Quote Originally Posted by monstergrit:
anythings possible. saying you have to be profitable in every sport every year is just dumb. everyone has different methods that work for them. some specialize some use play all sports. what matters is THAT YOU MAKE ENOUGH TO LIVE. if you wanna be a 'pro' at it. if your a 52% player your chances of winning consecutive years is just as likley as losing consecutive years. not sure i see your point there
obviously the magnitude of your losing vs winning years is hugley important. if you win 1 million one year and have two losing years of 250K back to back youve still make half mil in three years, more than most folks on the planet. anythings possible like i said, but to say you have to win every sport every year is just dumb imo. i know nothing about soccer and hockey so i dont invest in them. there are plenty of opportunities in nba and mlb for me to make or lose as much money as i desire.
I do find it funny how much you write about how good you are and how little you offer insight or even just flat out picks. id offer you GL but you dont seem to need luck so i'll hold it all for myself and those that do need it

You have obviously never bet on sports professionally, or have never met anyone who has been doing it successfully for more than a few years. I mean, REALLY making serious money, season after season, year after year.
If you did? We would not have to have this debate and you would understand what it is I am trying to say. First, a person does NOT have to show you or TELL you ANYTHING about how they do something, just because they say they can. So that means, I can tell you that I am making a million dollars a month, I do NOT have to tell you how, or even HINT at how I'm doing it, to confirm it. They don't go hand and in hand.
Also, I said the popular/major wagering sports (soccer can typically be included, but mostly...) nba, mlb, nhl, ncaab, ncaaf, nfl. If you can't beat all of them? You are avoiding the inevitable. You think just because you were 52% the past THREE years, you're going to continue to be 52% the next three years? NO. If you think that? Then you DON'T understand the odds of the game.
In order to make enough to live, you need to profit WAY more than you lose. Other wise you'll be grinding and grinding making NOTHING and getting NO where.
Yeah, ANYTHING is possible, that is my point. You need to make sure the POSSIBLE does not happen with your money and TEST your method for YEARS before risking any money on it. Like I said, I tested my method for 10+ YEARS for before wagering any live money on it. And since then? I have been winning every season, every sport, every year for 5+ years. Did that 10+ years guarantee that I would win for the next 5 years? NO. Does my success over the past 5+ years, mean I will continue to have success over the next 5+ years? NO.
Are my chances of continued success EXTREMELY higher than my chances of failure due to my ten years of testing? YES. That's all you can look for. Putting the odds in your favor as MUCH as possible before taking any risks.