Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
My entire racial argument is forced because of what people are taught in America today. I know it sounds racist at first because what I say is so foreign from what people are taught, but I’m not racist and that’s the only way to take on the false narrative.
Trump’s plan is the correct plan. Jobs, jobs, jobs.
Maybe you have been forced to make that argument in the past but it was unnecessary in this debate. It had no bearing on what we were talking about.
And frankly, racial injustice, prejudice, ect. is still pervasive today and does stagnate the advancement of African Americans. This is undebatable. With that said, it is also undebatable that equally detrimental, if not more so, is the notion, often put forth by liberals, that "The man is holding you down."
Where we differ, and the reason you come off as racist(i've never said this that I know of), is your vitriol often seems targeted specifically at African Americans whereas I am mad at the the system as a whole. African Americans are part of that system so we are partially to blame for our own situation but that proverbial "man" that's always holding us down is a real thing, and part of said system as well. The media is part of said system, perpetuating those feelings of injustice and sowing the seeds of divisiveness. They are probably the worst of all. So why I agree that, as a race, looking for someone to blame is not going to help us, I also contend that the notion that, "Black people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They're just not trying hard enough." is both inflammatory and utterly wrong.
Now on to jobs, jobs, jobs. They are good for Americans. All Americans. As I've said many times before, contrary to what conservative media would have us believe, unemployment had been on a steady decline, and job creation had been a steady incline, under Obama. So the notion that Obama was bad for jobs, and all of a sudden Trump shows up and he's good for jobs, is fake news.
Look i'm not here to defend Obama nor defame Trump. I'm not a leftie nor a rightie. I'm an indie, who usually trends more towards the conservative. I want what's best for our country and I don't care if we get there under a slick talking black dude or a billionaire playboy.