Oddsbuster 2-1
Oddsmaker503 0-1
Offnever 4-9
Ohioshad 0-2
OmriKi 1-2
OmShanti 8-4 (67%)
Ooneethree13 0-2
Pacers792 8-13
Pacificbb 1-2
Pacificbeach27 7-3-1 (70%)
PadreFan 1-2
Pama 0-1
Paoxpao 2-5
PapaFleks 0-3
Parabola 5-9 One play only. Read the rules. Thanks.
thePatriot 4-2**
PatsDynasty 0-3
Pauliswilling 0-1
Pcb525 0-1
PDudek7263 8-13-1
Peiprophet 6-5***
Pennyman 6-6
Perry2jm 2-5
Peta 3-0
Pete_95973 3-0
Pfk51169 37-42-1
Pgambla 5-9
PGvision 1-0
Phat03 30-28
PhillyChamps34 1-2
PhilthyRich727 1-2
PickNroll 1-1
PickThen6 2-3
PicPoppa 4-4
PigSkinPics 7-7
Pimpson 1-3
Pinnacle 6-8
Pitt218 1-1
Play-Maker 1-0
Player 0-1
PobiegliBlisko 11-11
Poboy54236 12-20
PonyBoy 1-0-1
PorkyPig 17-20-2
Post-it-here 0-1
Pozoker 11-20
Prendi 1-0
Procap305 0-1
PRweaver 4-4 Bold means that you are over .500.
Psantana357 4-0
PunkAssMutha 1-0
Put-It-Here 0-1
Q80Star 0-1
R8drlife 1-0
Ragone15 1-1
Raidernator76 14-15
Ralfy123 0-1
Randylicious 0-1
RapsLeafsJays 3-4
Raptors 13-14
theRealdjlaura 8-8**
Redlad 6-2***
Renegades 4-9
Reppendayay 1-2
Reservoir-Dogs 0-1
Rich100K 0-1
RichBoy32 14-15
RichBoy 27-24-2
RickParty 1-0
Rickster2312 0-1
Rickster 420 2-4
Rieko711 0-2
Rig 0-2
Rikolai 14-11
RiskTaker 6-10
RiskyRanger 7-11
Riverbendguy 1-2
Rizaqboi23 0-1
Rms8325 3-4
RNX 0-3
RoadDog30 2-0
Robb52 0-2
RobertGould79 0-1
Robman 0-1
RodSteel 2-2
Rollinrocks3333 6-0*
RollTide8 9-8-3
Rokr 16-17
Romolicious 1-0
RoosterKing 3-6
Roy29 0-3
Rpahl 0-1
Rquiroz 0-1
Rub4Luck 4-0
Ruffyou 0-2
Rukahs22 0-2
Run-and-Shoot 11-16
RunninOnWinners 1-2
Sabia 10-10
Sahuaro213 2-4
theSaint 5-14
SaintsSaints 1-0
Salavero 10-7**
Sanec 0-2
Satchmo27 0-2
Saucy 0-1
SavageHenry13 0-3
Sc666 4-3
Scamallama 0-1
Schust06 9-8
Sco22 0-2
Scsiegel89 1-1
SEC9546 13-12
SexyMit 1-0
Shadii 2-1
Shanguiviry 1-0-1
Sheny 2-0
ShuffleList 32-27-1***
Sigp226 1-2
SF49ers11 11-19-3
SJsporter 2-2
Skippy2320 1-0
Slim901 22-21
Slmdnk 29-29-3
SmartMoney4U 18-7 (72%)
SmartWater 0-1
SmokeKahute 1-1
SmokeFilled 0-2
SmokinChronTaun 1-0
Smoocheez 1-0
Snipah66 2-2
Soccerido 1-2
SocrAndrew7 1-1
Spartan1 4-2*
Speedstah16 24-21-1
Splooge 1-0
SportsAce 6-3 (67%)
Sportsfreak69 9-13
SportsGambool 6-7
Sportslineup 1-0
SportyChick 1-2
Sportzfreak 1-1 Please post just 1 play!
Sphynx 6-5*
Ssourn 0-2
SSystem 0-1
St.JudePirates 10-10
Stake24 0-1
StartingLine 22-16
Staubackdiamond 4-3
SteelPride44 7-8-1
Stellar12 2-4
SteveDolce 1-0
Stiverino 4-4
Stlvokc 10-17
StoneColdSucker 2-2
StrayCat 20-27
Streamline 2-0
StrikeKing 5-6-1
Stress Tabs 14-11
Stuntinx1o1 1-1
Suave4Life42 1-2
Sup3rman 2-0
Supergenie 7-6
Superghost 5-11
Support81 0-3
Susany1970 16-12
Swammi11 1-1
SwanDawg95 2-0
SwissCheese 4-5
Swtdreammer 7-10
Syau124 1-1 Only 1 play a day allowed!
T-Rigg 0-2
TaiwaneStud 25-23-1
Tangster 1-2
Tarheels2095 4-2
TaxEvasion 5-1
Tbuxgolf 0-1
TDkid 26-30
Tdthom 3-2-2
TexasBound 0-2
Thirdhand 2-1
Thotho 3-2
Threesevens 4-3 Sorry for the error.
ThroughTheCut 1-0
TigerJordan 27-20
Tilt 0-2
TimCapper 1-0
Timemaster 18-16-1
Tinman1016 11-10-1
Titusnuts 7-3 (70%)
Tjsupersports 2-2
TMack012 11-9
TomBomb 6-6
TomBoy23 7-16-1
Tom-Jerry 8-6**
Tomomitani 5-4
TonkTime 11-11
TonyChang909 5-1
TonyModa 1-0
Tony Rushe 1-2
Too2Good 1-0
Torreny3 1-1
Totalsmaven 12-7 (63%)
Totalsplaya 1-1
Toto14 1-2
TPM08 6-7
Tracyboy11 12-13-1
Train1770 4-1 Thanks for brining my attention to the error in the Dallas game. You can not make the hot list until you meet the min requirement of 10 plays and have a average of 60% or better. GL!
Tree88 4-9
Tribu wakwak 5-1
TripleAStacked 2-2.
Tru3 Magic 0-2-1
Turon 3-1
Twan08 1-2-1
TwinWolf05 1-2-1
U4Real 2-1
UB4RSHapollo 8-8
UCLAlumnus 2-3
UConn34 1-3
UglyKidJoe 0-1
UKtodd 14-18-3
UncleSam 2-2-1
UnderDogin 10-8
UnderOver 4-4
Unforgettable 2-3
USCnumber1 1-1
USdachoice 15-13-1
UsualSuspect 1-0
Usway 21-17
ValleyHeat 3-2
VP81 1-1
Voxbobby 2-0
W8Lifter 0-2-1
Waffleiron 1-0
WalktheLine 0-1
WalterTaylor24 1-0
WannaWinAlot 3-4
WClegend 0-5
Weeble5672 21-21
WestTexas 1-3
Whoops 4-3*
Whsbaseball21 12-11
Whytteoutt 6-5***
Wildcard88 3-0
WidenerDude 2-3-1
Wilderness 3-4
WillBetAnything 38-32
WillPickEm 0-1
Winky 0-1
WiseGuy702 24-30
WizrduvOdz 24-22
Wizzy69 4-3
Won2 4-1*
Worm20 3-2
Wow 1-2
WussieMan 6-8
Wwebb20 1-2
Wyteballa 1-0
Xraydonnie 3-0
XXX777 0-1
Y2Jin99 4-5
Yabmane 7-23
Yankees22 0-1
Yankees2K6 0-1
Yellowsnow51 1-2
Ykedoodl 4-2
YoDude91 1-1
Youessee 1-0
Youngrb69 7-14
YourBoyi15 1-2
Yousefgilyana 1-1
Yoyo 13-5 (72%)
Yubitsu 0-2
Yungace 0-3
YungMoney33 0-2
Yvonne 1-0-1
Zen Orochi 0-2
Zenwai415 3-2-1 There is no set requirement of games played. It's simple, just post one game a day & if you hit 60% or better with your first ten plays than you will be on the Hot List. To stay on the Hot list you must maintain a 60% or better average with a min. of 4 picks per week. I hope this helps.
Zipnjaz 3-1
Zombee 40-42-1