There are always a FEW winners, (very few, compared with the losers) but the money these few win is merely an excellent method of advertising. It is no loss. It merely brings in millions more dollars as others see the possibility of winning, too.
The fast majority of gamblers are a sick and disappointed people. When they do occasionally win, they usually lose it all again.
Free drinks are a part of the sales pitch which the gambling house offers. Girls serve drinks among the crowds continuously. Since alcohol works fast on the part of the brain that controls good judgment, the more a person drinks the more freely he gambles until he has lost his last cent and lost his power to borrow another dollar. Gambling becomes an addiction, and many feel that it is harder to cure than ALCOHOLISM.
Gambling is like a cancer, corrupting everything it touches. Alcoholism is its attendant evil. That's why you see the free drinks served at the casinos. Prostitution and narcotics are tied right in with the cards and the wheels and the dice. An estimated 500 prostitutes operate through the summer in Reno even though Washoe County has OUTLAWED prostitution Nevada, where gambling is legalized, has the highest suicide rate in the nation!
The crime rate in Nevada is very high. Robberies are five times the national average, auto thefts triple, and burglary and larceny double. From eight to nine hundred vagrants with prison records are arrested EVERY MONTH in Reno. One police official stated, "Reno and Las Vegas collect all the human garbage from the other states."
Poverty, divorce, drunkenness, dope addiction, prostitution, robbery, theft, suicide, and murder are a few of the evils that gambling PROMOTES. The revenue taken in taxes is small compared to the cost of combating crime - much of which is aggravated by gambling. In our work in Reno, striving to bring souls to Christ and to patch up scores of homes that are falling apart, we observe that gambling is a principle factor in the ruination of the home. You see, young people, gambling ruins character.