Joined: Oct, 2007
Posts: 8971
Posted: Feb. 3, 2010 - 4:52 AM ET
K4ngur13 2-2 +0 Karkeskam 0-1 -100 Kasu 1-0-1 +100 KayN 1-0 +100 KCmac38 18-24-2 -600 Keepitstrict 4-3 +100 Ken9198 1-0 +100 Kendog 3 3-1 +200 Please no half plays! Kenpachi 0-1 -100 Ketan23 1-0 +100 Kevincasey843 1-0 +100 KevinJames 1-0 +100 Khmerkid 20-23-2 -300 Kiddrock 5-4 +100 KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100 Kimats 2-2-1 -0 King55dez 23-22-1 +100 KingDat74 1-3 -200 KingKappy128 2-2 +0 KingXerxes 2-1 +100 KixMix 1-0 +100 Kiyakel 0-3 -300 KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100 Knockhouse 1-0 +100 Komatsu 2-3 -100 Kram2292 4-5 -100 Krg 3-6 -300 Krw618 2-0 +200 Ktown 1-0 +100 Kubrick 13-10 +300 LaDaddy 1-1 -0 Lady Luck 1-0 +100 Laker34kb 0-1 -100 LakeShowtime 1-0 +100 Lapic 0-1 -100 Leafs4Life 2-1 +100 Lionheart58 1-0 +100 Little Fish 1-0 +100 Livestrong4 0-4 -400 LockBet 0-1 -100 Logica1 0-1 -100 LoneWolf78 2-10 +100 Longusa 26-28-1 -200 LoserNation 1-0 +100 Loubs33 0-2 -200 Louis IV 4-10 -600 LowKey252 1-0 +100 Loz27 5-5 -0 LT90 17-20 -300 Lts41 2-1 +100 Lucky13USA 2-2 -200 Lumppiddy 1-1 +0 Luv-to-Gamble 8-6 +200 Luv2golf 5-3 +200 Lxnew2000 9-10 -100 Mac-stradamus 1-1 +0 MacDak43 4-2-1 +200 Mahoney2184 2-2 -0 Marthaler735 1-0 +100 Masjes 1-0 +100 MasterInSport 0-1 -100 Maxi111 0-2 -200 Maxm50 0-1 -100 Mc843 3-2-1 +100 McGrumpy 0-1 -100 Measy215 0-1 -100 MedicineMan76 0-1 -100 Medium 2-12 -1000 Mexpicks 0-1 -100 Miabballer5 0-1 -100 Michaelino985 1-0 +100 Midnight Toker 0-1 -100 Mightiestmojo 1-0 +100 Mikado 2-1 +100 Milli20 1-0 +100 Mindlib 0-1 -100 Miracle1976 2-0 +200 Mistahfob 0-1 -100 Mistercash 1-3 -200 Misterez 0-1 -100 MisterNasty 2-2 +0 Mkasad23 1-1 +0 Mkbibby1312 3-4 -100 MmMmMoney 0-1 -100 Money Train 0-1 -100 MoneyInTheBag 1-2 -100 MoneyMakinMoe 0-1 -100 MorecowbellMSU 0-1 -100 Mr A 5-2-2 +300 MrBator 1-0 +100 MrEgo21 1-1 +0 MrMet 3-4 -100 MrMo 1-1 +0 MrSaratoga 0-1 -100 Mrttl 14-22 -800 MrZamboni 6-6-1 -0 Murrays Revenge 1-0 +100 MyLord 8-18 -1000 MysTicBigz 1-0 +100 Naldo 0-1 -100 Name In Lights 6-3 +300 Nautic 3-5 -200 NBAmoney$Maker$ 3-4 -100 Ncttc 1-0 +100 Newkid 1-0 +100 NotATout 0-1 -100 Nrtvlif 0-1 -100 nRVaNa 3-6 -300 NumberCruncher 5-5 +0 Nyknut 1-0 +100 Oddsbuster 1-5 -400 OdieBoy 3-4-1 -100 Olemiss33 0-2 -200 Omygosh 1-1 -0 Onemandynasty 8-7 +100 Ogxdocta 2-2 +0 Orangeblood1183 1-3 -200 Orangemen44 10-7 +300 Ou5810 0-1 -100 Outwild 1-4 -300 Pacesetterpicks 1-0 +100 PackAttack0109 3-5 -200 Padre Pride 1-2-1 -100 PaperboySlim 3-1 +200 Paribo 3-4 -100 Parlaydante 0-4 -400 ParlayMe 1-0 +100 Pat2b27 1-1 +0 Patriotsrule13 0-2 -200 Pattiv79 1-3 -200 Pauliswilling 5-3 +200 Congrats on your parlay hit! Pcollins 1-0 +100 Peerless08 0-1 -100 Peiprophet 28-26-1 +200 Perroaviles 2-0 +200 Pfk51169 24-26 -200 Phat03 20-20-2 -0 PhantomKids 3-3 +0 Philliephan2008 1-1 +0 Philschnaars 10-8-1 +200 PickMe 1-2 -100 Piglet137 0-1 -100 Pimpson 0-1 -100 Pippinainteazy 0-1 -110 Pitt218 2-2 -0 Pizz03 1-0 +100 Placeholder 3-2-1 +100 Playboy69 1-1 +0 Plusmoney 1-1 +0 Poboy54236 0-1-1 -100 PokerPro218 1-0 +100 Pozoker 1-0 +100 Pnelson 0-1 -100 PowerNap 1-0 +100 PropBettor 1-1 +0 Ptaggart 1-3 -200 PullinBitches 1-3-1 -0 PurduePride2206 1-4 -300 Q-8 2-4 -200 Quoctrung 9-7 +200 R13 0-2 -200 Radlim 3-3 -0 RandyC726 0-2 -200 RayzHell 3-1 +200 Rbobby 0-1 -100 Redlad 4-7 -300 RedSeaRebel 2-1 +100 Redskinsnation 1-2 -100 RenoLad 1-0 +100 Richard Oneal 5-3-1 +200 RickKane 1-0 +100 Rickydee 6-4 +200 Risk82 0-1 -100 Rm2673 2-3-1 -100 RobG 1-0 +100 RocNRose 1-0 +100 Please no half plays! Rod Steel 2-1 +100 Rojaspicks 1-1 +0 Rokodesh 1-0 +100 Rolls 1-0 +100 RookeGetsNookie 0-1 -100 Rubah 2-1 +100 Rush52 1-1 +0 Only 1 play allowed! Rustyboys 11-9-1 +200 RuttnDuck 0-1 -100 Sam90 0-1 -100 Satisfied Bet 4-6 -200 Scamallama 0-1 -100 Scarface53 0-1 -100 Sccards05 0-1 -100 Semperfi19 0-4 -400 Senzurimaster 0-1 -100 SeriousPicks 4-7 -300 Sex T Rex 1-0 +100 Sheeze 1-0 +100 SF49ers 4-7 -300 Sheeze 1-0 +100 Shnooks N Kiki 0-1 -100 Shootnmiss 1-0 +100 Simbeck11 0-2 -200 Sinhdinh 1-4 -300 SiuLungBao 0-2 -200 Skullf 0-2 -200 SlammingSammy 0-1 -100 Slmdnk 2-4 -200 Slyspy700 0-2 -200 Please post your record! Smoochie 3-6-1 -300 Smoothcpa 3-3 +0 Smoothj 0-1 -100 Snaponmade 1-0 +100 Sportsman983 2-5 -300 SonnyPal 1-1 +0 Keep posting! Soun9999.. 1-0 +100 Stan Kacprowicz 18-19-2 -100 Stellar12 4-4 +0 StepbackJ 1-0 +100 Stesey 2-3-1 -100 Stevebaily6 1-0 +100 SteveS84 3-0 +300 Stichael23 2-0 +200 Please post 1 play! Stillmaticone17 1-0 +100 Stl GP6 0-1 -100 Strapon 0-1 -100 StrayCat 7-10-2 -300 Super Dave 0-2 -200 Only 1 play allowed! SurferJohn 17-14-1 +300 Sutty 0-1 -100 Swampman 2-0 +200 Syst3m4t1c 0-1 -100 T99 1-0 +100 T-Dollaz 0-1 -100 TacoBillaire 2-1 +100 Tahoeplayer 1-1 +0 TaiwaneStud 1-2-1 -100 Takeya 0-1 -100 Tatumus 1-0 +100 TDkid 4-2 +200 TdotCapper 1-0 +100 Tdthom 1-0 +100 TeamMac 1-1 -0 Temple71 1-0 +100 Termanology 0-4 -400 Thatsagoodone 1-4 -300 The Prodigy 3-7 -400 The Saint 0-1 -100 The Under Taker 4-5 -100 The Warewolf 0-1 -100 The2ndHalfMan 0-1 -100 TheFinalLevel 1-2 -100 TheFrij 0-1 -100 TheMattadore978 0-3 -300 TheNewUnderdog 1-0 +100 TheSox031185 1-0 +100 TheShooter 1-3 -200 TheUgly 0-1 -100 Only 1 play per day & no MLs! TheWild 1-0 +100 TheWinningSport 6-4 +200 TheWorldFamous 0-1 -100 TheWoss 0-1 -100 Thomthekid 1-1 -0 ThorsHammer 8-14 -600 Tical 1-1-1 +0 Tiger-Jordan 9-10 -100 Tijuano79 0-1 -100 Time_Is_Money 1-3 -200 Tkiely 1-1 -0 Toivo 2-2 +0 Tom-Jerry 1-2 -100 Tonypb 0-1 -100 Too2Good 0-1 -100 TorontoJoey 3-2 +100 Torreny3 1-1 +0 Totalsmaven 0-1 -100 Touchdownzach 4-2 +200 TPM08 0-2 -200 Trancer70 1-0 +100 Tribu wakwak 1-1 -0 Tripitz 0-1 -100 TRoe15 0-1 -100 Trust-Me 0-1 -100 Tuck0012 0-1 -100 Tygah 5-6-1 -100 TYM 0-1 -100 Uconn34 2-1 +100 Uj63amg 1-0 +100 UltRah 3-1 +200 Understandme 0-1 -100 Unstoppable Force 1-1 -0 Usdachoice 2-4 -200 Veezee 3-4 -100 VegasDennis 4-3 +100 Vicarious 1-2 -100 WahooS 0-1 -100 Watchamaia 1-0 +100 Weedkid 1-0 +100 Westcoastlegend 0-1 -100 Whacky-Paki 0-1 -100 WhiteJerome 1-1 +0 Whsbaseball21 3-3 +0 Wiggins 0-1 -100 Willbetanything 34-32-2 +200 WillyWonka 2-1 +100 Win17 7-7 -0 WinninBig 0-1 -100 WinsNow999 0-1 -100 Wizofroz 0-1 -100 WizrduvOdz 5-2 +300 Wizzy 0-2 -200 Wjk33 0-3-2 -300 Wrx junki 2-3 -100 Wynnvegas 0-1 -100 XMexicanX 2-0 +200 Xraytech5 0-1 -100 Y2jin99 1-1 +0 Please post your record! Yadnom 1-0 +100 Yakispoker 12-13 -100 Yankeefan98121 5-4 +100 Yong9335 0-1 -100 Yunnusan 6-3 +300 Zedge 0-1 -100 Zeeapplepin 1-0 +100 Zombox 2-6 -400 ZuCrow 18-20-1 -200
K4ngur13 2-2 +0 Karkeskam 0-1 -100 Kasu 1-0-1 +100 KayN 1-0 +100 KCmac38 18-24-2 -600 Keepitstrict 4-3 +100 Ken9198 1-0 +100 Kendog 3 3-1 +200 Please no half plays! Kenpachi 0-1 -100 Ketan23 1-0 +100 Kevincasey843 1-0 +100 KevinJames 1-0 +100 Khmerkid 20-23-2 -300 Kiddrock 5-4 +100 KillerKardoogan 1-0 +100 Kimats 2-2-1 -0 King55dez 23-22-1 +100 KingDat74 1-3 -200 KingKappy128 2-2 +0 KingXerxes 2-1 +100 KixMix 1-0 +100 Kiyakel 0-3 -300 KnightofSorrow 1-0 +100 Knockhouse 1-0 +100 Komatsu 2-3 -100 Kram2292 4-5 -100 Krg 3-6 -300 Krw618 2-0 +200 Ktown 1-0 +100 Kubrick 13-10 +300 LaDaddy 1-1 -0 Lady Luck 1-0 +100 Laker34kb 0-1 -100 LakeShowtime 1-0 +100 Lapic 0-1 -100 Leafs4Life 2-1 +100 Lionheart58 1-0 +100 Little Fish 1-0 +100 Livestrong4 0-4 -400 LockBet 0-1 -100 Logica1 0-1 -100 LoneWolf78 2-10 +100 Longusa 26-28-1 -200 LoserNation 1-0 +100 Loubs33 0-2 -200 Louis IV 4-10 -600 LowKey252 1-0 +100 Loz27 5-5 -0 LT90 17-20 -300 Lts41 2-1 +100 Lucky13USA 2-2 -200 Lumppiddy 1-1 +0 Luv-to-Gamble 8-6 +200 Luv2golf 5-3 +200 Lxnew2000 9-10 -100 Mac-stradamus 1-1 +0 MacDak43 4-2-1 +200 Mahoney2184 2-2 -0 Marthaler735 1-0 +100 Masjes 1-0 +100 MasterInSport 0-1 -100 Maxi111 0-2 -200 Maxm50 0-1 -100 Mc843 3-2-1 +100 McGrumpy 0-1 -100 Measy215 0-1 -100 MedicineMan76 0-1 -100 Medium 2-12 -1000 Mexpicks 0-1 -100 Miabballer5 0-1 -100 Michaelino985 1-0 +100 Midnight Toker 0-1 -100 Mightiestmojo 1-0 +100 Mikado 2-1 +100 Milli20 1-0 +100 Mindlib 0-1 -100 Miracle1976 2-0 +200 Mistahfob 0-1 -100 Mistercash 1-3 -200 Misterez 0-1 -100 MisterNasty 2-2 +0 Mkasad23 1-1 +0 Mkbibby1312 3-4 -100 MmMmMoney 0-1 -100 Money Train 0-1 -100 MoneyInTheBag 1-2 -100 MoneyMakinMoe 0-1 -100 MorecowbellMSU 0-1 -100 Mr A 5-2-2 +300 MrBator 1-0 +100 MrEgo21 1-1 +0 MrMet 3-4 -100 MrMo 1-1 +0 MrSaratoga 0-1 -100 Mrttl 14-22 -800 MrZamboni 6-6-1 -0 Murrays Revenge 1-0 +100 MyLord 8-18 -1000 MysTicBigz 1-0 +100 Naldo 0-1 -100 Name In Lights 6-3 +300 Nautic 3-5 -200 NBAmoney$Maker$ 3-4 -100 Ncttc 1-0 +100 Newkid 1-0 +100 NotATout 0-1 -100 Nrtvlif 0-1 -100 nRVaNa 3-6 -300 NumberCruncher 5-5 +0 Nyknut 1-0 +100 Oddsbuster 1-5 -400 OdieBoy 3-4-1 -100 Olemiss33 0-2 -200 Omygosh 1-1 -0 Onemandynasty 8-7 +100 Ogxdocta 2-2 +0 Orangeblood1183 1-3 -200 Orangemen44 10-7 +300 Ou5810 0-1 -100 Outwild 1-4 -300 Pacesetterpicks 1-0 +100 PackAttack0109 3-5 -200 Padre Pride 1-2-1 -100 PaperboySlim 3-1 +200 Paribo 3-4 -100 Parlaydante 0-4 -400 ParlayMe 1-0 +100 Pat2b27 1-1 +0 Patriotsrule13 0-2 -200 Pattiv79 1-3 -200 Pauliswilling 5-3 +200 Congrats on your parlay hit! Pcollins 1-0 +100 Peerless08 0-1 -100 Peiprophet 28-26-1 +200 Perroaviles 2-0 +200 Pfk51169 24-26 -200 Phat03 20-20-2 -0 PhantomKids 3-3 +0 Philliephan2008 1-1 +0 Philschnaars 10-8-1 +200 PickMe 1-2 -100 Piglet137 0-1 -100 Pimpson 0-1 -100 Pippinainteazy 0-1 -110 Pitt218 2-2 -0 Pizz03 1-0 +100 Placeholder 3-2-1 +100 Playboy69 1-1 +0 Plusmoney 1-1 +0 Poboy54236 0-1-1 -100 PokerPro218 1-0 +100 Pozoker 1-0 +100 Pnelson 0-1 -100 PowerNap 1-0 +100 PropBettor 1-1 +0 Ptaggart 1-3 -200 PullinBitches 1-3-1 -0 PurduePride2206 1-4 -300 Q-8 2-4 -200 Quoctrung 9-7 +200 R13 0-2 -200 Radlim 3-3 -0 RandyC726 0-2 -200 RayzHell 3-1 +200 Rbobby 0-1 -100 Redlad 4-7 -300 RedSeaRebel 2-1 +100 Redskinsnation 1-2 -100 RenoLad 1-0 +100 Richard Oneal 5-3-1 +200 RickKane 1-0 +100 Rickydee 6-4 +200 Risk82 0-1 -100 Rm2673 2-3-1 -100 RobG 1-0 +100 RocNRose 1-0 +100 Please no half plays! Rod Steel 2-1 +100 Rojaspicks 1-1 +0 Rokodesh 1-0 +100 Rolls 1-0 +100 RookeGetsNookie 0-1 -100 Rubah 2-1 +100 Rush52 1-1 +0 Only 1 play allowed! Rustyboys 11-9-1 +200 RuttnDuck 0-1 -100 Sam90 0-1 -100 Satisfied Bet 4-6 -200 Scamallama 0-1 -100 Scarface53 0-1 -100 Sccards05 0-1 -100 Semperfi19 0-4 -400 Senzurimaster 0-1 -100 SeriousPicks 4-7 -300 Sex T Rex 1-0 +100 Sheeze 1-0 +100 SF49ers 4-7 -300 Sheeze 1-0 +100 Shnooks N Kiki 0-1 -100 Shootnmiss 1-0 +100 Simbeck11 0-2 -200 Sinhdinh 1-4 -300 SiuLungBao 0-2 -200 Skullf 0-2 -200 SlammingSammy 0-1 -100 Slmdnk 2-4 -200 Slyspy700 0-2 -200 Please post your record! Smoochie 3-6-1 -300 Smoothcpa 3-3 +0 Smoothj 0-1 -100 Snaponmade 1-0 +100 Sportsman983 2-5 -300 SonnyPal 1-1 +0 Keep posting! Soun9999.. 1-0 +100 Stan Kacprowicz 18-19-2 -100 Stellar12 4-4 +0 StepbackJ 1-0 +100 Stesey 2-3-1 -100 Stevebaily6 1-0 +100 SteveS84 3-0 +300 Stichael23 2-0 +200 Please post 1 play! Stillmaticone17 1-0 +100 Stl GP6 0-1 -100 Strapon 0-1 -100 StrayCat 7-10-2 -300 Super Dave 0-2 -200 Only 1 play allowed! SurferJohn 17-14-1 +300 Sutty 0-1 -100 Swampman 2-0 +200 Syst3m4t1c 0-1 -100 T99 1-0 +100 T-Dollaz 0-1 -100 TacoBillaire 2-1 +100 Tahoeplayer 1-1 +0 TaiwaneStud 1-2-1 -100 Takeya 0-1 -100 Tatumus 1-0 +100 TDkid 4-2 +200 TdotCapper 1-0 +100 Tdthom 1-0 +100 TeamMac 1-1 -0 Temple71 1-0 +100 Termanology 0-4 -400 Thatsagoodone 1-4 -300 The Prodigy 3-7 -400 The Saint 0-1 -100 The Under Taker 4-5 -100 The Warewolf 0-1 -100 The2ndHalfMan 0-1 -100 TheFinalLevel 1-2 -100 TheFrij 0-1 -100 TheMattadore978 0-3 -300 TheNewUnderdog 1-0 +100 TheSox031185 1-0 +100 TheShooter 1-3 -200 TheUgly 0-1 -100 Only 1 play per day & no MLs! TheWild 1-0 +100 TheWinningSport 6-4 +200 TheWorldFamous 0-1 -100 TheWoss 0-1 -100 Thomthekid 1-1 -0 ThorsHammer 8-14 -600 Tical 1-1-1 +0 Tiger-Jordan 9-10 -100 Tijuano79 0-1 -100 Time_Is_Money 1-3 -200 Tkiely 1-1 -0 Toivo 2-2 +0 Tom-Jerry 1-2 -100 Tonypb 0-1 -100 Too2Good 0-1 -100 TorontoJoey 3-2 +100 Torreny3 1-1 +0 Totalsmaven 0-1 -100 Touchdownzach 4-2 +200 TPM08 0-2 -200 Trancer70 1-0 +100 Tribu wakwak 1-1 -0 Tripitz 0-1 -100 TRoe15 0-1 -100 Trust-Me 0-1 -100 Tuck0012 0-1 -100 Tygah 5-6-1 -100 TYM 0-1 -100 Uconn34 2-1 +100 Uj63amg 1-0 +100 UltRah 3-1 +200 Understandme 0-1 -100 Unstoppable Force 1-1 -0 Usdachoice 2-4 -200 Veezee 3-4 -100 VegasDennis 4-3 +100 Vicarious 1-2 -100 WahooS 0-1 -100 Watchamaia 1-0 +100 Weedkid 1-0 +100 Westcoastlegend 0-1 -100 Whacky-Paki 0-1 -100 WhiteJerome 1-1 +0 Whsbaseball21 3-3 +0 Wiggins 0-1 -100 Willbetanything 34-32-2 +200 WillyWonka 2-1 +100 Win17 7-7 -0 WinninBig 0-1 -100 WinsNow999 0-1 -100 Wizofroz 0-1 -100 WizrduvOdz 5-2 +300 Wizzy 0-2 -200 Wjk33 0-3-2 -300 Wrx junki 2-3 -100 Wynnvegas 0-1 -100 XMexicanX 2-0 +200 Xraytech5 0-1 -100 Y2jin99 1-1 +0 Please post your record! Yadnom 1-0 +100 Yakispoker 12-13 -100 Yankeefan98121 5-4 +100 Yong9335 0-1 -100 Yunnusan 6-3 +300 Zedge 0-1 -100 Zeeapplepin 1-0 +100 Zombox 2-6 -400 ZuCrow 18-20-1 -200