Quote Originally Posted by SharpShooter8:
I remember an unfeated Patriots team in 2007 who faced Baltimore mid season...Pats won by a miracle.
This line is fishy. Vegas does not screw up. This line tells me that Indy is an overrated 9-0.
I will not touch this game. However, if i was forced into it, I would wait until public hammers Indy, and take Balt + 2 or 2.5.
Vegas set this line based on public perception of baltimore, and a little bit indi.
Cinci, beat the Ravens in Balt fair and square the first time they met, having similar records, Balt was a heavy 8 point fav. The public obviously was more faithfull to the ravens over cinci due to last years performance(Even though Palmers back now better then ever lol),
So the second time these teams met, In Cinci, Balt was -3.5 IN CINCI!!! EVEN THOUGH CINCI HAD BEATEN BALT ALRDY IN BALT!!! (And unlike the SD, DEN rematch scenario, there are no injuries/returning players)
Indi, due to some close wins (It doesn't matter how you win if you win) has the public thinking 'THEY ARE DUE FOR A LOSS' And a hungry Baltimore (Who in all fairness gets rolling usually late in the season) is going to win.
No matter how you put it, the only way I can see the Colt's 'DESERVING' an even line, would be playing @ Pitt, NE, Minn or NO.
I believe the line should have been -3.5 for the colts based on performance.
****HOWEVER**** Like I said, Baltimore always gets rollin' this time of a year, and a weak Colts secondary will help Balt's O put up numbers aswell, (Although vice-versa applies to this statement, not because Balt's secondary sucks, but because Its manning-wayne)
I believe this game is a gamble and could go either way, although the vegas line caters to public perception. I'm going to sit back and watch this controversy unfold, and people kick themselves, when there are much safer bets this week.