phixer,please you gotta stop tryna enlighten people who are sleep-walking their way thru life living in a fantasy as to sum of the true realities of wat goes on around them,i can absolutely assure you it will be to no avail watsoever.....absolutely pointless to try and point out things to a blind man,like smashing a head against a brick wall.they are truly the "living dead"...the type that believes politicians are honest,genuine altruistic types looking out for our,the publics,best interests and act of their own free will and volition instead of taking orders from their masters.after seeing government after government after government lie,cheat and steal from them their whole damn lives you wud think folks wud catch on,rite??....ah no,once again they roll up to vote every time for the same schmucks working 4 the same forces.
and the type that also cant quite grasp the real purpose of the media,television,movies etc. etc. etc..which is clearly to download and condition masses to a certain way of thinking and attitude,so damn obvious its about as subtle as a sledgehammer in the face....disgusting pre-pubescent half naked things gyrating everywere ya look in videos and television.hmmmm,i wonder why there is so much dysfunction and fracture relationships everywere ya look now after a life spent watching that garbage.
anyhow one cud go on and on but it is just mentioned by way of pointing out wat kind of veneer we are given as a public and how the world is pulled over our eyes so comprehensively and convincingly and brain-dead deluded folk have the nerve to come in here and conclusively say that everything relating to the addiction of their choice(or not as the case may be)-SPORTS,is legitimate and above board???good lord how on earth can you be even slightly sure????.........with corruption,greed and dishonesty pervasively infiltrating every single,last,tiny aspect of our lives ya really think that the drug of sports is the one remaining bastion of integrity and altruism/fairness?????really???really???
typical self-important yanks i guess,seen 100% verifiable,admitted evidence of fixing in other sports all over the planet-cycling,soccer,cricket,athletics,tennis but then top american pro sports involving anything under-handed or scurrilous??oh dear no,perish the talks,everyone got their price. simple as that.
now i aint got the faintest idea if,when and how fixing takes place in major u.s. pro sports.....but i think id be a damned fool to rule it out.
not speaking for you phixer,just giving my own view as you seem an easy target for brainless,brain-washed,meat-head sports junkies to come in hear and have a crack at.and wanted to give some balance to even the ledger..and,whilst most of them im sure will be totally confused by the topics broached,i get the feeling you yourself are the type that understands,has his "eyes wide open"
in answer to the question about m.j. earlier he lost his father to a "random" roadside murder....speculation has been rampant for a long,long time that it was a gambling-related "payback" of some sort relating to things michael may or may not have was heavily speculated that the 1st time he retired he was "pushed" out by nba higher management due to the black mark the incident gave (or would give if it were revealed) to the league......and then of course wen it died down or forgotten the amazing comeback afterwards gets the cash register ringing loudly once again.
as has already been stated-SPORTS IS A BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!...bottom line,first and foremost,above and beyond all can anyone be deluded enuff to simply view it at this level as just fun and games,a healthy little recreational pursuit played fairly and in good spirit??????
ignorance is bliss,carry on in your slumber.