Quote Originally Posted by Killa_Kraken:
Please explain the mathematical calculation you used to determine that a losing year will always proliferate so that we can laugh at you some more.

Do you even realise how ridiculous that sounds? You didn't even state a particular system would be deemed to fail again if it had already failed on one season, you were talking about the being placing the bets.
Intelligence? You don't seem to have much understanding of sports at all and if you even do know math there are definitely things you fail to understand in how math relates to the NBA. Even if a system has been back tested and deemed profitable over the last ten years, it could still lose this year. That's why we call numerical data in sports TRENDS because there is NO certainty that this math will ever repeat itself again.
Everybody reading this should flag you as an imposter bookie or a liar because there is no way someone as idiotic as you could make money in this game, Just no. You suck too much.
This is the last time I am going to respond or engage in any type of debate with you guys (I'm using "you guys" sine you decided to speak of yourself as "we", being a "group entity"....idk if you realize how silly and ridiculous that makes you seem)
I guess the only way for you to understand certain things is to have them stated multiple times. I'm not even sure if that will help you understand and/or grasp the simple concepts I am expressing, but, I will try again. This will however be my last time....it doesn't even seem to be worth it any more.
For the last time......and I quote myself.....The odds are heavily against you with every single bet you place. That is why the books will win consistently against more than 98% of the people who wager on sports LONG TERM. The ONLY way to win, is to find a method, that has been proven to GREATLY reduce your chances of failure over a LONG period of time. Which is years. Even when I stated that I tested a method over ten years I stated, that did NOT guarantee I would continue to win (obviously you missed that part, or, don't have to brain capacity to remember that much, which is understandable, I am dealing with simple minded buffoons), but, my chances of success, due to my long extensive testing and record keeping, are MUCH higher, than me just jumping in, risking money based off of something that was created just 2-3 years ago.
How is that so hard to understand? -_- I mean really.
And also, I said, that a losing year, can easily become MANY losing years. That is definitely the SIMPLEST concept of all. Anyone who knows anything about math and randomness can understand that right away.
If you flip a coin ten times, and get this, (h-heads, t-tails) h,t,h,t,h,ttt,hh.....the next ten times? could be the same, total opposite, or slightly different. Sports betting winning years and losing years is NO DIFFERENT. You really can't understand how two winning years and one losing year, ...can easily be flipped to two losing years and one winning year? REALLY?? Is that REALLY that hard to understand???
That is why, I stated, in order to REALLY win....you should make sure you have a method that WINS every year.
And now you resort to nit picking at the way I capitalize certain words in certain paragraphs I type? How old are you? 12? 17? 22? ......grow up and stop being such a simple minded, brainless buffoon.
This debate isn't over....you can continue on your mindless banter and keep losing in sports as much as you want....but I am definitely no longer going to be apart of the debate. I have nothing to prove here, and there is just no talking to some of you. You're just too behind in your education and level of understanding. Honestly.
I wish you the best! :)