The Washington Free Beacon visited five harm reduction organizations in New York City, Boston, Richmond, Va., Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, and every single one included crack pipes in their safe smoking kits.
The Washington Free Beacon visited five harm reduction organizations in New York City, Boston, Richmond, Va., Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, and every single one included crack pipes in their safe smoking kits.
This is just one example of a total lack of credibility by both government and the news media. Used to be the news media "fact checkers" would actually check the facts and report the truth they found. Now it is just promote a party line. The credibility is gone.
It is flat out lying. (but lying is OK now because Trump lied so much, don't you see)
How many tax paying Americans want their tax dollars assisting drug addicts with their addictions??? Does that even make sense????
This is just one example of a total lack of credibility by both government and the news media. Used to be the news media "fact checkers" would actually check the facts and report the truth they found. Now it is just promote a party line. The credibility is gone.
It is flat out lying. (but lying is OK now because Trump lied so much, don't you see)
How many tax paying Americans want their tax dollars assisting drug addicts with their addictions??? Does that even make sense????
I mean, CNN isn't the most trustworthy source but what in H E double hockey sticks is 13wham? The Free Beacon sounds made up. Is it even a real periodical? This is what I know about what's going on in these streets. Crack heads are small potatoes these days and not of much concern to many of these outreach programs. Opioids, Methamphetamine, these are the things ravaging are communities. Those addicted to these substances are who these programs target. There are fentanyl overdoses attributed to the use of powder cocaine, and this is an issue that hits very close to home for me, but "Safe Smoking Kits"? The term itself is nonsensical. With intravenous drug use, dirty needles, shared needles, lead to multiple health issues, and potential death on many fronts. I've literally seen dope fiends wash used needles in gutter water. A main goal of these programs has always been getting clean needles out into the community but "Safe Smoking Kits"?
It sounds like B.S. Obviously It goes without mention, but I will mention it anyway, you're one of the people whose opinions I respect most on this site. You're for the most part both rational, and reasonable, and we have a good rapport. And I am admittedly uninformed on this subject. I will say this though. It sounds like B.S. I need to see receipts. I need to see where the nomenclature "Safe Smoking Kits" exist in anything from the government. I need to see some proof, other than words on some online rag, real proof that crack pipes are being distributed. And I need proof that said programs distributing the crack pipes are government funded. Otherwise, all you have are the words of The Daily Mail, who makes shit up all of the time, and, what was it, the Free Beacon?
Give me two weeks, a month tops, and I could set up an online rag complete with "journalist" and "editors" with legit degrees from reputable universities, only to run stories about how they're distributing dildos in schools. Or how Martians have set up a puppet government in Denver, Colorado.
I mean, CNN isn't the most trustworthy source but what in H E double hockey sticks is 13wham? The Free Beacon sounds made up. Is it even a real periodical? This is what I know about what's going on in these streets. Crack heads are small potatoes these days and not of much concern to many of these outreach programs. Opioids, Methamphetamine, these are the things ravaging are communities. Those addicted to these substances are who these programs target. There are fentanyl overdoses attributed to the use of powder cocaine, and this is an issue that hits very close to home for me, but "Safe Smoking Kits"? The term itself is nonsensical. With intravenous drug use, dirty needles, shared needles, lead to multiple health issues, and potential death on many fronts. I've literally seen dope fiends wash used needles in gutter water. A main goal of these programs has always been getting clean needles out into the community but "Safe Smoking Kits"?
It sounds like B.S. Obviously It goes without mention, but I will mention it anyway, you're one of the people whose opinions I respect most on this site. You're for the most part both rational, and reasonable, and we have a good rapport. And I am admittedly uninformed on this subject. I will say this though. It sounds like B.S. I need to see receipts. I need to see where the nomenclature "Safe Smoking Kits" exist in anything from the government. I need to see some proof, other than words on some online rag, real proof that crack pipes are being distributed. And I need proof that said programs distributing the crack pipes are government funded. Otherwise, all you have are the words of The Daily Mail, who makes shit up all of the time, and, what was it, the Free Beacon?
Give me two weeks, a month tops, and I could set up an online rag complete with "journalist" and "editors" with legit degrees from reputable universities, only to run stories about how they're distributing dildos in schools. Or how Martians have set up a puppet government in Denver, Colorado.
If one digs into the three articles you linked, five programs are mentioned. With two, there is no mention of government funding. With the other three, there is a mention of grants going back many years, in one case decades. In one case it states, and this is straight from the articles you linked, in one case it states that the last federal grant received was in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
Look, I'm not here to defend Biden. I think he is horrible. Definitely the worst POTUS in the modern era. Maybe of all time. However, the way we get into the sensational with these topics - "Biden is funding crack pipes!" - Is it still an issue now that we see Trump funded crack pipes? Obama before him? Bush before him? These programs are autonomous. They receive funding from a multitude of sources, including local, state, and federal grants. They utilize the money as best as they see fit. They are fighting a thankless battle that none of us want any parts of. That money goes to food pantries, HIV/AIDS prevention, addiction therapy, other medical services, etc, etc, etc. If some are giving out clean crack pipes, then from a funding standpoint, that is a drop in the bucket and a fraction of the cost of treating these people when they roll in off the streets with Hep C from using, and sharing, dirty paraphernalia.
What's going on in these streets is ugly. I don't agree with every move these often left leaning organizations make. I don't support coddling criminals, coddling addicts, but something has to give. At least they are trying. What would you suggest? Shot then all up into space? Maybe just shoot them all? My heart doesn't bleed. If we're just gonna shoot them all, let's do it. If not, and unless someone has better ideas, you have to let these organizations do their work
If one digs into the three articles you linked, five programs are mentioned. With two, there is no mention of government funding. With the other three, there is a mention of grants going back many years, in one case decades. In one case it states, and this is straight from the articles you linked, in one case it states that the last federal grant received was in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
Look, I'm not here to defend Biden. I think he is horrible. Definitely the worst POTUS in the modern era. Maybe of all time. However, the way we get into the sensational with these topics - "Biden is funding crack pipes!" - Is it still an issue now that we see Trump funded crack pipes? Obama before him? Bush before him? These programs are autonomous. They receive funding from a multitude of sources, including local, state, and federal grants. They utilize the money as best as they see fit. They are fighting a thankless battle that none of us want any parts of. That money goes to food pantries, HIV/AIDS prevention, addiction therapy, other medical services, etc, etc, etc. If some are giving out clean crack pipes, then from a funding standpoint, that is a drop in the bucket and a fraction of the cost of treating these people when they roll in off the streets with Hep C from using, and sharing, dirty paraphernalia.
What's going on in these streets is ugly. I don't agree with every move these often left leaning organizations make. I don't support coddling criminals, coddling addicts, but something has to give. At least they are trying. What would you suggest? Shot then all up into space? Maybe just shoot them all? My heart doesn't bleed. If we're just gonna shoot them all, let's do it. If not, and unless someone has better ideas, you have to let these organizations do their work
My point is this is so much more than taxpayer dollars helping drug addicts stay on drugs. This about the media teaming up with a political party and lying.
Here is the free bacon site; I have never been to this site, looking at it appears right wingish. They got off their azz and checked!!!
They lie and think they're getting away with it. When you have the entire news media not questioning or checking guess they feel no problem just bullshiting. Except there just a few out there who actually investigate. Enter our new " disinformation commission". Who do you think they will point at? The few who disobey.
It's unreal, either really stupid not knowing pipes in kits or just flat out liars. I believe they knew, it was clear in the gov. bid that went out. So admit it, give rational why.
Now everytime I see an USAToday, Washington Post, CNN, POLITICO, and factcheck, to name a few, I will give it no credibility. Not that I gave them much before.
My point is this is so much more than taxpayer dollars helping drug addicts stay on drugs. This about the media teaming up with a political party and lying.
Here is the free bacon site; I have never been to this site, looking at it appears right wingish. They got off their azz and checked!!!
They lie and think they're getting away with it. When you have the entire news media not questioning or checking guess they feel no problem just bullshiting. Except there just a few out there who actually investigate. Enter our new " disinformation commission". Who do you think they will point at? The few who disobey.
It's unreal, either really stupid not knowing pipes in kits or just flat out liars. I believe they knew, it was clear in the gov. bid that went out. So admit it, give rational why.
Now everytime I see an USAToday, Washington Post, CNN, POLITICO, and factcheck, to name a few, I will give it no credibility. Not that I gave them much before.
It's all B.S. You shouldn't have given any of it much creditability to begin with. You never answered my question. All the Free Beacon proves is that Trump funded crack pipes. Not Biden. Does that make it better? Is that an easier pill to swallow?
And a note on tax dollars. They stop being ours when we pay them. It's so ridiculous when people say things like, "I don't want my tax dollars paying for..." That's not how it works. There's tons of things I don't want my tax dollars paying for. It is what it is. Should we go into the insane, and unchecked defense contract spending or are we picking crack pipes as our Hamburger Hill? Should we get into corporate tax incentives and subsidies? Should we get into how their are programs that pay farmers not to farm, so to the point that firms buy up millions of acres so that "our tax dollars" go directly into their pockets for doing fuck all, or are we just gonna focus on crack pipes? Jesus, I hate sounding like I'm defending Biden. Let me be clear: F*CK BIDEN, but the things we focus on are completely asinine. That clean needle costs a lot less of "our tax dollars" than an arm amputation.
It's all B.S. You shouldn't have given any of it much creditability to begin with. You never answered my question. All the Free Beacon proves is that Trump funded crack pipes. Not Biden. Does that make it better? Is that an easier pill to swallow?
And a note on tax dollars. They stop being ours when we pay them. It's so ridiculous when people say things like, "I don't want my tax dollars paying for..." That's not how it works. There's tons of things I don't want my tax dollars paying for. It is what it is. Should we go into the insane, and unchecked defense contract spending or are we picking crack pipes as our Hamburger Hill? Should we get into corporate tax incentives and subsidies? Should we get into how their are programs that pay farmers not to farm, so to the point that firms buy up millions of acres so that "our tax dollars" go directly into their pockets for doing fuck all, or are we just gonna focus on crack pipes? Jesus, I hate sounding like I'm defending Biden. Let me be clear: F*CK BIDEN, but the things we focus on are completely asinine. That clean needle costs a lot less of "our tax dollars" than an arm amputation.
Also, there are meth pipes too. What the difference between meth and crack pipe, I'm too far removed to know.
In the article below you can click on "Harm Reduction Program Grant" and see the government pdf bid requirements that include "smoking kits". I am sure what constitutes what goes into a "smoking kit" was purposely left undefined and the winning bidder would ask for clarification later.
Reducing harm to drug addicts, sure sounds great. Giving them pipes reduces harm???? Explain please.
Again, The bigger picture here is the constant " misinformation is so harmful" yet those screaming that are the guilty parties.
Also, there are meth pipes too. What the difference between meth and crack pipe, I'm too far removed to know.
In the article below you can click on "Harm Reduction Program Grant" and see the government pdf bid requirements that include "smoking kits". I am sure what constitutes what goes into a "smoking kit" was purposely left undefined and the winning bidder would ask for clarification later.
For the third time, your own cited articles proves that the Trump administration has paid from crack pipes. Not the Biden administration. Does that make it better? Is that an easier pill to swallow?
You say the bigger picture is the harmful misinformation, then you cite the Daily Mail, which is a literal tabloid. A "Bat Boy Ate My Baby" style tabloid. Doesn't mean all of their stories are made up. A lot are though. The media is full of misinformation, and disinformation. Cable New is one of the worst culprits. CNN is horrible. Fox News horrible. Do you really care about the root problem or just where it fits into the narratives you buy into? That's where the real issue is. Confirmation bias. We want to believe want we want to believe, and we seek out anything that bolsters it.
For the third time, your own cited articles proves that the Trump administration has paid from crack pipes. Not the Biden administration. Does that make it better? Is that an easier pill to swallow?
You say the bigger picture is the harmful misinformation, then you cite the Daily Mail, which is a literal tabloid. A "Bat Boy Ate My Baby" style tabloid. Doesn't mean all of their stories are made up. A lot are though. The media is full of misinformation, and disinformation. Cable New is one of the worst culprits. CNN is horrible. Fox News horrible. Do you really care about the root problem or just where it fits into the narratives you buy into? That's where the real issue is. Confirmation bias. We want to believe want we want to believe, and we seek out anything that bolsters it.
@UNIMAN What's going on in these streets is ugly. I don't agree with every move these often left leaning organizations make. I don't support coddling criminals, coddling addicts, but something has to give. At least they are trying. What would you suggest? Shot then all up into space? Maybe just shoot them all? My heart doesn't bleed. If we're just gonna shoot them all, let's do it. If not, and unless someone has better ideas, you have to let these organizations do their work
My belief is this, you save as many as you can. Some need to be institutionalized due to mental illness. Many need a guiding hand. Case in point I have friends in their 70's whose live in 40's yr old daughter got into meth. She threatened suicide at 2 in the morning outside my home. She was sent to rehab, received counseling and at this time is working full time and having a productive life. She has had a rough life, lost a spouse, no kids, basically depressed. Lucky for her she also has mom and dad. For many I am sure there is hope and for many not much hope. For God's sake don't encourage self destructive behavior!
In my opinion most everything run by government is sloppy, not cost effective, and often ineffective. Plenty of charities and private help groups that could use money wasted on supplying drug pharphernalia.
You know I think back to my pre-teen school days. Had friends who I envied for their abilities whether it be smarts, athletics, musical talent. Man, they got it made I thought. Then teenage years came and all the "weaknesses, issues" came to light. The ones who had parents who like to drink heavy became heavy drinkers themselves or got into drugs. Others just rebelled. I had three really close neighborhood friends. One was totally f'ked by end of high school, robbed a KFC for cocaine money at age 17. Killed himself at age 42. Another was bright, created a website in the 80's to locate deadbeat dad's. Sold the website for millions. His mother drank and then so did he. Died in his early 40's after going through liver transplant because of his alcohol abuse. Both these guys so much more gifted than I. Am sure they had that alcohol gene that destroyed them both. My third friend overcame asthma to become a commercial pilot and is now a cartoonist.
I really believe so much is decided by our genetics. Many are behind the 8- ball right from the start. They don't chose to self-destruct rather they are programed to easily follow that route.
Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu:
@UNIMAN What's going on in these streets is ugly. I don't agree with every move these often left leaning organizations make. I don't support coddling criminals, coddling addicts, but something has to give. At least they are trying. What would you suggest? Shot then all up into space? Maybe just shoot them all? My heart doesn't bleed. If we're just gonna shoot them all, let's do it. If not, and unless someone has better ideas, you have to let these organizations do their work
My belief is this, you save as many as you can. Some need to be institutionalized due to mental illness. Many need a guiding hand. Case in point I have friends in their 70's whose live in 40's yr old daughter got into meth. She threatened suicide at 2 in the morning outside my home. She was sent to rehab, received counseling and at this time is working full time and having a productive life. She has had a rough life, lost a spouse, no kids, basically depressed. Lucky for her she also has mom and dad. For many I am sure there is hope and for many not much hope. For God's sake don't encourage self destructive behavior!
In my opinion most everything run by government is sloppy, not cost effective, and often ineffective. Plenty of charities and private help groups that could use money wasted on supplying drug pharphernalia.
You know I think back to my pre-teen school days. Had friends who I envied for their abilities whether it be smarts, athletics, musical talent. Man, they got it made I thought. Then teenage years came and all the "weaknesses, issues" came to light. The ones who had parents who like to drink heavy became heavy drinkers themselves or got into drugs. Others just rebelled. I had three really close neighborhood friends. One was totally f'ked by end of high school, robbed a KFC for cocaine money at age 17. Killed himself at age 42. Another was bright, created a website in the 80's to locate deadbeat dad's. Sold the website for millions. His mother drank and then so did he. Died in his early 40's after going through liver transplant because of his alcohol abuse. Both these guys so much more gifted than I. Am sure they had that alcohol gene that destroyed them both. My third friend overcame asthma to become a commercial pilot and is now a cartoonist.
I really believe so much is decided by our genetics. Many are behind the 8- ball right from the start. They don't chose to self-destruct rather they are programed to easily follow that route.
It's the same thing with gas prices. People complain about the high price of gas. As well they should, it's ridiculous. Now Biden is not without blame. Our government, our intelligence agencies are not without blame but if you say to someone, "Well, oil companies are reaping record profits so...." they don't want to hear it. "Nope! Oil companies aren't unscrupulous. They aren't taking advantage of current geo-political events to price gouge a helpless populace. It's all Biden!" Let me say it again. F*CK BIDEN. I have never, and will never support him but people are more concerned with using these issues as political footballs rather than addressing actual issues. If oil companies are seeing record profits without moving record units, guess what? They're probably taking advantage of us. No one cares about that though because it's never the real issue. It's how can the issue be spun and played for one's own side. It's sick.
It's the same thing with gas prices. People complain about the high price of gas. As well they should, it's ridiculous. Now Biden is not without blame. Our government, our intelligence agencies are not without blame but if you say to someone, "Well, oil companies are reaping record profits so...." they don't want to hear it. "Nope! Oil companies aren't unscrupulous. They aren't taking advantage of current geo-political events to price gouge a helpless populace. It's all Biden!" Let me say it again. F*CK BIDEN. I have never, and will never support him but people are more concerned with using these issues as political footballs rather than addressing actual issues. If oil companies are seeing record profits without moving record units, guess what? They're probably taking advantage of us. No one cares about that though because it's never the real issue. It's how can the issue be spun and played for one's own side. It's sick.
First of all the government pdf for this project has a Feb, 2022 bid date, not sure how Trump was involved. DOYOU HAVE PROOF THIS WAS DONE PRIOR 2021?
Second, The president of the United States does not make every government decision and I am sure is not aware of every detail. IT IS HOW THEY RESPOND WHEN TOLD THE DETAILS.
Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs?
Why? Because the AP refuses to report it?
Let me catch up to you.
First of all the government pdf for this project has a Feb, 2022 bid date, not sure how Trump was involved. DOYOU HAVE PROOF THIS WAS DONE PRIOR 2021?
Second, The president of the United States does not make every government decision and I am sure is not aware of every detail. IT IS HOW THEY RESPOND WHEN TOLD THE DETAILS.
Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs?
"In my opinion most everything run by government is sloppy, not cost effective, and often ineffective. Plenty of charities and private help groups that could use money wasted on supplying drug pharphernalia."
I agree. None of these entities mentioned are run by the government. They are non-profits that receive a fraction of their funding through grants, some of which are federal grants. And even they don't get it all right.
For the fourth time, you created a thread about Biden drug kits. The thread cites three sources. The three sources mention the same five non-profits. Two of the non-profits aren't even cited as receiving any federal grants. Two seem to essentially receive perpetual federal funding, one of which going at least as far back as 2004 (according to your sources). A fifth and final, crack pipe providing program, received it's last federal funding in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
You created this thread. Has your opinion changed now that we see it has thus far been Trump providing crack pipes? Do you feel the same way? Are you going to ask the mods to change the title of the thread to "Trump admin drug kits"? Are you gonna avoid the question? Do you even care about this issue or is it just a political game piece?
"In my opinion most everything run by government is sloppy, not cost effective, and often ineffective. Plenty of charities and private help groups that could use money wasted on supplying drug pharphernalia."
I agree. None of these entities mentioned are run by the government. They are non-profits that receive a fraction of their funding through grants, some of which are federal grants. And even they don't get it all right.
For the fourth time, you created a thread about Biden drug kits. The thread cites three sources. The three sources mention the same five non-profits. Two of the non-profits aren't even cited as receiving any federal grants. Two seem to essentially receive perpetual federal funding, one of which going at least as far back as 2004 (according to your sources). A fifth and final, crack pipe providing program, received it's last federal funding in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
You created this thread. Has your opinion changed now that we see it has thus far been Trump providing crack pipes? Do you feel the same way? Are you going to ask the mods to change the title of the thread to "Trump admin drug kits"? Are you gonna avoid the question? Do you even care about this issue or is it just a political game piece?
Let me catch up to you. First of all the government pdf for this project has a Feb, 2022 bid date, not sure how Trump was involved. DO YOU HAVE PROOF THIS WAS DONE PRIOR 2021? Second, The president of the United States does not make every government decision and I am sure is not aware of every detail. IT IS HOW THEY RESPOND WHEN TOLD THE DETAILS. Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs? Why? Because the AP refuses to report it?
Did you read your own material or just post it? Are you one of those? I dug into it because I respect you. You know this. I'll say it again.
The thread cites three sources. The three sources mention the same five non-profits. Two of the non-profits aren't even cited as receiving any federal grants. Two seem to essentially receive perpetual federal funding, one of which going at least as far back as 2004 (according to your sources). A fifth and final, crack pipe providing program, received it's last federal funding in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
Let me catch up to you. First of all the government pdf for this project has a Feb, 2022 bid date, not sure how Trump was involved. DO YOU HAVE PROOF THIS WAS DONE PRIOR 2021? Second, The president of the United States does not make every government decision and I am sure is not aware of every detail. IT IS HOW THEY RESPOND WHEN TOLD THE DETAILS. Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs? Why? Because the AP refuses to report it?
Did you read your own material or just post it? Are you one of those? I dug into it because I respect you. You know this. I'll say it again.
The thread cites three sources. The three sources mention the same five non-profits. Two of the non-profits aren't even cited as receiving any federal grants. Two seem to essentially receive perpetual federal funding, one of which going at least as far back as 2004 (according to your sources). A fifth and final, crack pipe providing program, received it's last federal funding in 2019. Who was President in 2019?
The real question is are oil companies making record profits because of THEIR doing or because of the climate created by BIDEN'S doing?
Russia has made up 60% of Energy exports. Shut that off and guess what happens to big Western oil companies? Bigger profits.
The current administration stance and actions have had a huge influence on inflation and fuel costs. Hell they're pushing to shutdown existing pipelines here in Michigan that mean even higher energy costs. It's obviously what they want, higher fossil fuel costs.
The real question is are oil companies making record profits because of THEIR doing or because of the climate created by BIDEN'S doing?
Russia has made up 60% of Energy exports. Shut that off and guess what happens to big Western oil companies? Bigger profits.
The current administration stance and actions have had a huge influence on inflation and fuel costs. Hell they're pushing to shutdown existing pipelines here in Michigan that mean even higher energy costs. It's obviously what they want, higher fossil fuel costs.
"Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs?"
Five programs. Two aren't cited as receiving Government funding. Two have been receiving Government funding for years, in one case essentially decades. One received it's last round of federal funding from the Trump administration. Are we going to be adults, and have an adult conversation, are we going to post emojis?
This is me, dude, it doesn't even have to be that way.
"Third, I guess you are saying the pictures are lies? They didn't really get these pipes from government funded programs?"
Five programs. Two aren't cited as receiving Government funding. Two have been receiving Government funding for years, in one case essentially decades. One received it's last round of federal funding from the Trump administration. Are we going to be adults, and have an adult conversation, are we going to post emojis?
This is me, dude, it doesn't even have to be that way.
The real question is are oil companies making record profits because of THEIR doing or because of the climate created by BIDEN'S doing? Russia has made up 60% of Energy exports. Shut that off and guess what happens to big Western oil companies? Bigger profits. The current administration stance and actions have had a huge influence on inflation and fuel costs. Hell they're pushing to shutdown existing pipelines here in Michigan that mean even higher energy costs. It's obviously what they want, higher fossil fuel costs.
Who owns those pipelines? US energy companies, or Chinese Canadian companies? Not to get off in the weeds on oil, as it was not the subject of the thread.
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
The real question is are oil companies making record profits because of THEIR doing or because of the climate created by BIDEN'S doing? Russia has made up 60% of Energy exports. Shut that off and guess what happens to big Western oil companies? Bigger profits. The current administration stance and actions have had a huge influence on inflation and fuel costs. Hell they're pushing to shutdown existing pipelines here in Michigan that mean even higher energy costs. It's obviously what they want, higher fossil fuel costs.
Who owns those pipelines? US energy companies, or Chinese Canadian companies? Not to get off in the weeds on oil, as it was not the subject of the thread.
Stu, I think you answered your own question in the first paragraph of Post #14.
As I've said before,
is one of my favorite people on this site. I have deep respect for him. I like the guy as much as you can like a stranger. I consider him a friend, again, as much as you can consider a stranger a friend. I believe him to be reasonable, to be rational, and because of this I dug into his cited sources. They're all reporting the same source material. One was the Daily Mail. I won't go further into that. One was 13WHAM, which erroneously scoffed at, but it just Channel 13 WHAM, a seemingly legit news network out of Rochester. They're coverage was just a pick up. The last, The Free Beacon, is relatively new but surprisingly honest and thorough. If one was to read their coverage, which is from where I believe the other two picked this story up,if one were to read it, they are very honest on a few key points.
1) They state that these are the types of programs that would be eligible for funding under Biden's program. Not that they are receiving funding.
2) When reached for comment, none have said that they have even applied for such funding. I'm sure they have all applied. Who knows if any have received a dime?
3) Of the five programs featured, two weren't mentioned to have ever received federal funding. Two have been receiving federal funding for years, one of which for close to two decades, at least. A third received it's last round of crack pipe funding from the Trump administration.
This was all gleaned from his source.
Does this change your tune? It certainly changes your headline. Will you ask the mods to change you title to "Trump Drug kits"? Do you even really care about this subject, or are you just posting the sensational?
Quote Originally Posted by BWS77:
Stu, I think you answered your own question in the first paragraph of Post #14.
As I've said before,
is one of my favorite people on this site. I have deep respect for him. I like the guy as much as you can like a stranger. I consider him a friend, again, as much as you can consider a stranger a friend. I believe him to be reasonable, to be rational, and because of this I dug into his cited sources. They're all reporting the same source material. One was the Daily Mail. I won't go further into that. One was 13WHAM, which erroneously scoffed at, but it just Channel 13 WHAM, a seemingly legit news network out of Rochester. They're coverage was just a pick up. The last, The Free Beacon, is relatively new but surprisingly honest and thorough. If one was to read their coverage, which is from where I believe the other two picked this story up,if one were to read it, they are very honest on a few key points.
1) They state that these are the types of programs that would be eligible for funding under Biden's program. Not that they are receiving funding.
2) When reached for comment, none have said that they have even applied for such funding. I'm sure they have all applied. Who knows if any have received a dime?
3) Of the five programs featured, two weren't mentioned to have ever received federal funding. Two have been receiving federal funding for years, one of which for close to two decades, at least. A third received it's last round of crack pipe funding from the Trump administration.
This was all gleaned from his source.
Does this change your tune? It certainly changes your headline. Will you ask the mods to change you title to "Trump Drug kits"? Do you even really care about this subject, or are you just posting the sensational?
Those smoking kits were funded by the Trump administration, not this program.
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
Those smoking kits were funded by the Trump administration, not this program.
Again, do you even care about this issue, or is it just a political football?
Look I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, or any kind of liberal. If I were King, I'd be grinding some of these people up and using them to fill potholes. We're talking about some vile human beings, some of them. I'm not King though. And this issue is not going away. There are no easy answers. So we should not be trivializing these programs because let me tell you, they are doing God's work. These people are flipping Saints. This shit is complicated. Everyone has an opinion but none of them have answers. They are trying their best. 30 million for outreach, a fraction of which will go to clean needles, clean pipes... Hey, I hate the idea of enabling drug abusers too but when you've seen needles washed in gutter water, needles dug out of garbage, shit, give 'em some clean needles and crack/meth pipes. Sometimes you have to punt and go back to the drawing board.
Again, do you even care about this issue, or is it just a political football?
Look I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, or any kind of liberal. If I were King, I'd be grinding some of these people up and using them to fill potholes. We're talking about some vile human beings, some of them. I'm not King though. And this issue is not going away. There are no easy answers. So we should not be trivializing these programs because let me tell you, they are doing God's work. These people are flipping Saints. This shit is complicated. Everyone has an opinion but none of them have answers. They are trying their best. 30 million for outreach, a fraction of which will go to clean needles, clean pipes... Hey, I hate the idea of enabling drug abusers too but when you've seen needles washed in gutter water, needles dug out of garbage, shit, give 'em some clean needles and crack/meth pipes. Sometimes you have to punt and go back to the drawing board.
One more thing as you hype on Daily Mail and 13WHAM, etc I took the first off of a Google.
A journalist investigated smoking kits given out by those who can use govt funding for such kits. Every smoking kit contained pipes, of course they would it's a smoking kit!
The Biden admin says govt. language that says smoking kits does not mean pipes. Who ya fooling???
So I did jump the gun not seeing these funds are yet allocated.
Now, if you can show me that "smoking kits" were included in 2019 govt. funding............... I highly doubt they were.
One more thing as you hype on Daily Mail and 13WHAM, etc I took the first off of a Google.
A journalist investigated smoking kits given out by those who can use govt funding for such kits. Every smoking kit contained pipes, of course they would it's a smoking kit!
The Biden admin says govt. language that says smoking kits does not mean pipes. Who ya fooling???
So I did jump the gun not seeing these funds are yet allocated.
Now, if you can show me that "smoking kits" were included in 2019 govt. funding............... I highly doubt they were.
Do you read your own sources? Five programs that provide "smoking kits" were featured. None have yet to receive money from the Biden Administration. Three have received funding from Trump administration.
Do you read your own sources? Five programs that provide "smoking kits" were featured. None have yet to receive money from the Biden Administration. Three have received funding from Trump administration.
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