Quote Originally Posted by fchu1971:
investments4youI have been watching some of your plays you have been very good but I noticed
your big mistake is playing whole games.there is not advantage in playing whole games when most of the time you win your units before halftime.
I think whole game bets are for suckers because anything could happen and moose you in the 4th qtr I wish I was at home this morning look at lakers game tie spread they were down 10 going into 4th I would have bet 1 unit on them in 4th why because I could care less who wins the game at that point because I was already up 1 unit with orl at 1st qtr and just taking a shoot to either be up 2 unit or break even a much saffer bet that just watching the 4th qtr and end up getting a tie. my method is not for everyone, everybody should do what ever works for them and as long as it makes you

dont change what you are doing. we all need a system of some sort
hitting 58% people think you are god how about 90% that is what I am hitting I think i bet over 100 games and hitting 95 winners that is no lie. good luck to all. let make some

Hey Bud,, knock off the technique of criticize then compliment,,. Seems I may have shook ya, not trying to at all,,, just wanted to know how the system works an if there is money to be made. SO since ya think Im makin a mistake and Im a sucker, while all at the same time Im god??(( newsflash- I am not GOD)) I just want to explain the system how it really works, now as ya stated above, there will be times you will jump in later on a play after you have won the 1st quarter and at worst you can break even, so im only going to refer to your system, Lets see if we can agree on how this works,
Limits May Be Exceeded if 1stQ & 2 Q Lose(( 800 per unit player
Q1 Risk 880 - 800 if loses then Double
Q2 Risk 1760 - 1600 if loses double
Q3 Risk 3520 - 3200 if loses Double
Q4 Risk 7040 - 6400
if 4thQ wins then Profit 240 dollars if loses then lose - 13,200
100 per unit Player
Q1 110 -100 if loses then Double
Q2 220 - 200 if loses then Double if wins then Net + 90
Q3 440-400 if loses then double if wins then Net + 70
Q4 880-800 if wins then Net + $ 30.00 if loses then Lost -1650
If 1st Quarter loses, then automatically after the 2nd quarter wager is placed, it is the equivalent of Playing a -320 ML to win 100 dollars. The chances if hitting a -320 ML are higher than Hitting 1 of the 1st 2 quarters. Thats one way of looking at it, Also, in the event that all 4 quarters lose, it would require you to win the next 16 1st quarters in a row, just to break even. Now I had no intention of showing how this really works, but wanted to show others why playing full games is not for suckers, (( if they dont already know)) you said that anyone else that plays full games are suckers because ya can get moosed at the end and it kinda ticked me off, and thats hard to do. Im not God or whatever ya said, And I tend to stay to myself and hope that we all win, its hard to win doin this without discipline. Ya said you have hit your last 95 out of 100, but also said that even if the system loses money then it still counts as a win. And that is all I want to make sure the newbies understand. The 19-1 record does not mean a profit is made, just means that 1 quarter out of 4 was the team you picked, so 1-3 = win,, to break that down, 1-3 would mean ya netted 30 dollars as shown above, 30 times 19 = 570 ,, but that 1 loss that you show, cost 1670, so its still a negative of -1000 dollars for a 100 dollar per unit player. That is worse case scenario, but ya get the point,, So please dont pretend that I think Im god, or someone else thinks Im god,, anyone that actually reads what I type, has read plenty of times that nothing is gauranteed, and there will be losing days, the point is to make a profit by end of season , even if its just a little, Im glad this system works for you somehow, but now you can see why so many were having a hard time understanding how you can win with it,, When no profit = a win,, then I think I would rather be a sucker, I think this was a good spot to make my 1st entrance into another thread to disagree, No hard feelings bud, and I mean that, Im really just worried of how some young kid could see 19-1 and start trying to do this, losing the first time he tries and reloading because he thinks its gonna eventually make him rich, but its the diminishing returns factor, I am glad that you are making a profit doing this and thats great if thats the case,, GL