we all know the average bettor as well as the average person is a worthless imbecile and some like to live in a fantasy world where its not possible for them to partake in unscrupulous activities. when u say rigged it makes the average person shudder to think that they could be duped.
having said that, i dont think rigged is the right word to use for those games. rather, its more accurate to say that certain individuals like to play God with other peoples fortunes (or misfortunes)
i could point out about 1000 different scenarios where players, coaches and referees have done fishy things but whats the point. the average person prefers to take solace in that everything they do is on the up and up.
anytime the spread or total is close u will have these kind of wanna be Gods putting the bettors at their mercy. in the 3rd game detroit at denver , coach lawrence frank calls a timeout down 12 with a minute to play. the spread was 10 - 10.5. i can assure u if the spread had been 6 or 16 ( something more distant than the line), no time out would have been called.
again , i have 1000s more of these curious play calling - scenarios, but i dont need to convince u as u already know, and the masses of sheep they will never get it anyhow. i mean , after all, 99% of these retards dont even know how parlays work