I can barely contain my excitement......I just started sending the money for all the pools and leagues for the NFL calendar year 2023
3 entries into one survivor pool
2 into another
3 entries into the "Loser Pool" ...... survivor pool but backwards.......you gotta pick teams that actually lose every week and can only pick one per week.
Never won a survivor or a loser pool....maybe this is the year,,,,,,,,,cmon baby one time
1 entry into the "18 pool"....... this one is a real lottery.......only 4 winners last year Giants/Bucs/Pats/Falcons.........teams get randomly assigned and have to score 18 points with rollover weekly. It is similar to a baseball 13 run pool if you have ever done that.
1 entry into the regular NFL pickem pool with no spread .......straight up picks........finished 4th last year out of 163 entries
1 entry into same pool with spread........finished 6th last year
2nd straight up pool/2nd spread pool, but the guy who runs it only picks 10 games each week.
Work fantasy league.........live draft at the office on August 21st.....yours truly takes over as "The Commish" this season. There will be blood.
Second fantasy league, online, not sure if I am gonna use Apex or FFPC this year. I don't like the free agency rules on FFPC, might try Apex this season gotta see what their rules are. Leaning towards "Erase the Taint" as the team name,,,,,,
And of course......there will be some weekly action at the books.......because I like to make my wagers. My local currently owes me, so Lowvig it is until further notice and payment. He got tired of the death by papercuts approach I imagine.........He has ghosted me for 2 weeks now. Sadly I have a lot of futures bets with him that have been flushed down the toilet now.
If anyone wants to get into any good pools.......feel free to reach out. There are 3 guys I do my pools through that run them on a few different websites. RYP run your pool, Simply Sportsware dot com,,,,,,,CBS Sports,,,,,etc.......Been working with them for years. I like doing the "pay one time and bet every week" pools because if theres a week that I don't like a lot of games, at least I have prepaid action anyway,,,,,,,,,there are hundreds/thousands of people in these pools, I would imagine some people on covers are unknowingly in these same pools with me. They pay weekly winners and year-end winners.....and are run like well oiled machines.....
The slate is full, and I am fucking ready for kickoff.