Quote Originally Posted by Coverdeeznutz:
im not on it
go ahead and tail the great scalabrine

GL dumb play either way
I'd like to make a spectacle of this posters stupidity.
He's here now and will be here later, and probably for the rest of his life.
So as long as he's sticking around, let's attempt to understand who we are dealing with.
He's spent a full day in this thread.
Did he even play the Heat/Knicks? No. He says this in the quoted post.
Remarkably, it was a "dumb play either way."
That's having your cake and eating it too now isn't it?
If the Heat win? You're an idiot. Dumb play for laying all that chalk.
If the Knicks win? Ya got lucky. You should never fade the red hot heat in Miami on the roll they are on.
Does the stupidity end there?
In post #360 above, someone had asked me what I thought of the Warrior/Knicks game tonight.
I said "It was a very rough spot for the Knicks."
To DeezNuts (it's embarrassing just to type his screen name), this is a 'contradiction' because I said it was a 'great spot' for the Knicks against the Heat but now, in a completely separate game, it was a 'rough spot'.
You see, to DeezNuts, if you think one way about one game and another way about another game involving the same team, you are 'contradicting' yourself.
But wait, it gets better.
He finally makes a contribution to this thread, one where he hints at a side, mainly because I'm on the opposing side (never fully committing but if he's right, you'll be sure to hear about it).
He says "This spot vs. GS is a whole lot better than it was yesterday when you placed the bet." That is, this spot for the Knicks getting 6.
I thought it was a game against "deadly marksman" vs. a team incapable of defending the 3.
The result? Knicks give up 126 points on their home floor while surrendering 14 3's.
Some spot that was wasn't it? And this is the guy killing me.
That folks, is "CoversDeezNuts" in a nutshell (pun intended).
He's here now. He'll be here later.
Parasites can't survive without their host.