I know you are the King of totals and I respect your record, and I'm trying to figure out which way to go on this. ==>seems to me u have it figured out

no disrespect and i hope u dont take it as such but i know these things bruh. from week to week the circumstances surrounding a gm changes. same thing with the game last nite, people say brees and ryan should knock the total over but it goes under because a few hiccups here n there. bruh, i am not here to convince anyone of anything. i am beginning to think some people are trying to convince themselves into playing what i play instead of playing what they like.
bruh, if u follow me and lose i am not sending u nor any other cat a damn dime to pay your man or re-up. now if someone follows me and says hey bruh if u ever in my town let me buy u a drink and chop it up then cool. so make up your own mind, this goes for everybody. dont let me or anybody else be your decision maker. if u dont like it or it seems fishy then dont play it, simple as that.