Quote Originally Posted by gridironguy:
that's one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard about the nba in my life.
anyone who follows the league knows that the power shifted big time from the west to the east this last season. even the nuggets without carmelo the last 1/3 of the season were able to secure the #5 seed in the whacked out west. the aging, all tired out, finished spurs, finished 1st in your conference. the lakers who were a disaster and didn't even care this year, finished 2nd in your league
the west was weak as hell this year, wake up dude, you're way too biased about your conf

You clearly can't be objective about this. Which is fine, but the more you open your mouth, the more you look the fool.
To say the balance of power shifted this year is ... laughable.
The Spurs got old. That's true. So too did the Celtics (please use the Rondo injury as the reason the C's lost to the Heat, please please please) and as the C's were counting on major minutes from Shaq - not only were the C's old, they were also ... dumb.
The Bulls were perhaps the most flawed overall number one seed in ... YEARS. You can't win with ONE scorer - especially when that scorer fades in the biggest of moments (yeah, I said it, Rose wilted under pressure this year in the playoffs). Chicago was exposed by the Pacers and Hawks for goodness sake. So it's not like the top team in the East was the 95-96 Chicago Bulls. Or even close to that...
The Lakers had their issues - but perhaps having played almost 300 games in the last 3 years had something to do with that. Lets see how good the Heat look going for a three-peat. Oh wait, they have to win ONE title first.
Overall, the Mavs had a more difficult road to the finals than the Heat (please don't try to refute this, you'll show your ignorance yet again).
The balance hasn't fully shifted, there are still good teams in the West, the East is just catching up. But lets let the East win a title or two before we annoint the East as the superior conference.
Get a clue man. Get a clue.