appreciate it, 165yds
Dutch you are correct about Looper. I can't figure out how Bruce Willis could get roped into acting in that tripe. definately a recent "worst movie". even the few "action" scenes lame
Patch Adams (1998) is another "under the radar" movie based on the real story of "using humor to improve health" advocate Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams played by Robin Williams. as you can imagine, playing a "funny physician" was right up William's alley. it's NOT really a pure "comedy" because there is a LOT of serious situations and some tragedy in the movie BUT does have a LOT of funny scenes and Williams one-liners.
I thought the acting was outstanding by all involved and esp by Williams as Patch and Bob Gunton (who played Warden Norton in The Shawshank Redemption) as Medical Dean (and all around a**hole) Walcott. very funny scenes early on with the late Michael Jeter (who played Delacroix in The Green Mile) as Rudy Patch's roommate in the mental institution who is paranoid about "squirrels eating his nuts".
overall I would put Patch Adams up with other Robin Williams oscar moninated classics like Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) and Dead Poets Society (1989) and The Fisher King (1991). definate "must see" esp for Robin Williams fans that plays again on Cinemax channels Monday June 17th @ 1:05 am and Thursday June 20th @ 3:10 am
appreciate it, 165yds
Dutch you are correct about Looper. I can't figure out how Bruce Willis could get roped into acting in that tripe. definately a recent "worst movie". even the few "action" scenes lame
Patch Adams (1998) is another "under the radar" movie based on the real story of "using humor to improve health" advocate Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams played by Robin Williams. as you can imagine, playing a "funny physician" was right up William's alley. it's NOT really a pure "comedy" because there is a LOT of serious situations and some tragedy in the movie BUT does have a LOT of funny scenes and Williams one-liners.
I thought the acting was outstanding by all involved and esp by Williams as Patch and Bob Gunton (who played Warden Norton in The Shawshank Redemption) as Medical Dean (and all around a**hole) Walcott. very funny scenes early on with the late Michael Jeter (who played Delacroix in The Green Mile) as Rudy Patch's roommate in the mental institution who is paranoid about "squirrels eating his nuts".
overall I would put Patch Adams up with other Robin Williams oscar moninated classics like Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) and Dead Poets Society (1989) and The Fisher King (1991). definate "must see" esp for Robin Williams fans that plays again on Cinemax channels Monday June 17th @ 1:05 am and Thursday June 20th @ 3:10 am
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) after sitting thru almost 3 hours of this, I sure hope it's the finale to the Batman sereis BUT doubt it is. has it's moments and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (Catwoman) is the most interesting character in the cast BUT after awhile I found the whole thing just gets kind of boring ex for the occasional chase, fight or showing off of Batman's "toys" like the "Batcycle", upgraded "Batmobiles" (only with the bad guys in control) and new "Batcopter".
the character of "Bane" and his goofy mask are NOT up to the standards of previous Batman villians from earlier films like Jack Nicholson as The Joker or Danny DeVito as Penguin and you can NOT understand half his dialogue in that raspy, throaty voice. same with Batman when he is in costume. another example of modern movie "arty, smarty" sound. DID have an interesting "plot twist" at the end BUT even that was pretty lame AND the end to Batman villians should be spectaculer. Bane just gets shot like some normal thug.
have seen a LOT better "action dramas" than THIS recently including re-visiting Will Smith's SciFi action film I, Robot (2004) which has a fairly interesting plot AND pretty much non-stop action for one third the running time of The Dark Knight Rises which I think is overhyped. WAS kind of fun to see Heinz Field get blown up though
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) after sitting thru almost 3 hours of this, I sure hope it's the finale to the Batman sereis BUT doubt it is. has it's moments and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (Catwoman) is the most interesting character in the cast BUT after awhile I found the whole thing just gets kind of boring ex for the occasional chase, fight or showing off of Batman's "toys" like the "Batcycle", upgraded "Batmobiles" (only with the bad guys in control) and new "Batcopter".
the character of "Bane" and his goofy mask are NOT up to the standards of previous Batman villians from earlier films like Jack Nicholson as The Joker or Danny DeVito as Penguin and you can NOT understand half his dialogue in that raspy, throaty voice. same with Batman when he is in costume. another example of modern movie "arty, smarty" sound. DID have an interesting "plot twist" at the end BUT even that was pretty lame AND the end to Batman villians should be spectaculer. Bane just gets shot like some normal thug.
have seen a LOT better "action dramas" than THIS recently including re-visiting Will Smith's SciFi action film I, Robot (2004) which has a fairly interesting plot AND pretty much non-stop action for one third the running time of The Dark Knight Rises which I think is overhyped. WAS kind of fun to see Heinz Field get blown up though
The Purge
I thought this had a chance to be really good. But in the end I felt like I got Purged. Definitely a wait for DVD movie. So if you don't like it you can switch over to a ball game.
The Purge
I thought this had a chance to be really good. But in the end I felt like I got Purged. Definitely a wait for DVD movie. So if you don't like it you can switch over to a ball game.
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters
Yep I actually watched this. I mean it had Jeremy Renner and Famke Janssen in it. Mindless fun.
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters
Yep I actually watched this. I mean it had Jeremy Renner and Famke Janssen in it. Mindless fun.
I finally watched Abe Lincoln: Vampire Slayer
It was entertaining. Some historical inaccuracies with the vampires and Lincoln's egalitarian views.
I just watched Valhala Rising. I remember somebody commenting on this movie. It was really cool in the beginning, tons of action and violence. Then, the movie turns into a boring stinking turd.
I finally watched Abe Lincoln: Vampire Slayer
It was entertaining. Some historical inaccuracies with the vampires and Lincoln's egalitarian views.
I just watched Valhala Rising. I remember somebody commenting on this movie. It was really cool in the beginning, tons of action and violence. Then, the movie turns into a boring stinking turd.
Butterfly Effect was pretty good. I'd never want to watch it again though.
I watched The Hobbit recently. I liked it more than the LOR movies. It is more fast-paced without all the gaaay bullshit with the ring carrier and what not. The dwarf history was awesome.
Butterfly Effect was pretty good. I'd never want to watch it again though.
I watched The Hobbit recently. I liked it more than the LOR movies. It is more fast-paced without all the gaaay bullshit with the ring carrier and what not. The dwarf history was awesome.
Premium Rush (2012) thought it was a very entertaining non-stop action-thriller with oodles of chase scenes. basic plot is a NYC bicycle messenger, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The Dark Knight Rises, Looper) chased by a corrupt police officer, played by Michael Shannon (Agent van Alden in Boardwalk Empire), who wants an envelope the messenger has. NO filler in this "under the radar" 90 minute movie. has some unbelievable some bicycle"shredding" stunts.
it's on Starz again Friday June 21st, Wednesday June 26th and Thrusday, June 27th. fast paced fun movie
also just a "heads up", the Al Pacino, Robert De Niro classic Heat is on Cinemax tuesday June 25th @ 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm pacific time. worth recording just for the diner and the bank robbery scenes. diner scene on vimeo >>>
Premium Rush (2012) thought it was a very entertaining non-stop action-thriller with oodles of chase scenes. basic plot is a NYC bicycle messenger, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The Dark Knight Rises, Looper) chased by a corrupt police officer, played by Michael Shannon (Agent van Alden in Boardwalk Empire), who wants an envelope the messenger has. NO filler in this "under the radar" 90 minute movie. has some unbelievable some bicycle"shredding" stunts.
it's on Starz again Friday June 21st, Wednesday June 26th and Thrusday, June 27th. fast paced fun movie
also just a "heads up", the Al Pacino, Robert De Niro classic Heat is on Cinemax tuesday June 25th @ 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm pacific time. worth recording just for the diner and the bank robbery scenes. diner scene on vimeo >>>
a "heads up" for a couple of excellent dramas playing the next few days
The Conversation (1974) with Gene Hackman and John Cazale. nominated for Best Picture oscar. Cazale is unique among actors in that in his short career (he died in 1978 from cancer at the age of 42) every one of the five movies he acted in, The Godfather, The Conversation, The Godfather Part II, Dog Day Afternoon and The Deer Hunter either won or were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. some film historians even say "SIX movies he appeared in" because they used archive footage of him as Fredo Corleone in Godfather III in 1990
in any case, The Conversation is definately well acted and worth watching or recording. it plays on the EPIX3 channel Saturday June 22nd @ 10:45 am and repeats on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 11:15 am pacific time
The Company Men (2010) staring Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, Chris Cooper and Tommy Lee Jones. movie bombed at the box office probably because the subject matter, the dehumanizing effects that losing their long time jobs can have on older employees, was just too painful for the public during the recession. BUT it's a VERY well acted movie, esp by Chris Cooper who plays an employee who rose from the factory floor to become a corporate executive only to be "downsized" after 30 years of service.
EXCELLENT movie worth watchng or recording. it plays on Showtime Saturday June 22nd @ 8:15 am and 11:15 am. repeats Sunday June 23rd @ 1:30 am
have viewed BOTH movies before and they are definate
a "heads up" for a couple of excellent dramas playing the next few days
The Conversation (1974) with Gene Hackman and John Cazale. nominated for Best Picture oscar. Cazale is unique among actors in that in his short career (he died in 1978 from cancer at the age of 42) every one of the five movies he acted in, The Godfather, The Conversation, The Godfather Part II, Dog Day Afternoon and The Deer Hunter either won or were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. some film historians even say "SIX movies he appeared in" because they used archive footage of him as Fredo Corleone in Godfather III in 1990
in any case, The Conversation is definately well acted and worth watching or recording. it plays on the EPIX3 channel Saturday June 22nd @ 10:45 am and repeats on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 11:15 am pacific time
The Company Men (2010) staring Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, Chris Cooper and Tommy Lee Jones. movie bombed at the box office probably because the subject matter, the dehumanizing effects that losing their long time jobs can have on older employees, was just too painful for the public during the recession. BUT it's a VERY well acted movie, esp by Chris Cooper who plays an employee who rose from the factory floor to become a corporate executive only to be "downsized" after 30 years of service.
EXCELLENT movie worth watchng or recording. it plays on Showtime Saturday June 22nd @ 8:15 am and 11:15 am. repeats Sunday June 23rd @ 1:30 am
have viewed BOTH movies before and they are definate
The Conversation (1974) with Gene Hackman and John Cazale. nominated for Best Picture oscar. Cazale is unique among actors in that in his short career (he died in 1978 from cancer at the age of 42) every one of the five movies he acted in, The Godfather, The Conversation, The Godfather Part II, Dog Day Afternoon and The Deer Hunter either won or were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. some film historians even say "SIX movies he appeared in" because they used archive footage of him as Fredo Corleone in Godfather III in 1990
in any case, The Conversation is definately well acted and worth watching or recording. it plays on the EPIX3 channel Saturday June 22nd @ 10:45 am and repeats on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 11:15 am pacific time
The conversation p i s s e s me off...The recording changes at the end of the movie.
The Conversation (1974) with Gene Hackman and John Cazale. nominated for Best Picture oscar. Cazale is unique among actors in that in his short career (he died in 1978 from cancer at the age of 42) every one of the five movies he acted in, The Godfather, The Conversation, The Godfather Part II, Dog Day Afternoon and The Deer Hunter either won or were nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. some film historians even say "SIX movies he appeared in" because they used archive footage of him as Fredo Corleone in Godfather III in 1990
in any case, The Conversation is definately well acted and worth watching or recording. it plays on the EPIX3 channel Saturday June 22nd @ 10:45 am and repeats on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 11:15 am pacific time
The conversation p i s s e s me off...The recording changes at the end of the movie.
Windtalkers (2002) found it to be a decent WWII story about the US Marine's Navajo code talkers with Nicolas Cage and Christian Slater as the two Marine Sergeants tasked to "protect the code" and Adam Beach and Roger Willie as their two "Wind Talkers".
IF your into war movies with oodles of ordnance and stuff going boom, you should like this one. personally I thought it was overly long @ 2 hours 15 minutes. just HOW much CGI of Japanese soldiers and American Marines being shot, blown up and burned up do you need to tell the story?
it's on EPIX3 Wednesday June 26th @ 7:45 pm and again Thursday June 27th @ 7:30 am & 2:45 pm pacific time. I rate it
mostly for the outstanding CGI
and btw, that 1986 "Two Hour Naval Aviation Recruiting Commercial" Top Gun is on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 9:15 am, 5:00 pm & 11:45 pm pacific time. except for the EXCELLENT air combat manuvering flying scenes featuring the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, I think the movie is totally . the flying AND the music soundtrack with the "Top Gun Anthem" Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone" and Cheap Trick's "Mighty Wings" exit music is the ONLY thing that saves this turkey.
as a former Naval Aviator and carrier qualification Instructor pilot / LSO (Landing Signal Officer) back during Vietnam, I can assure you that someone with the attitude of "Maverick" (Tom Cruise) would have not only NEVER been selected for a VF (fighter) squadron, he probably would NOT have made it thru Navy flight training.
Windtalkers (2002) found it to be a decent WWII story about the US Marine's Navajo code talkers with Nicolas Cage and Christian Slater as the two Marine Sergeants tasked to "protect the code" and Adam Beach and Roger Willie as their two "Wind Talkers".
IF your into war movies with oodles of ordnance and stuff going boom, you should like this one. personally I thought it was overly long @ 2 hours 15 minutes. just HOW much CGI of Japanese soldiers and American Marines being shot, blown up and burned up do you need to tell the story?
it's on EPIX3 Wednesday June 26th @ 7:45 pm and again Thursday June 27th @ 7:30 am & 2:45 pm pacific time. I rate it
mostly for the outstanding CGI
and btw, that 1986 "Two Hour Naval Aviation Recruiting Commercial" Top Gun is on EPIX1 Monday June 24th @ 9:15 am, 5:00 pm & 11:45 pm pacific time. except for the EXCELLENT air combat manuvering flying scenes featuring the Grumman F-14 Tomcat, I think the movie is totally . the flying AND the music soundtrack with the "Top Gun Anthem" Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone" and Cheap Trick's "Mighty Wings" exit music is the ONLY thing that saves this turkey.
as a former Naval Aviator and carrier qualification Instructor pilot / LSO (Landing Signal Officer) back during Vietnam, I can assure you that someone with the attitude of "Maverick" (Tom Cruise) would have not only NEVER been selected for a VF (fighter) squadron, he probably would NOT have made it thru Navy flight training.
The conversation p i s s e s me off...The recording changes at the end of the movie.
I think that is because Gene Hackman as Harry Caul continues to "clean up" the tape throughout and they use the final "enhanced" version to explain the "plot twist" of who gets murdered at the climax of the movie.
The conversation p i s s e s me off...The recording changes at the end of the movie.
I think that is because Gene Hackman as Harry Caul continues to "clean up" the tape throughout and they use the final "enhanced" version to explain the "plot twist" of who gets murdered at the climax of the movie.
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