DoubleUp -- I'm not saying I think Griffin was drugged, but did you see the alleged shot that gave him the concussion? My eight year old cousin hits me harder than that all the time.
i think ESPN was wrong. Sitting in the student section about 5 rows back, i think the play he got the concussion was when he reached in on Dexter Pittman and got his 2nd foul of the game after losing it driving to the basket. He kinda leaned in and took what looked like a shoulder to the temple, which could have done it. I've had 3 or 4 concussions, and they're no joke. They did a lot of post-concussion stuff on the bench like shielding his eyes from the light because you could destroy your pupils as they don't dilate as they should.
...i'd hate to hear this, but it is a very fishy situation with 90% on OU