free dubs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
There is no similarity to me...I was boxed for 3 days for telling a rigtard to shut their vagina mouth.
There has never been an occasion proven over time that another user has resembled me and my overall personality and posting style, however the same cannot be said about the person you are reflecting upon.
Meanwhile, Lancer is currently unboxed as of an hour ago despite his avatar is the fake banned icon...thats quite interesting given the explanation given today.
Cancer is a nasty disease that will relentlessly and inevitably infect the entire organism or entity it resides within if not aggressively and fully removed by any means necessary
There is no similarity to me...I was boxed for 3 days for telling a rigtard to shut their vagina mouth.
There has never been an occasion proven over time that another user has resembled me and my overall personality and posting style, however the same cannot be said about the person you are reflecting upon.
Meanwhile, Lancer is currently unboxed as of an hour ago despite his avatar is the fake banned icon...thats quite interesting given the explanation given today.
Cancer is a nasty disease that will relentlessly and inevitably infect the entire organism or entity it resides within if not aggressively and fully removed by any means necessary
Here you are taking shit again
You're a tout , plenty of you have come and gone ...A Dime for 2 dozen ......The fake record is the best part ( your 0-4 night apparently didn't count that you Posted)
I can guarantee no one posts anything like me on covers .Actual wagers that include bets small as 20 cent horse bets , futures across the border spectrum of sports .....
You promised you were done talking shet just like you promised you were not posting in the p box ....All lies
Here you are taking shit again
You're a tout , plenty of you have come and gone ...A Dime for 2 dozen ......The fake record is the best part ( your 0-4 night apparently didn't count that you Posted)
I can guarantee no one posts anything like me on covers .Actual wagers that include bets small as 20 cent horse bets , futures across the border spectrum of sports .....
You promised you were done talking shet just like you promised you were not posting in the p box ....All lies
False narratives and talking points don't become factual just because they are repeated endlessly by a psychopathic narcissist.
My last official service NBA pick lost, bringing my playin/off record to 14-4.
Wagers placed in the mains (or in the box when I was in rehab) don't go towards my record...that knowledge and level of understanding is obvious to the average or higher IQ people here on covers, however I didn't account for the low IQ troll and how it would attempt to spin its hated and jealousy according to its personal agendas and vendettas.
However, my post here has nothing to do with sports capping, nor is it to brag how well I have done this past year since joining the forum legends team, along with the several years's all documented for anyone to find out if they are so inclined.
Ironically enough, with all the traditional anger towards legit touts and fake tout wannabes, no one here has outwardly made derogatory tout comments to me since September 2021 because what I do doesn't affect their lives as none of them are psychopathic narcissists or are filled with jealousy and hatred towards me.
Mostly everyone here for the exception of one psychopathic narcissist, either likes or at least respects me for what I have to offer over the past 15 years, and the ones that don't like me or don't respect me, I'm perfectly fine with as well, haters are going to hate and being successful will always draw a few of those people along for the ride.
It's nice to see the psychopathic narcissist display its true outrage for me being a tout, atleast that's the first honest thing it has posted in a very long time. Maybe now it will be able to deal with the source of its meltdown here over the past many months.
As I age, I've been cursed with the ability to be right far more often than being wrong in many areas of life...I wish I was wrong with respect to the box being poisoned by a mole that has infiltrated these parts, but unfortunately the vast majority of comments I have posted and stated about this rat has come to be true over time as well as being proven to be undeniable by its own self as evident though its continued behavior and lies after we were both recently boxed for a week.
My posts here will be few and far between moving forward, in an attempt to highlight the danger the box is in at the moment and undoubtedly in the future as there appears to be no end in sight to the spread of this daily cancer growing.
It's ashame the direction the PB is heading,,,I wish I had the time and energy required to prevent it from becoming the graveyard it will eventually become, but the summer is quickly approaching and like most of us here who actually have a real family life with kids, we all know offline summer activities far outweigh the 6am-midnight time requirements fulfilled by the current box's psychopathic narcissist who will continue to run this place into the ground.
On a more positive note, the addition of Monte and the re-emergence of Hugh has been one of the few highlights of the box in 2022
False narratives and talking points don't become factual just because they are repeated endlessly by a psychopathic narcissist.
My last official service NBA pick lost, bringing my playin/off record to 14-4.
Wagers placed in the mains (or in the box when I was in rehab) don't go towards my record...that knowledge and level of understanding is obvious to the average or higher IQ people here on covers, however I didn't account for the low IQ troll and how it would attempt to spin its hated and jealousy according to its personal agendas and vendettas.
However, my post here has nothing to do with sports capping, nor is it to brag how well I have done this past year since joining the forum legends team, along with the several years's all documented for anyone to find out if they are so inclined.
Ironically enough, with all the traditional anger towards legit touts and fake tout wannabes, no one here has outwardly made derogatory tout comments to me since September 2021 because what I do doesn't affect their lives as none of them are psychopathic narcissists or are filled with jealousy and hatred towards me.
Mostly everyone here for the exception of one psychopathic narcissist, either likes or at least respects me for what I have to offer over the past 15 years, and the ones that don't like me or don't respect me, I'm perfectly fine with as well, haters are going to hate and being successful will always draw a few of those people along for the ride.
It's nice to see the psychopathic narcissist display its true outrage for me being a tout, atleast that's the first honest thing it has posted in a very long time. Maybe now it will be able to deal with the source of its meltdown here over the past many months.
As I age, I've been cursed with the ability to be right far more often than being wrong in many areas of life...I wish I was wrong with respect to the box being poisoned by a mole that has infiltrated these parts, but unfortunately the vast majority of comments I have posted and stated about this rat has come to be true over time as well as being proven to be undeniable by its own self as evident though its continued behavior and lies after we were both recently boxed for a week.
My posts here will be few and far between moving forward, in an attempt to highlight the danger the box is in at the moment and undoubtedly in the future as there appears to be no end in sight to the spread of this daily cancer growing.
It's ashame the direction the PB is heading,,,I wish I had the time and energy required to prevent it from becoming the graveyard it will eventually become, but the summer is quickly approaching and like most of us here who actually have a real family life with kids, we all know offline summer activities far outweigh the 6am-midnight time requirements fulfilled by the current box's psychopathic narcissist who will continue to run this place into the ground.
On a more positive note, the addition of Monte and the re-emergence of Hugh has been one of the few highlights of the box in 2022
Nor should you,,,it would a total waste of your time,,,you're more of a meat word salad kinda guy...this was a very fruity word salad given its necessity to be tossed and prepared
However, I do offer a free large avocado word salad along with a free covers hat with every 3 tout play package you buy,,,upgrade that to a 6 pick tout purchase, and you also get a free covers hoodie,,, full season or playoff tout package investments gets you all of the above, plus a personalized stainless steel cockring...PM me for your size requirements...we might have to special order one for you,,,Hugh had to wait 3 months for his, so I do ask for your patience with this if you choose to proceed with a season or playoff package
Ive friend requested you, send PM you contact details...hopefully you'll make an Ontario stop in the future
Nor should you,,,it would a total waste of your time,,,you're more of a meat word salad kinda guy...this was a very fruity word salad given its necessity to be tossed and prepared
However, I do offer a free large avocado word salad along with a free covers hat with every 3 tout play package you buy,,,upgrade that to a 6 pick tout purchase, and you also get a free covers hoodie,,, full season or playoff tout package investments gets you all of the above, plus a personalized stainless steel cockring...PM me for your size requirements...we might have to special order one for you,,,Hugh had to wait 3 months for his, so I do ask for your patience with this if you choose to proceed with a season or playoff package
Ive friend requested you, send PM you contact details...hopefully you'll make an Ontario stop in the future
Typical tout reasoning = My triple diamond platinum locks only count if they win or only on the weekends ....
It's all good Fam ...I respect your NBA capping and have tailed with success many times over the years ..
Good luck !!
Typical tout reasoning = My triple diamond platinum locks only count if they win or only on the weekends ....
It's all good Fam ...I respect your NBA capping and have tailed with success many times over the years ..
Good luck !!
As stated before, the low IQ will always attempt to spin according to their own agendas and vendettas.
One certainty of covers
As stated before, the low IQ will always attempt to spin according to their own agendas and vendettas.
One certainty of covers
Not to get involved with this drama and bullshit between you guys .....but POSTED plays always go against the record whether your boxed ....touting....just for fun ....thats how it works . Otherwise you become like the others we call out on the daily . JMHO
Not to get involved with this drama and bullshit between you guys .....but POSTED plays always go against the record whether your boxed ....touting....just for fun ....thats how it works . Otherwise you become like the others we call out on the daily . JMHO
My tout plays are all here, as is my overall NBA record as listed the way the site offers over last day, week, 30 days, 60, 90, 180 on NBA and all my tout plays are there with official records and stats.
Anything posted in mains is up for debate and interpretation. I'm not claiming any wins from my personal season long NBA thread, because those are not part of the service, and my wins well outnumber my losses in the mains. That's all irrelevant to this childish attempt by the narcissist to smear a fellow capper who's having a successful campaign merely out of its overall hatred and jealousy for me exposing it's true character over the past several months.
This drama is being spun by only one person here,,,and the 0-4 it wants to highlight weren't posted plays, they were just leans I was putting out there from the box while I was in rehab,,,don't tell me now leans are also part of someone's record, right?
Plus, all my main forum plays are always proceeded with "Locked in:",,,anyone with average to higher IQ will vouch for me on that,,,and the 0-4 this weasel wants to spin were not locked in plays...I even posted a recent tennis pick from the box with "Locked in" in bold and large font as my subtle attempt to show the narcissist what an actual personal pick looks like, as opposed to leans or just pregame chatter...however the low IQ prevented the narcissist to understand what was being subtly referenced.
I wish all my main forum locked in plays went to my tout overall record, because my stats for the season would be higher. And then my recent winning playoff posts would also increase my just doesn't work like that.
This is all childish, and it's far below me and you to even address it...I know what you're saying in post #12, but the rat is offering false information and claiming I went 0-4 for his own purposes.
My tout plays are all here, as is my overall NBA record as listed the way the site offers over last day, week, 30 days, 60, 90, 180 on NBA and all my tout plays are there with official records and stats.
Anything posted in mains is up for debate and interpretation. I'm not claiming any wins from my personal season long NBA thread, because those are not part of the service, and my wins well outnumber my losses in the mains. That's all irrelevant to this childish attempt by the narcissist to smear a fellow capper who's having a successful campaign merely out of its overall hatred and jealousy for me exposing it's true character over the past several months.
This drama is being spun by only one person here,,,and the 0-4 it wants to highlight weren't posted plays, they were just leans I was putting out there from the box while I was in rehab,,,don't tell me now leans are also part of someone's record, right?
Plus, all my main forum plays are always proceeded with "Locked in:",,,anyone with average to higher IQ will vouch for me on that,,,and the 0-4 this weasel wants to spin were not locked in plays...I even posted a recent tennis pick from the box with "Locked in" in bold and large font as my subtle attempt to show the narcissist what an actual personal pick looks like, as opposed to leans or just pregame chatter...however the low IQ prevented the narcissist to understand what was being subtly referenced.
I wish all my main forum locked in plays went to my tout overall record, because my stats for the season would be higher. And then my recent winning playoff posts would also increase my just doesn't work like that.
This is all childish, and it's far below me and you to even address it...I know what you're saying in post #12, but the rat is offering false information and claiming I went 0-4 for his own purposes.
I'll pass on the Avacado word salad, as I hate Avacado. Sign me up for the meat word salad! And a Hugh sized cock ring.
I'll pass on the Avacado word salad, as I hate Avacado. Sign me up for the meat word salad! And a Hugh sized cock ring.
It's always been that way .
Thats how it should work, but apparently in his world only certain posted plays count...
But yet he calls other people low iq
It's always been that way .
Thats how it should work, but apparently in his world only certain posted plays count...
But yet he calls other people low iq
Do you think "I'm not reading that novel!" was Dub's catchphrase in high school?
"Class, we are going to be reading The Grape of Wrath."
"I'm not reading that novel!"
"Class, I am assigning Atlas Shrugged."
"I Ayn't reading that novel!"
"The Catcher in the Rye?"
"You won't catch me Holden that Caulfield!"
What's the over/under of how many time Dubs said the words, "You better not tell anybody about this!" in high school?
Do you think "I'm not reading that novel!" was Dub's catchphrase in high school?
"Class, we are going to be reading The Grape of Wrath."
"I'm not reading that novel!"
"Class, I am assigning Atlas Shrugged."
"I Ayn't reading that novel!"
"The Catcher in the Rye?"
"You won't catch me Holden that Caulfield!"
What's the over/under of how many time Dubs said the words, "You better not tell anybody about this!" in high school?
As stated I respect your NBA capping , but you're the drama starter between us .. ...You started this beef back In the football season , talking trash , when I never had an issue with you before that ....
It's no big deal its just covers, we're all here to win $ , and have some good laughs ...
Best of luck
As stated I respect your NBA capping , but you're the drama starter between us .. ...You started this beef back In the football season , talking trash , when I never had an issue with you before that ....
It's no big deal its just covers, we're all here to win $ , and have some good laughs ...
Best of luck
Show me where these were actual picks,,,no lines given, no odds, no locked in comment to make them official personal "free picks"...this is no different than you sucking up to McTrap begging him to check out my posts where I copied and pasted Chic and Spock old posts,,,your low IQ honestly convinced your peabrain I forgot to log on/off those aliases.
Congrats, there's a little narcissistic supply from me to you...I'll check back later to see how you spin this to align with your agendas and vendetta.
The drama you instigated was your homosexual references to Spock, and then Stu,,,I came to their defense which ultimately triggered you ever since...don't bother trying to spin that, you're well past the point of no return on that front.
The moment you stop lying about me and trying to smear my reputation will be the end of all this drama,,,whatever made up stories you want to share makes no difference to me anymore,,,I couldn't care less if you want to continue embarrassing yourself.
People who have been entertained by all this box drama already know the truth about you and I'm not the type of guy who beats a dead horse,,,you did the right thing by bending the knee a few weeks ago, so there's nothing left here to say, other than I genuinely hope you lose every single real and fake wager you ever place for the rest of your life,,,but other than that, have a life
Show me where these were actual picks,,,no lines given, no odds, no locked in comment to make them official personal "free picks"...this is no different than you sucking up to McTrap begging him to check out my posts where I copied and pasted Chic and Spock old posts,,,your low IQ honestly convinced your peabrain I forgot to log on/off those aliases.
Congrats, there's a little narcissistic supply from me to you...I'll check back later to see how you spin this to align with your agendas and vendetta.
The drama you instigated was your homosexual references to Spock, and then Stu,,,I came to their defense which ultimately triggered you ever since...don't bother trying to spin that, you're well past the point of no return on that front.
The moment you stop lying about me and trying to smear my reputation will be the end of all this drama,,,whatever made up stories you want to share makes no difference to me anymore,,,I couldn't care less if you want to continue embarrassing yourself.
People who have been entertained by all this box drama already know the truth about you and I'm not the type of guy who beats a dead horse,,,you did the right thing by bending the knee a few weeks ago, so there's nothing left here to say, other than I genuinely hope you lose every single real and fake wager you ever place for the rest of your life,,,but other than that, have a life
Mine were: 'Cannery Row', 'Tale of Two Cities', and 'The Crucible'. You can throw in the works of Billy Shakespeare.
Mine were: 'Cannery Row', 'Tale of Two Cities', and 'The Crucible'. You can throw in the works of Billy Shakespeare.
You're wrong, as usual
You started a beef with me last football season after I had a losing week saying I was spiraling out of control and was headed to rock bottom ( never had beef with you before that ) ..I went on to have another winning football season. ( believe it's my 13th out of 15 here. )
You said you were done talking to me, = LIE
You said you were done posting in the p Box = LIE
You don't want to count Posted plays in your record = Fine who cares, that's what touts do.
Spock wrote a rap about me that involved rape and homesexual acts , just like 80-90% of his raps before that did ..
You're living in a delusional world ,, enjoy...
Unlike you , I hope you win all your bets ..
You're wrong, as usual
You started a beef with me last football season after I had a losing week saying I was spiraling out of control and was headed to rock bottom ( never had beef with you before that ) ..I went on to have another winning football season. ( believe it's my 13th out of 15 here. )
You said you were done talking to me, = LIE
You said you were done posting in the p Box = LIE
You don't want to count Posted plays in your record = Fine who cares, that's what touts do.
Spock wrote a rap about me that involved rape and homesexual acts , just like 80-90% of his raps before that did ..
You're living in a delusional world ,, enjoy...
Unlike you , I hope you win all your bets ..
You're lying again
I never bended a knee
Just like your other lies
" double up is dead to me ill never respond to him again "
" I'm done posting in the p Box"
You Lie like a rug
Either way , best of luck Fam ..Sweep your board...
You're lying again
I never bended a knee
Just like your other lies
" double up is dead to me ill never respond to him again "
" I'm done posting in the p Box"
You Lie like a rug
Either way , best of luck Fam ..Sweep your board...
Willy is the shiznit. Even basic arsed Romeo and Juliet, as cliché as it is, I love it. I remember reading it for the first time when it was assigned to my sister. I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember thinking, "Wait a minute, I actually under this."
Willy is the shiznit. Even basic arsed Romeo and Juliet, as cliché as it is, I love it. I remember reading it for the first time when it was assigned to my sister. I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember thinking, "Wait a minute, I actually under this."
Speaking of Steinbeck, we're suppose to believe that George acted out of mercy but did he though??
I mean, he definitely wasn't being a bro. A bro would've been like, "Alright, we've gotta move. We've got one pistol. We probably gonna need some more heat."
Even simpletons understand what's up when it's up. Everyone understands run. It's a basic, primal instinct.
Speaking of Steinbeck, we're suppose to believe that George acted out of mercy but did he though??
I mean, he definitely wasn't being a bro. A bro would've been like, "Alright, we've gotta move. We've got one pistol. We probably gonna need some more heat."
Even simpletons understand what's up when it's up. Everyone understands run. It's a basic, primal instinct.
How long has they been traveling together? I can't remember. Crazy shit, they started out in Weed. Looking at it from where I am now, I always wonder, "Why didn't the head for the Willamette Valley? Probably would've found a nice German or Russian Orthodox family that would understand that the poor oaf was slow. Then again, maybe the started in the Willamette Valley. Ran off from there. End up in Weed. Ran off from there.
How long has they been traveling together? I can't remember. Crazy shit, they started out in Weed. Looking at it from where I am now, I always wonder, "Why didn't the head for the Willamette Valley? Probably would've found a nice German or Russian Orthodox family that would understand that the poor oaf was slow. Then again, maybe the started in the Willamette Valley. Ran off from there. End up in Weed. Ran off from there.
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