1-1 +0
Dogjimbo 0-1 -114
DollarSign 0-1 -220
Dotuanlinh 0-1 -117
Domotti24 0-1 -100
Doubleparring1 0-1-110
Dovjak 4-8 -621 .
Dpc 20 1-0 +100 If you post again please post your record. Thanks.
Drifter44 8-8 -88
Dub831 4-5 +23
Dubbies 1-1 -240
Dubs03 0-1 -104
Dugsters 1967 0-1 -138
Duguay67 1-0 +100
Dustynuts3185 1-0 +100
Dynamite 1-0 +114
Dynasty1169 0-2 -231
E-mc2 2-4 -243
Eagles year 7-3 +354
Eaglespts 1-0 +100
EddieMush 3-2 -65
Edwardjohn70 0-1 -100
Ecoutee72 1-1 -13
Ef109 1-2 -190
Elaine Valerio 20-18 -245
Elireniocs 0-1 -130
ElSuperlatino 18-10 +458
EricLeggs 1-0 +100
Erken 5 0-1 -100
Estes1717 19-14 +344
ExaltedGaming 4-1 +309
Face4444 1-0 +100
Fadelands 0-1 -100
Fastpitchdad 3-2 +80
Fathomable 4-7 -447
Fivenoetitalls 0-1 -110
Flgators 2-1 -15
FmFamily 0-1 -115
Football 007 10-8 +11
Fritz7571 0-2 -238
FromTheFuture 1-1 +125
Fwcat 10-10 -157
G-Picks 1-3 -314
Gabbyxxx 0-1 -143
Gabs24 3-3 -30
Gamble04 4-3 +147
Gambler7 1-0 +100
Gambles 3-3 -40
Gamebreaker22 20-14 +239
Gameover2 4-2 +115
Gardner26 1-0 +100 If you post again please post your record and the amount with your line. Thanks.
Gatorbear 4-4 -65
Geopackiv 0-1 -100
Geronimo6 17-18 +70
Ghinojo 1-0 +100
GiLmo_574 1-2 -121
Gionetti 1-0 +100
Gjeffray 2-1 +54
Glenndef62 1-0 +106
Gmblrnme 1-3 -330
Gmoney12 4-2 +171
Gochoaa 2-2 +0
GoCougs 6-2 +351
GoogleMan49 0-2 -219
GolfIsNotaSport 6-2 +385
Gottawintonight 5-7 -85
GradySizemore 2-3 -222
GreedyBastard 0-1 -152
GreenMachine22 0-2 -211
Grubb13 2-3 -168
Gulgo 1-0 +100
Guru37 0-1 -100
Gwarner 0-2-1 -320
Gwynn8 2-2 +25
Haager03 0-1 -106
Hammr 10-7 -122
Handikapper1 9-12 -202
Hank55 10-8 -327
HappyHarry 7-3 +396
HappyHolloween 2-6 -381
Harb74 2-0 +200
Havoc-22 3-0 +300
Hbomb 0-4 -524
Hi Haters 0-1 -128
HighWayToHell 0-1 -132
Hijo Luna 3-2 -200 Please post your lines, record & amount. Thanks.
HoldenRg 13-10 +315
Hollywoodnic 1-1 -14
HomerPicks 2-1 +89
Hoopsct 9-5 +431
Hotboy33 1-0 +100
Hunk35 2-1 +90
IamKing 7-4 +224
IgetMoney101 6-1 +470
Ilove2betcash 1-1 +0
Infmus02 0-1 -146
Intuitive_Edge 1-2 -108
Iownbookies718 0-1 -160
IslandStyle 6-6 -50
Itlianstllion11 10-8 +71
Iwm888 1-2 -100
IzzyAction 5-5 +14
J-leeos 0-1 -145
JABirm37 8-12 -293
Jacksplat 5-5 -70
Jahruscn 4-7-1 -374
Jalayn2 0-2 -226
Jammer11 0-1 -110
Jaysvdubwhat 20-22 +33
Jdrabek864 1-0 +100
JCwhy83 2-1 +90
JeffCohen400 0-3 -320
JeffMarketCap 1-0 +100
JerryJones81 2-0 +200
Jesron1269 11-6 +40
Jimc0911 9-9 -6 Finally the streak is over! Congrats!
JimmyKnowItAll 0-2 -237
Jimmysalas 7-8 -283
Jjp3322 0-1 -145
Jjt1124 4-1 +240
JLzone 2-2 +3
Jmitseff 0-1 -110
Joey M 1-2 -143
JohnnyBroze 1-3 -284
JoJoDelo 6-2 +340
Jono181 0-1 -100
Jordan032503 1-0 +100
Jose23 0-1 -120
Jp548 1-1 -78
Jtkokopellies 1-1 -110
Jtmonayyy 1-1 -50
Jtmoney87 5-6-2 -150
Jukstapose 5-4 +29
Julius18 45-35 +198 Your line yesterday I believe should have been -125 not +125. Correct?
Jumpman2 17-19 -324
JWB703 0-2 -235
Jwheels86 5-1 +395