@dorian @mad @taco my pleasure

@wizard - thanks for that. This is my best year on covers posting and it's almost coming too easy at times in the NBA. I pretty much was relaxed this whole game knowing no matter what the kings did, they couldn't win it.
It was like game 7 in the finals last year. I had a debate with Bator saying the spurs had a shot (which I never should have said) and Bator said the result was already almost predetermined for a heat win.
The problem? That game had a ML of Heat -260 I believe and had little value except in a parlay.
He ended up being right though. The spurs played a great game but nothing they could do could make them win.
And for this game, I felt the exact same way after I wrote it up and thought about it through the day. There was no way the kings were going to beat the Knicks last night. I would have bet them 100 out of 100 times.
Of course with me saying this, hindsight is 20/20 but as you saw I told the posters here I wasn't worried even when the lead was on the verge of disappearing completely. A jr smith 3, and Amare layup and the lead went right back to 7. Game over.
The sweetest part? The spread was effectively a ML so there was TONS of value on this game as opposed to game 7.
This is what I mean when I say turning "Shi+ To Gold" .
The bottom feeders were out on the court last night and the books didn't know what to do with that line. It went from -1 Kings to -2.5 Knicks.
Do we see such major corrections in the NFL? Almost never (without an injury).
Why? Those are sharp lines. The sharpest actually and the biggest moneymaker for the books.
The books simply can't put out sharp lines every night for every team and for the Knicks, the lines are like a roller coaster. That means they released a poor line.
So we slam it.
This doesn't happen with the good teams on TNT for the most part (see pacers heat +1.5 and the pacers win by one).
I understand you want to manage your own bankroll. If it's taken hits lately, make them your own plays and get back up on your feet on your own terms.