Quote Originally Posted by esplanade:
And did so in such a classy and non-RACIST fashion, similar to most of your semi-literate musings, that it warranted a response. Are you even remotely aware of the percentage of black females that (I know this next part confounded your abysmal intellect once before)
a) voted for obama and
b) collect welfare? No. Didn't think so, but the first was damn near 100% and the second is appreciably high, as is the herpes infection rate in that community. Conversely your IQ is monumentally low. You do an admirable job of regurgitating the MessNBC talking points that your mother spoon feeds you before tucking you in for the night though.
To wit, nitwit, it doesn't have to be original (like you ever have been in your life) when it is accurate. Provide some reliable data to the contrary. In the meantime, I predict
. It's preferable to the rattle of your 75 IQ points colliding with your cranium.
(Because you wont be able to: blacks made up 12-14% of the US population in 2007 and yet consumed almost 40% of welfare $)
Suck on that for awhile and keep your Limbaugh fantasies to yourself, snorkel boy.
You are a pathetic, imbecilic, dense, obtuse, boorish ne're-do-well who deserves nothing more than to get your scrawny, racist ass pushed in front of a subway car, so a someone can urinate on your worthless carcass while it gets gnawed on buy sewer rats (and they'd even end up regurgitating your distasteful, putrid carcass).
I love how you throw these statistics out blindly. Like this is meaningful empirical evidence as to why blacks are on welfare. History tells a much different tale. Nothing you have studied other then from a white perspective. You are an indoctrinated fool, who is a beneficiary of higher education which leads to a higher income. But that is a default result of parents who had a higher income who could afford advanced education for their cretinous spawn like yourself.
I, for one, was also the beneficiary of the above. Except I realized at a very young age, I could have been the son of a poor Hindu parents begging on the streets of India, or a child orphaned by parents in a the Haitian earthquake who could have grown up begging to maintain its survival, or a child who was a victim of a Napalm attack where burning clothes (and consequently, skin that literally melted) had to be stripped off during the Vietnam war.
I could have been one of those children. You, a child of privilege, chose to take credit for your current state, believing your 'ancestors' of caucasian race, which has conquered, imperialized, pillaged, murdered, raped, stolen, and enslaved, with nary a tinge of conscience for any of these acts, is ultimately entitled to the benefits reaped through such acts because your race is superior. Therefore, you should reap the benefits as well.
And then you have the audacity to engage in some form of religious ritual, on your hands and knees, be it Christian, Muslim or Jewish (most likely Christian, your unbridled arrogance tells the tale), to console yourself...to ask for contrition to of what is most likely an imaginary friend. Finally, you rise up from your knees (the same knees that provide support when you give fellatio to the president of the Ronald Reagan Fan Club) fully convinced your sins of arrogance and vanity have been washed away, and life eternal awaits you 70 some odd years.
You are a lost soul, a befuddled minstrel playing a harp while you murmur incoherent meaningless babble, here for the entertainment of the masses, as you literally expose your bigoted soul like a flasher opening up his overcoat in front of a woman's lavatory. You sanitize a sordid, sinful caucasian history with the bat of fake eyelash because it provides you comfort.
What a disgrace any parents of any worth must think of you (not yours of course, I'd apply all the above to yours in an instant...after all they are the brain-washers in this whole ordeal). May the doctors of the current and future, upon seeing toxic excrement like yourself being discharged from a racist vagina, grab a squeegee and wipe you off the delivery table into the nearest used bed pan. That, you dumb racist fuck, is your true worth. Now, in the words of Redfoot from The Usual Suspects "Do me a favor...Get the fuck off my dick."