Quote Originally Posted by mafioso:
Im not going to comment on the game, I really had no interest eitherway but, I will comment on these emoticons

I think these cause tension and create problems on this forum between forum members with
THIN SKIN I also think that covers needs some infighting between the members here to keep post counts high, Why else would they give us toys like these emoticons to play with.
Look, We all win, We all lose, We all make good predictions, We all make bad predictions, If we bash each other every time we put ourselves out there with a play, Then we are only doing ourselves a disservice.
The guy posted he loved the over
He never called it a lock
He never said it was for 100 units
He never called it the bet of his life or that he was putting his mortgage on it.
He posted what he liked, It lost So what, He will post more Losers and he will post more winners, He will get hot, He will go cold like we all do.
I agree sir and thank you for your post. It's PRESEASON which means not a 1 unit bet but 1/2 a unit....Half. I liked the over because of the Raiders being the most penalized team in the NFL last season.

Thought there would be turnovers (indeed there was) which turned into Touchdowns.

Unfortunately, it was a low scoring high school game in the snow in Buffalo with -20 degree weather.

Shocked the hell out of me. With that being said, it is a preseason game and I don't post that often.....but when I do....it's a good one during regular season....totals is my thing.

I just want to say "Thanks" to everyone who posted in my thread. Good or bad....and Special Thanks to those who realize that I post just to post on occasion. Haters come with posting and I am used to that. I also appreciate those who support me win or lose....but it is best to show respect to those who post whether they just joined or are a Veteran, MVP, All Star, Legend...or Prospect.
I wish everyone a prosperous NFL season and with that being said I will post my picks for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Fade, tail, or just say BOL.