Quote Originally Posted by StocktonShorts:
Don't work at a casino/hotel, I live in the real world...a place you evidently left a while ago.
Sports doesn't live in the matrix. Its real people, with zero connection to Vegas, playing a real game and the outcome isn't influenced or decided in advanced by Vegas. The people playing the game have all the influence over the outcomes with their play.
Nothing else.
Vegas doesn't have the Back to the Future II sports book and knows the future. They have smart people that make educated guesses on some factors and get morons that think there is some kind of pattern to it to bite and give them money. They have zero, none, no, nada, zilch control over any outcome. If you honestly, in your heart, believe they do then you need to stop gambling or just blow your brains out now because you are a moron/crazy.
I find this perspective fascinating in just how WRONG it is, in my opinion. I liken it to personal bias, in the same realm that religious "faith" is really a bias. Most people with their own personal bias, in whatever it is, simply cannot contemplate the other person's perspective. And, as we see here, resort to calling the other person names. Instead of legitimately considering the other person's perspective, he just resorts to name-calling.
This goes on with everything in the US these days. If you side with Rush Limbaugh, you cannot consider the liberal point of view and resort to name-calling. If you side with Hillary Clinton, you cannot legitimately consider Rush Limbaugh's point of view and resort to name-calling. Ad nauseum.
What we as citizens, and we as handicappers, should do is consider all points of view. Gather all the information we can, then develop a reasonable assumption of what the outcome will be. Or, more accurately, what the truth IS.
I consider those of you who cannot contemplate that maybe, just maybe, there might be, at times, a "man behind the curtain" (let's call it an unseen force) that controls things, members of the Flat-Earth Society. You will eventually be proven wrong, but what do you care? You will never get in a boat and sail toward the horizons anyway. You leave that important and dangerous work to those of us who have boats and are not afraid to sail.
We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams - Willy Wonka