Quote Originally Posted by begginerboy:
Scal, didn't know you knew Hockey. Wish I did, then I would have asked you about that series:( I know it was a bad beat, but you got three more shots at it, no? Regarding game 4, I really think you are overreading (or overcaping) here; I know cause I do it often myself. It's our tendency to try to account for every possible angle but I think this one much easier than you are making it out to be. The biggest problem for me, with what you say, is that this is not game 7 (for SA), and coaches can try to pull every possible psychological ploy to get their teams to respond as if it was game 7 but that only gets you so far. The players and coaches will use their minds to trick their bodies into thinking it is game 7 but in their heart they will know it is just a ploy and that they have a nice cushion to play with. Meanwhile, for Miami, this is virtually a game 7, so there will be no need to trick their bodies into thinking it is. Every muscle and fiber in their body (including the heart) will be going all out in this one. I'm not worried about how Miami came out in game 2, because they were probably thinking they should have won game one, if LBJ didn't leave the game. And if Wade has a decent game, they win that game rather easily (IMO). Now they come home for game 3, and they relax a bit, while SA turns into the Globetrotters for the 1st half. Meanwhile, Leonard goes off for the 1st time because the refs decided not to handcuff him with fouls, but who is to say they won't do that tonight, in a must win game for Miami and the league. If Miami has a blowout win in them, it is this game, and this game only!
Overthinking? Possibly. I do not get the 'feeling' I usually get when capping games with confidence with this pick (nothing like I had with Miami in game 2 which was a done deal after air condition-gate).
But you have to remember something about game 1: yes Miami very likely would have won but then you and I would have both been on SA in game 2, and we would have won as the spurs simply would not go down 0-2 at home. So we really are right where we should be: 2-1 Spurs.
That puts the pressure back on Miami and how has Miami responded to pressure from the Spurs? I see the Spurs going for the kill several times and Miami squeaking out some wins.
Game 1 Last Year - Spurs win up 1-0
How did Miami respond in Game 2, a must win at home? They were tied late in the 3rd and Miami went on a 33-5 run to end it. I don't want to discount 33-5 runs but that was yet another "throw in the towel game" and pop will not do that again this playoffs. He did it vs. OKC in game 4 and that is his one and only "towel game". That get-em-next-time mentality can't be recycled. Use it. One and done. So for me, Spurs go all out tonight.
Now let's compare this year's game 1 and 2.
Spurs win again (albeit an aided win).
How did Miami respond in game 2? This one went right to the final buzzer in what really was a must win vs. a team seeking title revenge. And that was with all the LBJ criticism we discussed would take us home.
So the Spurs went to stick the knife in, in both game 2's and came up short twice, albeit, just short the second time.
Now let's look at Game 3 and 4 last year.
Game 3: Spurs destroy the Heat a dog up 2-1.
Big bounce back game for the Heat to respond right?
As stated previously, in Game 4, another must win for the Heat, they were tied at the half and only up 5 at the end of 3 and needed another 4th quarter pull away to win it. That is a bit alarming for Miami and again, shows the Spurs went for it.
This year?
Spurs crush them in game 3 yet again.
Game 4: do the spurs allow for the same script to play itself out yet again? Yes they have to beat the refs tonight too but the Heat's age and spare parts (chalmers, bench) are showing their holes.
And if you look at last year in game 5 and 6, the Heat squeaked it out yet again in game 6 after another Spurs series leading victory in game 5.
Game 6: everyone remembers Ray Allen and his 3 correct?
What they forget are two key contributions Chalmers scored TWENTY in that game and they BARELY won with a miracle 3.
He is giving you NOTHING this year. While he may get 10 or 11 or 12 tonight, will it be enough??? I don't see it especially when Maimi is laying a fairly hefty 5 points.
What else is missing?
The name had been thrown around a lot here on this board.
Mike Miller.
He was inserted into Game 4 through Game 7. He spaced the floor and had the every crucial 'sockless 3' which kept them in game 6.
No more floor spacing and the Spurs are deeper this year.
In summation, what do we see?
We see a Spurs team really trying to stick the knife in Miami when they are up 1 game in these last two finals appearance and Miami is:
1) not winning with authority like the Spurs do in must wins
2) winning with a miracle.
It's too much. Playing with fire will get you burnt.
The spurs are 13 deep. The heat amnesty miller, a player they would LOVE to have right now, and keep putting themselves on the brink, down one game, continually depending on everyone who isn't stepping up to come through next game.
Sometimes the fat lady will sing on you even if you have your fingers in your ears. I feel the Spurs, the smartest team in the NBA will eventually make you pay for this and are fully aware of it.
With +5 given the history, I gotta lean Spurs tonight.

PS (I only cap the Rangers so you won't see me much in the NHL forum, especially because it aligns with the NBA season which I focus on).