Musk has a lot to gain from a Trump presidency.( Gov. subsidies for one .) and as important government contracts Nevertheless,as a sorta quid pro quosituation ,,if America dose well ..Musk benefits also..
I am not so sure that even plays hardly any part in this issue.
He is already getting those government contracts and will continue to. He has built, more or less, a single point of failure for anything going into space (orbit).
I think he could have simply gotten any extra of those by supporting Trump during the election and in the background, if that was his intent.
He did not need to get involved in depth to 'find waste and free up more money' to get more contracts.
What about the others involved that are not 'wanting' contracts? What if Ramaswamy had decided to stay on? What would the detractors say about him exposing waste and corruption?
I think you often see folks that have spent their early years establishing their business and career then shift to other concerns as they age. Whether it is pure philanthropic, or other causes they see as beneficial.
You saw this with Buffet, Gates, the Waltons, Carnegie, etc., etc.
So, at this point I think Musk has to be assumed to be altruistic. He knows business and efficiency better than every single person in Congress, and it is not close. Everyone knows the USA has a huge spending problem and a deficit problem. Now they are finding out that they have a corruption problem as well.
This is something that you have seen Musk pointing out over the last few years, along with some other issues that he is concerned about.
Amazingly, the one issue that he is far more aware of than most is the issue in South Africa. But it is awkward for him to be too keyed in on this because his detractors will say it is self-serving. But it certainly needs pointing out.
So, at this point, I think you have to assume he is honestly trying to help. He has too much else he could be doing.
It is just politics that some do not like Musk. It is just the same as Trump. The Left used to like these guys. But now they do not like them and will never give them credit for any good they even try to do.
Any person should want efficiency and accountability in their government's spending -- regardless of politics.