Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
are you guys really that dumb?
The same way you cant go into a bricks and mortar store to disrupte and harass, you cant do that to a internet site.
Where the hell have you guys been living? On another planet.
If Covers ever did choose, they could use the laws to stop people from disrupting their business.
Its no differnt then hackers attacking websites.
Some of you might want to actually stay up to date on current laws that are on the books
Some of you on this site, bring dumb to a new low.
At least rooster boy has a reason for not knowing currenyt laws, him, his brother Bob and other brother Bob, havent left the back woods in 20 years
hey, bird-brain....tell me, do you work for the government in some capacity, because someone as DUMB AS YOU, wouldn't last a second in the private sector...you are an absolute block-head....there are tons and tons of mental defectives working for the state and federal government who are only able to retain their jobs because ...basically they can't get fired...you have to be one of them..I guarantee it...you are an absolute idiot....
And another thing.....please link SPECIFIC LAWS being broken by an individual(s) when they make comments on a public message board. Bear in mind that person(s) commenting on threads, even in clusters, in NO WAY damages the website or its operation.
The individual(s) didnt appear to hack anything, nor did thet appear to upload a virus. So again please link SPECIFIC LAWS that are being broken. And mr. blockhead..dont' tell me to look it up myself..it's on you now

Waiting patiently for your in-depth, thoroughly researched, legally sound answer....
