1. Did you call the VP's wife the c-word?

2. Did you use the n-word or some other similar racial epithets?

3. Have you been winning a lot?

4. Does redsoxwin, KOAJ, Lippsman, or any other covers moderator envy, despise, or otherwise have it out for you? "Don't fuck with Allbees" -KOAJ

5. Do you make more money at your job than everyone else around here?

6. Are you the GREATEST $$$$$CAPPER$$$$$ on covers of all time?

7. Did Vanzack inexplicably request you be put in here because you're a better capper than him?

8 Did Betcrimes bash you in your thread and then request you bet put in here?

9. Are you a Sad Alias Fuck?

10. Did you promote another site or post your email address in the forums?

11. Have you been bashing other posters? Bashing might include but is certainly not limited to this

12. Have you been persistently asking where billivy, Big_Al_Reno, max58, SportNut, IndianCowboy, Airforce17, MrBator and/or GameHunter are or why your favorite poster of the week hasn't posted yet? Trolling for cock is a no-no. Similarly, are you accusing covers.com staff of silencing winning posters or some other shady behavior?

13. Did you second guess a moderator when they've asked you specifically not to second guess them regarding a certain matter?

14. Do you use the letter z in place of an s? i.e (haterz, playerz)

Covers mods usually put people in here for at least 1 of these reasons. Numbers 9, 3, 7, and 11 are particularly popular reasons. Calling mods gay, people, or other such naughty words, especially that they are currently sucking Vanzack off, will not help your cause in getting out of here. Neither will incessantly asking WHEN you will get out.
It helps to accept that you transgressed, apologize for your transgression, and simply do your time.
If you whine about it while you are locked up in here, you should expect several things.
....important messages from eames (if he returns).
....inordinately crude language
....spirited discourse between bobcat26 and Helmut.
....much personal ridicule of you and your family
....repeated creative suggestions that you go kill yourself..
Feel free to add to the fray as long as you're funny. If you are not funny, you will be ridiculed even more.
If you are upset by any of this, then DON'T get BOXED.