just watched Antitrust (2001) on Cinemax. VERY good (and VERY under-rated by the critics) fast paced mystery thriller about a "super geek", played by Ryan Phillippe, who takes a job with a "Microsoft" type tech company run by a "Bill Gates" type CEO, played by Tim Robbins, who will stop at nothing, including murder, to stop his competetion from small programmers. has a LOT of "plot twists" and suspense.
I rate it
of three. it's on Cinemax channels about every night thru December 7th. IF you don't get Max, it's worth getting from Netflix I thought it was that good.
also watched The Three Musketeers (2011). on Showtime. it's a pretty fast paced telling of the Alexandre Dumas classic with plenty of "swashbuckling sword play" and a "SciFi" angle to it with the da Vinci "war machine" airships. Gabriella Wilde is VERY tasty as D'Artagnan's love interest Constance in her first major movie role I thought it was more entertaining than earlier versions I have seen like the 1993 Disney production with Charlie Sheen and Kiefer Sutherland. I would say
out of three IF you like "classic" action movies.
it's on the Showtime channels thru December 7th.