A new Chrysler 300hemi heavy ass Tony Soprano-ish modern day luxury muscle car......
Anyway, cruising towards Marina Del Rey from LAX, a close drive as some know, not really that much traffic at all, stopped at a light, talking fun shit, you know........and all of the sudden......
Some whacked out chick, drunk if nothing else, but high on something.....hits us doing 55 minimum. I'm of course not wearing a seatbelt (I was sitting on it, because I certainly can't be put out...

She was driving a "new" VW Beetle and never hit the breaks. The car did pretty damn good, but I'm sure the frame is hammered from that kind of impact. My buddy never took his foot of the breaks, being stopped at a light, but after she hit us, we were pushed about ten feet into some little H. Accord.
Thus why I mentioned the kind of heavy ass car we we were in.
The crack person's impact bags blew and she was unhurt albeit passed out after it all happened. She was unhurt today according to my best friend who talked to her.
My damn head bounced around like a pinball hitting the dash, head rest and side window among other things....shins, my broken ribs/collapsed lung from healing from last Oct. re-thrashed, but ok......etc etc.
I have a concussion, not a huge deal. Had more than a few playing Hockey, an occasional altercation whatnot in later years, but it's a little aggravating to say the least.
Back to the car again.......
....had me and my friend not been in that big ass heavy Chrysler 300, the chick that we got pushed into would probably be really really messed up, possibly dead.

I got out of the hospital this morning at around 5 am. No real serious cuts, just a really beat up noggin and once again tweaked ribs........
Another reason to not drink and drive is that the cops of course, see me a little rattled after getting slammed by "little missy do too many drugs"
...and he was more interested in having me prove that I wasn't the one driving my friend's car. Of course I had a bloody mary in Seattle, a couple beers on the plane, and one in the Vegas airport. I showed him my plane ticket, and of course my buddy's ins. followed the car.
Slightly irritating, but once again, if you drink a few pops and some stupid bitch hits your car, you'll go down also.

This whole scene is going to be interesting, and it's certainly not over..................