Good thing only gonna can judge me! Cause whatever you just posted in that long paragraph is way the fock off and not me in any way.
But I'll let you and your lil friends here have your lil fun and move on. No name calling and no wasted time. I can say you are a complete
but I don't know you at all. You guys need each other for approval and that's cool. I can care less what you think cause I will never meet you in real life or anyone else here. Just hysterical that you think you know me by me typing a couple of words
and ps my wife is black and we've been together since June 1998 and married since 09 and 95 percent of my friends are black and have been around mostly black people since I was 14 and attend a black church. Worked in urban at all 4 labels at worked at. So sorry bruh but I aint the one. But since this is a fake world here please continue to talk all the bs you want
. Much like that pathetic display of threads you guys had for 4 days when I wasn't on. I will pray 4 you cause if you got that type of time to spew that toxic bile against someone you don't know that's pretty sad.
I apologize I thought I was having a conversation with a grownup and won't make that mistake again. Have a good night!